workshop assembly

[ˈwɚkˌʃɑp əˈsɛmbli][ˈwə:kʃɔp əˈsembli]


  • I have ever worked in the electrical and water departments of the workshop in succession and am familiar with the nitrogen-Lead reflow furnace assembly processes ;

    先后在 车间的电气与水气部门工作,熟悉了氮气高速无铅回流焊炉的 组装流程;

  • According to RFID technology characteristics and the problem of mixed-model assembly workshop this article advances RFID to transform automotive mixed-model assembly workshop expounding the key role of production monitoring material monitoring and after-sales quality monitoring . 2 .

    根据RFID技术的特点和混流装配乍 存在的问题,提出应用RFID技术对汽车混流 装配 车间进行改造,阐述了生产现场监控、现场物料监控和售后质量监控等功能模块的关键作用。

  • Rich experience on floor operation management with automotive company preferable with workshop management experience on stamping machining or assembly .

    具有丰富的汽车行业 生产现场管理经验,有冲压、机加、 装配 车间管理经验者优先;

  • If can combinate assembly lines using scientific methods flexility of assembly line could be increased and also equipment cost and workshop investment would be saved . In particular the high cost assembly line would be better .

    如果能用科学的方法研究装配线的合并,可以增加装配的柔性,不仅节约了装配线设备投入成本,也减少了 厂房投入成本,尤其对于高建设成本的 装配线,效果更佳。

  • That after Combined with the specific circumstances of the workshop rear floor ' welding assembly line is designed and planned .

    再次,结合 车间具体情况,对后地板 焊装总线进行规划、设计。

  • Thesis is based on modern production management idea and compute network technique faced with assembly enterprise and aimed at assembly workshop management kernel & product assembly plan looked on as the object of research .

    本课题是基于现代生产管理思想,建立在计算机网络技术之上,面向装配类企业,针对装配 车间管理的核心,即产品 装配计划进行研究与开发。

  • Workshop production scheduling information system is a critical part of assembly plant information management .

    车间 生产调度信息系统是 装配型制造企业信息化管理的重要组成部分。

  • Assembly-process charts are generally used in industries to assist assembly operators in carrying out workshop assembly tasks and have an important influence on the final quality of products therefore the generation of accurate and detailed assembly-process charts is a key step in assembly process planning .

    装配工艺文件是指导装配人员进行 现场 装配操作的重要依据,对产品的最终质量有着非常重要的影响,故制作准确详尽的装配工艺文件是装配工艺规划中的一个极其关键的环节。

  • Monitoring and guiding the whole workshop assembly processing .

    职责四:指导及监督装配 车间的业务管理 工作

  • The company covers a workshop area of10000 square meters and transmission assembly test room of500 square meters .

    公司现拥有10000平方米的 生产 厂房,500平方米的 检验检测室。

  • With the increased weight of the ship section since 1992 the technologies of hull workshop and assembly and welding shop have been developed . The large-span large column and super crane for great tonnage technologies hve been introduced .

    自1992年以来,随着造船船体分段吨位的增加,原有的船体 车间焊车间在技术改造中均朝着大跨度、大柱距、大吨位吊车的方向发展。