working model

[ˈwə:kɪŋ ˈmɑdl][ˈwɜ:kɪŋ ˈmɔdəl]


  • Beta a Working Model to Test Ideas

    测试版是测试新构想的一种 有效 模式

  • A kind of constituting principle and working model of a distributed database server system ( DDSS ) is presented in this paper .

    介绍了一种分布式数据库服务器DDSS的构成原理及 工作 模型

  • Basing upon the rationale of SP working model was build up at last .

    在SP侧压轧制理论的基础上,建立了SP调宽轧制的 工作 模型

  • The Research and Application of an Interactive Multiobjective Planning Working Model

    文互型多目标计划 工作 模型的研究与应用

  • The realization technique and method of visualization dynamic information management system of hydropower project based on Internet are analyzed . They include system working model system planning and design ideology system structure technique support and implementation technique .

    分析了基于Internet的水电工程可视化动态信息管理系统的实现技术和方法,包括系统 工作 模型、系统规划、设计思想、体系结构、技术支持及实现技术等。

  • A full-scale working model of something built for study or testing or display .

    实验、研究或展示用的与原物尺寸一样的 工作 模型

  • Discussion on working model of university assistant class teacher

    高校班主任助理 工作 模式的探索与思考

  • Aiming at the limitation of the content pushing based on conventional request-response working model a bluetooth based content pushing system is proposed .

    针对基于请求-响应 工作 模式的内容分发技术的局限性,提出一种基于蓝牙的内容推送系统。

  • The term Lo-fi or Low Fidelity means a non-working model while a High Fidelity model is a working model .

    术语“低保真”的意思是一个非工作模型,而“高保真”模型是可 工作 模型

  • Rapidly produces an actual working model of the information system needed by the user .

    迅速产生一种“实际的 工作 模式”的信息系统需要的用户。

  • Intemal working model is the major source of coherence between individual'infancy attachment experience and his subsequent feeling and behavior .

    内部 工作 模型是个体婴儿期依恋经历与其后来的感觉和行为的连贯性的主要来源。

  • According to the demand users can set the working model of stepping motor in realtime .

    并且可根据需要,实时对步进电机 工作 方式进行设置,具有实时性和交互性的特点;

  • The working model was cut away to show the inside of the building .

    工作 模型被切成剖面,以显示大楼的内部。

  • Then it researches its framework model of IEBS which includes its conceptual model the working model and the structure of the system analyzes its business flow .

    研究了IEBS的框架模型,包括他的概念模型、 工作 模型和系统结构,分析了他的业务流程。

  • Research and development of base on the simulation software Working Model motion simulation system

    基于仿真软件 Working Model运动仿真系统的研究与开发

  • Displays of spacecraft a working model of a Mars rover and an oversized character dressed in a NASA spacesuit all impressed the students .

    太空船的展示、星探测车的 活动 模型与一个穿著航太总署太空衣巨型人物都让这些学生印象深刻。

  • A multi-energy management for the series hybrid system is developed according to the working model of the city bus .

    结合城市公交车的 营运 特点,研制开发了串联式混合动力城市公交车多能源管理系统。

  • This paper presents the working model and operation procedure of the sniffer in snort system analyzes implement methods of packet sniffer and packet analyzer .

    该文分析了Snort报文嗅探器的 工作 方式和工作过程,对Snort报文嗅探和报文解析的实现进行了分析。

  • Major points are the following : It designs the system structure of MTMCS systematically including the system network structure function structure working model and process and standard system .

    设计了总装部队训练管理控制系统(简称MTMCS)的体系结构,包括系统网络结构、功能结构、 工作 模式和流程及标准体系,明确了需求。

  • Positioning of military psychological aid and constructing of expert working model

    军队心理救援工作的定位及专家 工作 模型的建构

  • It will include budgets and time estimates and if appropriate a working model .

    同时也要提出预算书、工作时程,以及 工作 模式

  • On the basis of working model of the system the queuing model is built . The key factors for influencing performance efficiency are reached by analyzing the model .

    根据系统 工作 模型建立排队模型,并通过对该模型的分析得出了影响系统执行效率的主要因素。

  • The basic working model of VCL on HPC services is fairly simple .

    VCL中的HPC服务的基本 工作 模型非常简单。

  • A new accelerometer and its working model are presented .

    介绍了研制的加速度计及其 工作 模式

  • This project has created a working model and attracted geologists'attention all over the world ;

    创造了一种 工作 样板,引起国际地学界的嘱目;

  • Finally this thesis has introduced a modeling and simulation case of horologe in the fuze system by using the MDT ( Mechanical Desktop ) and Working Model .

    最后,本文介绍了利用三维造型软件MDT和动力学、运动学 仿真软件 Working Model,对引信系统的钟表机构进行了建模、仿真的应用实例。

  • This article compared present Management Information Systems introduced the working model and property of ASP and APS 'S linking method with Database designed and implemented the MIS with Web technique based on ASP .

    对当前MIS系统进行了比较,讨论了ASP的 工作 模式、特点和数据库连接方法,对基于ASP的Web技术信息管理系统进行了总体设计、并加以实现。

  • Explore of Mass Prevention and Control Working Model of Hypertension in Shanghai

    上海市群防群控高血压病 工作 模式探索