



  • I was so optimistic that I decided that the next day I would increase my workday to12 hours .

    我很乐观,我决定第二天,我将会增加我的 工作 时间 延长到12小时。

  • What was your typical workday like ?

    你典型的 工作 是什么样子?

  • Structure your workday to maximize efficiency .

    组织你的 工作 ,实现效率最大化。

  • What 's he doing home on a workday ?

    上班 日子,他在家干什么?

  • Use headphones if you 'll be listening to them in the middle of the workday .

    你在 工作 中听音乐的话,最好使用耳机。

  • This is a problem many people face I learned while writing about workday schedules for my recent book .

    很多人都面临着这样的问题,我在规划自己最新一本书的 工作 安排时认识到了这一点。

  • Could you describe your average workday and your key job responsibilities ?

    你可以讲讲你的 日常 工作和主要职责吗?

  • Our GM called a meeting about a month ago to say the following Monday was the last workday .

    一个月前,我们总经理召开了一个会议,宣布公司在下周一就 关门了。

  • You can also bring meditation into almost any workday task .

    你几乎可以在做任何 日常 工作 进行冥想。

  • Saturday is a workday for him .

    星期六是他的 工作

  • I all will walk 25 miles in every morning of workday .

    每个 工作 的早晨我都要步行2.5英里。

  • This hands-on management approach often stretches his workday from 6 a.m. to 11 p.m.

    这种 亲历亲为的管理方法经常让他从早上6点一直 工作到晚上11点。

  • Traffic was unbearable the workday was long and the boss unreasonable .

    交通堵塞、 工作 时间长和老板不讲道理都是让人难以忍受的。

  • Describe your typical workday .

    描述下你典型的 工作

  • The growing demands of the information age have stretched the workday to its limits .

    信息时代不断增长的需求已经让 每天 工作 时间 延长到了极限。

  • Today is friday the last workday of this week .

    今天是周五了,这周的最后一个 工作

  • Treat every workday like a school day .

    像对待学习日一样对待每一个 工作

  • When a regular workday is ten hours the overtime work may not exceed two hours for that particular day .

    二当日正常 工时达十小时者,其延长之工作时间不得超过二小时。

  • There 's your office manager who freaks out over every hitch in the workday .

    他们有对 工作 一切差错都 大发雷霆的你的办公室经理;

  • When he left the office that was it the workday was over .

    他一离开办公室,就此打住,一 工作就结束了。

  • His workday starts at 3.30 a.m. and lasts 12 hours .

    凌晨3点半开始 工作,一直持续12小时。

  • Today is my workday .

    今天是我的 工作

  • Plan and structure your workday .

    计划和组织你的 工作

  • Here are the top 10 ways to have a happier workday .

    试试下面的10大方法,让你拥有更快乐的 工作

  • Finding a place to nap in the middle of the workday can be a challenge .

    工作 时候找个地方 小睡一下可能是个难题。

  • If you started with a10-hour workday you 'll get twice as much done working just four hours .

    如果你开始一个10个小时的 工作 ,在做了4个小时后得到2倍的效果。

  • On what seemed like a very ordinary workday in new york .

    这一 纽约似乎和 平常 一样

  • In fact I seldom get an extra break in my workday .

    事实上,在工作 内我很少有额外的休息。