working party

[ˈwə:kɪŋ ˈpɑrti][ˈwɜ:kɪŋ ˈpɑ:ti]


  • A list of China 's IPR laws administrative regulations and department rules to be revised and abolished was hereby notified to the Working Party .

    将要修改和废止的知识产权法律、行政法规和部门规章的清单在此通知 工作

  • Some members of the Working Party requested China to make public and update on an ongoing basis information on conformity assessment bodies that were recognized by China .

    一些 工作 成员要求中国不断公布和更新中国承认的合格评定机构的信息。

  • 95 . China undertook bilateral market access negotiations on goods with members of the Working Party .

    95.中国与 工作 成员就货物贸易进行了双边市场准入谈判。

  • The substantive negotiation on china 's WTO entry was concluded with the drafting of the protocol working party report and other multilateral legal documents regarding china 's WTO accession completed .

    结束了中国加入世贸组织的实质性谈判,完成了中国加入世贸组织的议定书、中国 工作 报告书等多边法律文件的起草工作。

  • Thus wrapping up the historic mission of the WTO Working Party on China .

    从而结束中国 工作 的工作。

  • This report from the Joint Working Party identifies the problems and provides guidance on the monitoring and provision of high quality rinse water .

    联合 工作 的本报告鉴别了该问题,提供指导高质量漂洗用水的监测与备用。

  • Such as consultants'reports and working party studies .

    如咨询顾问的报告和 合作方的研究报告。

  • 174 . Some members of the Working Party also raised concerns regarding the subsidies that China provided in connection with SEZs and other special economic areas .

    174.一些 工作 成员还对中国所提供的与经济特区和其他特殊经济区有关的补贴表示关注。

  • 93 . Certain members of the Working Party expressed particular concerns about tariff treatment in the auto sector .

    93.某些 工作 成员对汽车部门的关税待遇表示特别关注。

  • Working Party on Urban Renewal and Planning

    城市改造和规划 工作

  • Working Party on Administrative and Financial Questions Committee on Administrative Unions

    行政和财务问题 工作 行政联合问题委员会

  • In1959a working party was set up to look into the problem .

    1959年建立了 工作 调查此问题。

  • Set up a working party to look into the matter .

    成立一个 工作 调查此事。

  • Most interestingly they are demanding that a national working party on crimes against women and children be established .

    最令人关注的是,他们要求针对侵害妇女和儿童的犯罪成立全国 专案

  • 318 . Some members of the Working Party expressed concern regarding market research activities .

    318.一些 工作 成员对市场调查活动表示关注。

  • 27 . Some members of the Working Party raised concerns about China 's use of forex controls to regulate the level and composition of trade in goods and services .

    27.一些 工作 成员对中国使用外汇管制来控制货物贸易和服务贸易的水平和构成表示关注。

  • Working Party on Development Assistance and Environment Council of Development Aid Ministers

    发展援助和环境 工作 发展援助部长理事会

  • 342 . The Working Party took note of the explanations and statements of China concerning its foreign trade regime as reflected in this Report .

    342. 工作 注意到本报告书所反映的中国关于其外贸制度的说明和声明。

  • The working party should examine : ( I ) the coverage offer made by the applicant Member ;

    工作 应审查:(ⅰ)申请加入成员所作的适用范围出价;

  • Working Party on Administrative and Financial Questions

    行政和财务问题 工作

  • Working Party on Development Assistance and Environment

    发展援助和环境 工作

  • 14 . The Working Party reviewed the foreign trade regime of China .

    14. 工作 审议了中国的对外贸易制度。

  • Working Party on Urban and Regional Planning and Research

    城市和区域规划研究 工作

  • Be honest to identify what had been observed and agree with the working party any corrective action .

    坦白告诉他们发现的问题和协商其 纠正措施。

  • Some members of the Working Party also expressed concern that China did not use relevant and available international standards as the basis for some of its existing technical regulations .

    一些 工作 成员还担心,中国没有使用相关的和可获得的国际标准作为其一些现有技术法规的基础。

  • 297 . Members of the Working Party noted that most IPR enforcement in China was done through administrative actions .

    297. 工作 成员注意到,中国大多数知识产权执法是通过行政行为。

  • They set up a working party to look into the issue .

    他们设立了一个特别 工作 来调查这个问题。

  • Some members of the Working Party expressed concern about China 's practice of not accepting the results of conformity assessment by bodies in other WTO Members .

    一些 工作 成员对中国不接受其他WTO成员中的机构进行的合格评定结果的做法表示关注。

  • The working party produced more flexible and less prescriptive guidelines than the previous group and emphasized the importance of creativity .

    和先前的组相比,现在的 工作 制定了灵活性更大的规定更少的准则,并且强调创造性的重要。