


  • Special rooms available for the disabled . Charles looked round him at the dingy smoke-discolored walls the worm-eaten staircase .

    设有无烟楼层、商务楼层和残疾人房间。查尔斯环视被烟熏黑的墙壁和 虫蛀的楼梯。

  • Round-topped worm-eaten boards staggered over the graves leaning for support and finding none .

    圆顶的、 虫蛀的木牌子无依无靠,歪歪倒倒地插在坟墓上。

  • You may wash it with water without worrying about the fragility to damp worm-eaten an putrescence which are the defects of traditional wooden furniture .

    清洁可以用水 任意冲洗,使用 寿命 特长。完全 解决了传统木质家私潮湿, 虫蛀腐烂的缺点。

  • Charles looked round him at the dingy smoke-discolored walls the worm-eaten staircase .

    查尔斯环视被烟熏黑的墙壁和 虫蛀的楼梯。

  • Objective To explore the effects of Sanye worm-eaten tea on the renal hypertension of big rats the content of the plasma nerve peptide and the level of cell factor .

    目的探讨三叶 虫茶对肾性高血压大鼠降血压作用及对血浆神经肽含量、细胞因子水平等的影响。

  • Running water is never stale and a door-hinge never gets worm-eaten .

    流水不腐, 户枢不蠹

  • The incisors in front are shaped mostly for Biting the pointed canines for tearing and the premolars and molars for grinding food . articulator registration The condition of being worm-eaten .

    前方的切齿主要用来咬住食物,尖的犬齿则撕裂食物, 而前磨牙和磨牙 用来磨碎食物。

  • He made a sudden exchange of the two instruments and turning on the worm-eaten stool and table beat them to pieces in a few blows .

    他迅速换了工具,转向 虫蛀的桌凳,几棍子把它们敲了个粉碎。

  • Running water is never stale and a door-hinge is never worm-eaten means that constant motion prevents the inroads of germs and other organisms .

    “流水不腐, 户枢不蠹”,是说它们在不停的运动中抵抗了微生物或其他生物的侵蚀。