world's end


  • Johnny Depp accepted trophies for best comedic performance for Pirates of the Caribbean : At World 's End and for best villain for Sweeney Todd .

    约翰尼·德普则凭借着《加勒比海盗: 世界 尽头》和《理发师陶 》梅开二度同时获得了最佳喜剧表演奖同最佳反面人物奖。

  • The dull repetitive combat and uninspired mission structure prevent At World 's End from being much fun . some lacking a firm will to fight were content to drift along ;

    枯燥而重复的战斗和缺乏创意的任务设定 本作的光彩大减。有的人缺乏坚定的战斗意志,而抱着 苟且偷安得过且过的心理;

  • Anyway I always try to make my clothes affordable and they actually are affordable . I 've got this shop World 's End that has incredibly good prices .

    但无论如何,我一直试着把我的服装保持在合理的价位,人们也的确买得起我的衣服。我有一间 世界 尽头的店,那里出售的衣服都非常便宜。

  • Get ready to embark on another pirate adventure with Pirates of the Caribbean : At World 's End .

    准备好开始新的一轮加勒比海盗冒险:在 世界 尽头

  • Pirates of the Caribbean 3 at World 's End

    加勒比海盗3 世界 尽头