transient motor

[ˈtrænʃənt ˈmotɚ][ˈtrænziənt ˈməutə]

[电] 暂态电动机

  • The paper studied on the transient characteristic of permanent magnet synchronous motor based on field-circuit coupled time-stepping finite element method .

    本文采用场路耦合时步有限元法对永磁 电动机进行 瞬态特性研究。

  • Transient Rotate Speed Meter of Motor for the Centrifugal Switch 's Breaking Away

    电机离心开关断开 瞬时转速测量仪

  • Application of transient rotational speed on diagnosing motor misfire of power station

    利用 瞬时转速诊断电站 系统中原 动机的失火故障

  • Based on fundamental law of dynamics separately measuring load torque and acceleration torque by the speed torque pick up and the inertia autocompensator it can directly record the transient torque output of tested motor .

    该方法以动力学定律为基础,用转矩传速传感器和惯性电气自动补偿器分别测取负载转矩和加速转矩,从而得到被试 电机 动态输出转矩。

  • The coupled field-circuit transient simulation of motor applied with a new single V-A characteristic of ideal switches

    单一方程描述理想开关特性的 电机场路耦合 动态仿真

  • Conventional study of this phenomenon was based on approximate formulas obtained from solution of a group of equations concerning the transient process of the motor usually manually calculated .

    对这个问题的传统研究,是基于手解表征 电动机 暂态行为的微分方程组而得出的近似公式。

  • Parameters Analysis of Ignition Transient in Solid Rocket Motor with Rear Igniter

    固体 发动机 尾部点火性能影响因素分析

  • Comparative Study on Transient Process of Asynchronous Motor Under Stator Windings Short Connected Braking

    异步 电动机定子绕组短接制动 瞬态过程仿真研究

  • A small disturbance voltage stability analysis mathematical model of single load and infinite bus system is presented including electromechanical transient model of induction motor . The influence of induction motor parameters on eigenvalues on a simple power system is analyzed .

    该文建立计及感应 电动机机电 暂态过程的单负荷无穷大系统的小干扰电压稳定分析数学模型,分析了感应电动机负荷参数变化对小干扰电压稳定性的影响。

  • Transient Process of DC Motor Using PWM Supply

    用PWM供电的直流 电动机 暂态过程

  • Two-phase induction motor operating principle and FEA of the electromagnetic field are combined for two-dimensional transient analysis of motor model to optimize the motor parameters .

    结合两相异步电机运行原理和电机电磁场的有限元分析理论,对 电机模型进行二维 瞬态分析,优化电机参数。

  • Analysis of Transient Performance for Brushless DC Motor Speed Regulation System

    无刷直流 电机 速系统的 暂态性能分析

  • A method of determining the transient performance of an induction motor including starting current and contribution to the fault current in a power system is necessary for the increasing number of large induction motors now being installed .

    由于在动力系统中应用大容量异步电动机越来越多,所以需要一种能决定异步 电动机起动电流及在短路时的故障电流 暂态 过程的方法。

  • The method can be used in calculating transient process of a induction motor driven system controlled by thyristers such as under starting up braking loading and unloading .

    使用这一方法可算出晶闸管控制的异步 机电传动系统在起动、制动、加减载等工况下的 暂态过程。

  • A method for calculating electromagnetic and electromechanical transient process in a PWM inverter-induction motor system using the digital computer has been given .

    本文给出一种用数字机计算PWM逆变器- 异步机系统电磁和机电 暂态过程的方法。

  • A Device for Monitoring the Transient Current of DC Motor for Heavy Steel Mill

    大型轧钢直流 电机 瞬态电流巡测装置

  • In the paper an approach to the experiment on the transient speed and the transient torque of a REPM synchronous motor is made .

    本文阐述了稀土永磁同步 电动机 瞬态转速和转矩的测试方法。

  • Model and Simulation on Reclosing Transient Process of Induction Motor

    异步 电机在重投入中 过渡过程的建模和仿真

  • Study of abnormal transient of thyristor driven DC motor

    晶闸管直流 电机 系统的异常 暂态研究

  • The Transient Behaviors of a Molecular Motor Based on a Stochastic Hopping Model

    分子 马达随机跃迁 暂态特征

  • Magnetic index of permanent magnetic motor should be calculated to find the feature of stabling and transient of the motor .

    在永磁电机的设计中,为了求出电机的稳态和 暂态特性,需要计算 电机的磁参数。

  • All of these found the theoretical basis for transient analysis of double-cage induction motor .

    全文为双笼感应 电动机 瞬态分析打下了理论基础。

  • A practical method for predicating the pressure curve at the starting transient of solid rocket motor is presented .

    介绍了一种 预示固体 发动机火箭压强曲线上升段的实用方法。

  • DSP-based transient response measurement system of ultrasonic motor

    基于DSP的超声波 电机 瞬态特性测试系统

  • Dynamic and transient stability limit of synchronous motor

    同步 电动机的动态和 瞬态稳定极限

  • A new method for measuring transient rotation speed and torque for motor has been presented in this paper .

    提出了一种基于经验 模态 分解 电机转速和转矩测量新方法。

  • The transient current and torque of induction motor at Y / △ starting

    Y/△起动时感应 电动机 瞬态电流和电磁转矩

  • The paper sets up simulation equations of static and transient performance of induction motor with solid rotor by using the state - variable method and the coordinate transformation theory and considers the influence of the rotor parameters of variation with rotor speed on motor transient performance .

    运用状态变量法和坐标变换理论建立了实心转子异步 电动机的稳态和 动态特性仿真模型,并考虑了随转速而变化的实心转子参数对动态特性的影响。

  • Study on Transient Characteristic of Permanent Magnet Motor Based on Field-circuit Coupled Method

    基于场路耦合的永磁 电机 瞬态特性研究

  • The ignition transient process of an actual motor and the effects on parameter limits variety have been analyzed .

    针对某实际 发动机,对其在点火 升压过程的工作特性进行了分析,并研究了不同参数 波动对发动机点火升压过程的影响。