


  • You can program modules directly through the unit transponder connector or over the network .

    可以或直接地,或通过单元的 应答 连接器,或通过网络对模块进行编程。

  • In this case it is first necessary to identify and delete the stored transponder code of the lost hand-held transmitter .

    在这种情况下,必须识别和删除已储存的丢失的手持式发射器的 收发器编码。

  • The Transponder is mounted on the car on the side which will eventually face the Track Unit .


  • A valid transponder is detected .

    检测到有效的 收发器

  • Its lights and transponder remained off as it took off and started to fly over the Atlantic .

    在该飞机起飞并开始飞越大西洋时,其航行灯和 雷达 收发机仍处于关闭状态。

  • The aircraft 's transponder replies with coded information to interrogation from the ground ATC station .

    飞机的 应答 用代码信息来回复地面空管站的询问。

  • Latest technology and high quality for laser keys cutting both transponder and non transponder keys .

    采用最新技术和高质量设计,适用于切割 芯片及非芯片立铣槽钥匙。

  • Transponder 's confirmed and there 's your baby .

    雷达证实,你的 宝贝儿还在那儿。

  • Acoustic transponder navigation system pulse width modulated A / D converter

    声脉冲 转发器导航系统脉宽调制模数转换器

  • Check whether the transponder is present and undamaged in the hand-held transmitter .

    检查手持式发射器中的 收发器是否存在并且没有损坏。

  • I 've got a satellite uplink transponder .

    我有一个卫星信号 应答

  • Enter the transponder password and press .

    输入 收发器密码并按。

  • Altitude encoding and transponder system

    高度编码及 发送 应答系统

  • Design of Underwater Transponder Based on Short Base Line Positioning System

    短基线定位系统中 通用 宽带 应答 的设计与实现

  • With the development of underwater acoustic technic the acoustic transponder has got widespread application as an indispensable experimental equipment .

    随着水声技术的发展,水声 应答 作为一种不可缺少的实验设备得到了广泛的应用。

  • The algorithm for capacity of transparent transponder satcom system with uplink jamming is proposed .

    提出了存在上行干扰时透明 转发器卫星通信系统的容量分析算法。

  • He activated a transponder on her car .

    他安装了一个 监听器在她的车上。

  • It is studied that intermodulation products of transparent transponder satcom system with interference .

    研究了有干扰时透明 转发器卫星通信系统中的互调分量。

  • Another function is the immobilizer which operates by means of the integrated transponder .

    另一个功能是防盗系统,它通过集成的 收发器进行工作。

  • One Method for Improving Pseudocode Noncoherent Ranging Precision in Transponder

    一种提高 应答 伪码非相干测距精度的方法

  • The Analysis and Design of Data Collection Transponder Based on Network Table

    基于网络表的数据收集 转发器的分析与设计

  • This paper presents an S-band multimode multifunctional broadband transponder and demonstrates its key techniques and operation principle .

    介绍了S频段多模式、多功能、宽频 应答 设计方案,论述了其中的关键技术和工作原理。

  • Did you switch transponder channels ?


  • You 're not displaying reset your transponder please .

    没有显示,请重调一下你的 应答

  • Check your transponder I do not get your reply .

    检查你的 应答 ,我没有收到你的回答。

  • The Transponder relays a time signal to the Track Unit which then relays it to the Driver Unit .


  • The first time the transponder is adapted its secret key is programmed .


  • I still unable receive your transponder report reaching FL150 .

    我仍然收不到你的 应答 ,到达高度层150报告。