transmission group

[trænsˈmɪʃən ɡrup][trænzˈmiʃən ɡru:p]


  • N-1 principle steady state security restriction on power flow of transmission tie line group

    输电断面潮流的 N-1静态安全约束

  • Then it is analysed systematically that the technology state of each assemblage of valve mechanism which includes valve group and valve transmission group . Therefore the diagnosis parameters of technology state of valve mechanism which are valve timing and valve clearance are determined .

    接着对配气机构气门组、气门 传动 各组件的技术状态变化进行了系统分析,从而确定了配气机构技术状态诊断参数配气相位和气门间隙。

  • IP multicast especially layered multicast is an important network technology which provides an efficient transmission mechanism for group application .

    IP组播,特别是分层组播,是一种广受重视的网络技术,为 群组应用提供了高效的 传输机制。

  • Research on the Network of Real - time Condition Monitoring and Fault Diagnosis and on the Remote Transmission System for Unit Group Vibration

    机组 振动状态实时监测故障诊断网络和远程 传输系统技术研究

  • In multiple-to-multiple group communication some mechanisms are also presented in order to enhance the source authentication and the transmission security of group communication .

    在多对多的组通信方式中,针对 通信的 传输安全和源认证问题,分别提出 通信的密钥管理机制和加密认证机制。

  • Australia 's biggest energy transmission group also raised the possibility that it would force Macquarie to abandon its role in the buy-out consortium unless the bank met demands .

    这家澳大利亚最大的能源 传输 集团的做法,还提出了这样的可能性:除非麦格理达到要求,否则该集团将迫使其放弃在收购财团中的角色。

  • The Balance Analysis of Signal-to-Noise Ratio for FM-SCM Fiber Transmission Using TV Group Modulation

    关于电视 信号对光纤副载波调频 传输中的信噪比平衡问题的分析

  • The reliability checks allow to check whether resources meeting the requirements to transmission of a group of data packets of a priority class are available in the network .

    通过按照本发明进行的许可性复查将审核,在网络中是否有与在 传输优先级别数据包时的要求相对应的资源提供使用。

  • Objective To study the transmission of group B Streptococcus ( GBS ) in the neonatal infections and the value of randomly amplified polymorphic DNA ( RAPD ) analysis in the GBS epidemiology .

    目的确定新生儿B 链球菌(GBS)感染的 传播 途径和随机引物扩增多态性(RAPD)分型方法的应用价值。

  • The unicast transmission scheme can exploit multiuser diversity . Multicast transmission scheme can get multiuser gain in the case which the transmission rate of the multicast group should be adjusted according to the user with the worst channel .

    对于单播传输机制可以利用其多用户多样性,而组播传输机制通常以 内具有最差信道条件的用户的业务质量为准来设定 传输速率以获得多用户增益。

  • Application of SDH on Transmission Network in Yanzhou Mining Group

    SDH技术在兖矿 集团煤炭 传输网中的应用

  • Besides it puts forward the suggestion on the image transmission of superluminal group velocity and the experiment on numerical coding transmission .

    速超光速图像 传输与数字编码传输实验提出了建议。

  • Accordingly the reflection and transmission group delay times are systematically investigated in an asymmetric single quantum barrier .

    在此基础上,系统地研究了单个非对称量子势垒中反射和 透射 时延

  • Application of No-voltage Multi-step Sequence Reclosing in Short Transmission Line Group

    多级无压顺序重合闸在短 线路 中的应用

  • Because it is not supported by the current network protocols the study of group communication is introduced to manage the message transmission and the group organization .

    由于现有网络通信协议不能有效支持这种通信 方式,因此引发出 群组 通讯的研究。

  • Methods Twenty rabbits were randomly divided into four groups : control microscopic control ( A1 ) study microscopic group ( A2 ) control transmission electron microscopic group ( A3 ) and study transmission electron microscopic group ( A4 ) .

    方法将20只健康新西兰白兔随机分为4组,即常规光镜组(A1)、实验光镜组(A2)、常规 电镜 (A3)、实验电镜组(A4);

  • The axial force transmission characteristics of single ( group ) pile ;

    单( )桩桩身轴力 传递特征;

  • It enables the key distribution center to broadcast a controlling header of less constant transmission size ( only two group elements ) and the authorized users can recover the session key correctly from the broadcasting information .

    密钥分发中心只需广播 传输较少的常量的控制报头信息(仅二个 元素),合法授权用户就可由加密广播信息恢复会话密钥。

  • The different transmission of group B streptococcus infections in neonates

    新生儿B 链球菌感染 传播 途径的研究

  • Ultrastructural alterations of gallbladder arterioles were detected with transmission electronic microscopy in group A and B respectively .

    每组各3例在 电镜下观察胆囊壁超微结构的病理改变。

  • Moreover data encryption method is used to ensure the security of the transmission processes of group communication .

    使用数据加密的方法,保障 通信信息在 传输方面的安全性。

  • Batch : the transmission or processing of a group of payment orders and / or securities transfer instructions as a set at discrete intervals of time .

    批处理:一 支付指令和/证券转让指令作为一个集合以不连续的时间间隔 发送或处理。

  • The project contributed to a55 % drop in the incidence of intimate partner violence a key factor in HIV transmission among a group of poor South African women .

    该项目是亲密伙伴暴力发生率下降55%的一个原因,这是一 南非贫穷妇女中艾滋病毒 传播的一个关键因素。

  • The Office Space of Ogilvy Transmission Group

    奥美 传播 集团办公空间

  • Relations Between Transmission Distance and Phase / Group Path for Oblique Propagation

    相路径与 路径同斜向 传输距离的关系距离数据半自动 传输

  • The results also show that education levels has a higher contribution to the intergenerational income transmission in lower-income group than the higher-income ones .

    另外结果也显示出:教育水平和健康水平对处在收入分位低端的 人群的代际收入 传递的影响高于较高收入阶层。

  • Satellite Transmission Test of CAAC Group Message Exchange Network

    民航 分组电报交换网的卫星 传输试验

  • Document facsimile transmission ( group 2 ) in telephone network

    GB/T4411-1984话路传真(二类机)在电话网中的 传输