
[trænsˈmɪt, trænz-][trænsˈmɪt]



  • A radio wave used to transmit and receive messages .

    用来 传送和接收信息的无线电波。

  • The channel counter and decoder provide the channel select information to the data latch and transmit logic circuits .

    通道计数器和解码器向数据锁存和 传送逻辑电路提供通道选择信息。

  • E-mail allows users to electronically transmit and receive messages text or data .

    电子函件使用户可以用电子手段 传递和接收消息、文本和数据。

  • The message they are transmitting to their daughters is very different from that of previous generations

    他们向女儿 传输的信息与上几代人截然不同。

  • Then use the netdev receive and transmit probes to capture the packet length data .

    然后,使用netdev接收和 发送探针以捕捉包长度数据。

  • Electronic mail and filing permit a user to compose and transmit a message on an office automation system .

    电子邮件和文件允许用户在办公自动化系统上编写和 传送信息。

  • He transmitted his keen enjoyment of singing to the audience .

    他把自己对演唱的激情投入 传递 了观众。

  • Aerials are designed to transmit radio frequency signal between tags and readers .

    天线的作用是在标签和读写器之间 传递射频信号。

  • There was no vibration transmitted to the handles and the machine wasn 't noisy either .

    没有任何振动 传导到手柄,机器也没有任何噪音。

  • The device is not designed to transmit to satellites .

    该设备不是为 卫星发送信号而设计的。

  • Anopheles mosquitos transmit malaria .

    疟蚊 传播疟疾。

  • The game was transmitted live in Spain and Italy

    这场比赛在西班牙和意大利进行了现场 直播

  • Receive and transmit throughput information can help you understand the amount of data being processed by the device .

    接收和 发送吞吐量信息能帮助您了解设备正在处理的数据量。

  • A terminal connected to a computer by a data link . A terminal that can transmit and receive traffic .

    通过数据传送器和电脑相连的终端。能 发送和接收信息流的一种终端设备。

  • These thin crystals transmit much of the power

    这些薄薄的晶体 传导了大部分的动力。

  • Applications can now receive transmit store and retrieve XML without intermediate conversions .

    应用程序现在不需进行中间的转换,就可以对XML进行接收、 传输、存储和检索。

  • Similar to e-mail it allows a person to quickly transmit and receive information by a cell phone .

    和电子邮件一样,手机短信也能使人用快速地 发送和接受信息。

  • The information is electronically transmitted to schools and colleges

    信息通过电子方式 传送到各所学校和学院。

  • The speed with which digital cameras can take process and transmit an image is phenomenal .

    数码相机拍摄、处理和 传输图像的速度相当惊人。

  • There was no danger of transmitting the infection through operations .

    不存在通过手术 传播这种传染病的风险。

  • In telephony the use of tones to transmit supervisory address and alerting signals over a circuit .

    在电话技术中,利用音调在电路中 传送监控、地址和报警信号的做法。

  • A videophone can transmit and receive pictures as well as sound .

    电视电话能 传送和接收图象和声音。

  • This is currently the most efficient way to transmit certain types of data like electronic mail

    这是目前 传送电子邮件等某些类型的数据的最高效方式。

  • Links are bidirectional using both a transmit and receive pair for simultaneous transmission in both directions .

    链路是双向的,在两个方向上各使用一个 传输和接收对以实现同时传输。

  • the spread of sexually transmitted diseases .


  • How fast a modem can transmit and receive data .

    收发器数据 传送装置一个调制解调器接收和 发送数据的速度。

  • It takes a teacher to transmit wisdom impart knowledge and resolve doubts .

    师者,所以 传道受业解惑也。(韩愈《师说》)

  • Nerve fibres transmit external stimuli to the brain .

    神经纤维 外界的刺激 传导给大脑。

  • The students were hoist by their own petards however as Granada decided to transmit the programme anyway .

    不过,学生们聪明反被聪明误,格拉纳达最终还是决定要 转播这个节目。