transmission distortion

[trænsˈmɪʃən dɪˈstɔrʃən][trænzˈmiʃən dɪˈstɔ:ʃən]

[计] 传输失真

  • To avoid excessive transmission distortion the bandwidth between transmitter and receiver must be at least twice that with digital carrier modulation .

    为避免过量的 传输 失真,发射机与接收机之间的带宽至少要两倍于数字载波调制的带宽。

  • The existence of transmission tube usually causes pressure signal distortion in the weapon pressure measurement .

    在武器压力测试中, 压管道的存在常常使得压力信号 产生 严重 失真

  • The Airborne movement in aircraft and optical window surface formed a relatively thin turbulent boundary layer . Aero-optical effects lead to the transmission beam phase distortion effects beam quality thus affecting capture tracking systems and communication system performance .

    飞机的运动使空气在飞机及通信端机窗口表面出形成一比较薄的湍流附面层,这将导致 传输光束的位相 畸变,影响光束质量,从而影响捕获、跟踪系统及通信系统的性能。

  • As a method of solving this problem multiple description coding ( MDC ) is concerned widely due to satisfy the requirement of real-time data transmission and reduce data distortion .

    而多描述编码因其能满足实时数据在不可靠 信道 传输时可以保证数据 恢复 质量的要求而受到越来越广泛的关注。

  • Study on Data Transmission in LAN and Distortion Measuring in Distribution Strap Down AHRS

    分布式捷联姿态基准中局域网数据 传输变形测量研究

  • Simulation results show that the proposed method can reduce the packet error video transmission distortion of video quality improve the quality of reconstructed video .

    仿真结果显示与传统的视频 传输方法相比,本文提出的方法能够减少 视频 传输的误包对视频质量的 失真 影响,提高了重建视频的质量。

  • Experimental results indicate the largest upper cut-off frequency of human ECG 12 leads is about 30 Hz thus a low-pass circuit system can satisfy the requirement of transmission of ECG without wave distortion .

    实验结果表明,人体十二导联心电信息频谱频率上限的最大值在工程上可以认为是在30Hz左右,因而,高端截止频率为30Hz的特性良好的低通电路系统即可满足不 失真 传输心电信号。

  • Combining the transmission distortion of face region a face region refreshed algorithm based on distortion is proposed and implemented . The algorithm can choose face region refreshed in dynamic ways in accordance with the missed package rate and the error propagation of transmission distortion .

    结合人脸区域失真度,提出并实现了一种基于失真度的人脸区域更新算法,提出的算法能根据丢包率和 传输 失真度扩散情况动态的选择人脸区域更新。

  • Analysis on the C / N Rate of Fiber Transmission and Nonlinear Distortion

    光缆 传输的载噪比与非线性 失真分析

  • Usually there is need to use error control coding to detect and correct those transmission errors caused by signal distortion .

    通常需要采用差错控制码来检测和纠正由信道 失真引起的 信息 传输错误。

  • In order to reduce the computation overhead a scheme which estimate the video transmission distortion by modeling the error propagation is proposed .

    为了降低计算开销,本文提出一种基于错误扩散建模的视频 传输 失真估算方法。

  • Due to the medium vision is not perfect so the light in the process of transmission distortion interact with each other .

    由于异向介质是不完善的,光线在 传播过程中相互作用互相 扭曲

  • Algorithm for intersecting point solving transmission of field information alternative and distortion judgment as well as local adjustment of element are also researched in details in this paper .

    本文还详细研究了切边求交、单元的取舍判断、 畸变判断和局部调整、新旧单元系统的 变形场信息 传递等算法。

  • Using twisted-pair to replace the traditional coaxial line and using balance transmission and difference receive to replace the single terminal video signal transmission technical can settle the problems of image distortion and aberrance in long distance signal transmission .

    利用双绞线代替传统使用的同轴电缆,采取平衡发送、差分接收的模拟信号 传输技术代替单端视频信号的 传输技术,有效地解决了普通视频电缆远距离传输信号时的图像 失真及畸变等问题。

  • Study found that administrative communication in asymmetric information mainly for the information distribution imbalance information transmission distortion and loss of degrees in three areas of information use .

    研究发现行政沟通中信息不对称主要表现为信息分布失衡,信息 传递 失真和信息使用失度三方面。

  • By evaluating the channel distortion and source distortion of all macroblock modes the optimal macroblock mode is selected adaptively to minimize transmission distortion .

    通过估算不同宏块模式的信源失真和信道失真,自适应地选择最佳编码模式,使得视频序列的整体 传输 失真最小。模拟实验显示,相对于H。

  • To minimize the video transmission distortion on a bandwidth-limited network path with packet loss an unequal loss protection ( ULP ) strategy was proposed for MPEG-4 fine granularity scalability ( FGS ) coding video stream .

    为了在带宽约束的丢包信道下获得最小的视频 传输 失真,提出一种基于MPEG-4精细粒度可扩展(FGS)编码的非均等错误保护(ULP)策略。

  • The results show that it is possible to realize the transmission of optical pulses without distortion even though there exists effect of group-velocity dispersion .

    在理论上发现:即使存在群色散效应,也可以实现光脉冲的无 畸变 传输

  • Experiment results demonstrated that this project had effective on encryption and decryption quick transmission speed small distortion and achieved the expected effect .

    实验结果表明,该方案加密、解密效果较好,语音 传输速度快、 失真 小,达到了预期的效果。

  • PACS is characterized by information technology networking and image transmission quality without distortion and the image information can be shared .

    其特点是信息化、网络化,以及图像 传输的高质量无 失真、影像信息可共享等。

  • Enterprise have the traditional pyramid structure to flat structure in the process of transformation really help information in enterprise internal fluctuation left and right sides of the transmission and also reduces the information distortion .

    企业由传统的金字塔型的组织结构向扁平化结构转变的过程中,有助于信息在企业内部上下、左右的 传递,也减少了信息的 失真

  • The power-aware video coding and transmission method is based on Shannon classical rate distortion theory introduces the concept of energy and sets up the power-rate-distortion model based on coding and transmission parameters .

    能量感知手语视频编码及 传输方法是在Shannon经典率 失真理论的基础上,将能量的概念引入其中,建立了基于编码和传输参数的功率率失真模型。

  • So OFDM has good performance in resisting interference and is able to meet the need of future wireless high speed transmission without any distortion .

    OFDM有良好的抗码间干扰能力,能够适应未来无线通信无 失真高速 传播的要求;

  • In a communication system after noisy channel transmission signal distortion will inevitably appear as a consequence of communication channel noise interference and fading characteristic when information signal reaching the receiver side .

    由于通信信道固有的噪声衰落特性,信号在经过有噪信道 传输后,到达接收端的过程不可避免地会受到干扰而出现信号 失真

  • The video transmission distortion was analyzed and a new macroblock importance estimation based resynchronization approach was proposed .

    对视频 传输 过程 失真进行分析后,提出了基于宏块重要性测度的重同步新方法。

  • The experiments results show the average estimation error is 9.4 % with encoding time increased 10 % . Based on the MVC framework proposed by HHI the estimation model of transmission distortion is investigated .

    实验结果表明,本模型具有较高的估计精度,平均估计误差是9.4%,平均编码时间约增加10%。再次,研究了多视点视频编码框架下的 传输 失真 估计模型。

  • Transmission without distortion which can greatly improve the capacity and relaying distance of the optical communication system can be realized by using optical solitons .

    利用光孤立子可实现无 畸变 传输,大大提高光纤通信系统的容量和中继距离。