transcortical aphasia


  • The patient was thought to have a transcortical motor aphasia with a right central seventh nerve palsy .

    考虑患者是 皮质 联接 障碍 失语 伴有右侧中枢 神经瘫痪。

  • Of 11 patients 1 was conduction aphasia 1 anomic aphasia 1 transcortical motor aphasia 1 transcortical combined aphasia and 7 subcortical aphasia syndrome .

    11例中传导性失语1例,命名性失语1例、 皮质运动 失语1例、经皮质混合性失语1例,皮层下失语综合征7例。

  • Deep alexia of the patients with transcortical sensory aphasia

    皮质感觉 失语患者的深部失读

  • Methods Six patients with transcortical sensory aphasia and deep alexia were examined by supplemental reading tests i.e. reading aloud 92 words first and then matching picture or interpreting .

    方法对6例 皮质感觉 失语并深部失读患者做补充阅读检查&92个词先朗读,后配画或解释。