


  • Not long ago I was on a transcontinental flight when I was awakened by the woman behind me .

    在不久之前,我在 的飞行途中被坐在我后面的女人叫醒。

  • This time the men were imported as work crews to construct the first transcontinental railroad .

    这一次他们是作为建造第一 横贯 大陆的铁道的劳工而进口来的。

  • The merchant houses of Bruges and Venice financed transcontinental ventures to discover sources of spices and other riches .

    布鲁日与威尼斯的商行为 大陆冒险提供了资金,以发掘香料及其它财富来源。

  • Thousands of Chinese laborers contributed greatly to the construction of america 's first transcontinental railroad and their intense efforts deserve a page in American history .

    成千上万的中国劳工为美国第一 横贯 大陆铁路的建设做出了巨大贡献;他们的巨大努力值得记录在美国历史上。

  • Building the great transcontinental railways that joined the east coast to the west coast .

    修建了 横穿 大陆的铁路使东西海岸相通。

  • On October23rd 1929 The first transcontinental air service begins from New York City to Los Angeles .

    1929年的10月23日,从纽约城到洛杉矶的首个 大陆的航线服务开通。

  • A man and a woman who have never met before find themselves assigned to the same sleeping room on a transcontinental train .

    一对陌生的孤身男女,在 一趟 洲际列车上被安排进了同一间包厢。

  • The boreal forest is transcontinental .

    北方森林是 横贯 大陆的。

  • The stake of this battle were nothing less than control of the most of the western transcontinental railroads . Not accepting combat the group split into small groups and in unorganized small groups began to withdraw in various directions .

    这次战斗的目标,是对大部分西部 横贯 大陆铁路的控制。未经战斗,部队即分散成小部队,开始毫无组织地向不同方向撤退。

  • Though some doctors had reportedly advised the England midfielder to be wary of traveling on long transcontinental flights so soon after surgery the player has jetted to California from Europe .

    虽然据报道,一些医生建议英格兰中场警惕的 飞行的长手术后这么快就旅游,玩家喷吹加利福尼亚来自欧洲。

  • I wish I could make a transcontinental trip by Grey hound bus .

    我希望我也能搭灰狗巴士做一次 横跨 大陆的旅行。

  • Transcontinental railway ; transcontinental travelers ; a transcontinental city .

    横穿 大陆的铁路;远途旅行者;大陆那边的城市。

  • Though the TRANSCONTINENTAL had published The Ring of Bells no check was forthcoming .

    跨越 大陆 虽然发表了他的《钟声激越》,却 不寄支票来。

  • They have worked on the logistics of the transcontinental ride for six months and will start their journey on Saturday from Beijing .

    为了 这次 横跨 大陆 单车旅程的后勤工作,他们已经筹备了六个月的时间,并将于本周六从北京启程。

  • James J.Hill controlled the two northern transcontinental railroads the Northern Pacific and the Great Northern in1901 .

    1901年,摩根和他的同伙詹姆斯·J·希尔控制了两条北部 横贯 大陆的铁路, 北太平洋铁路和大北铁路。

  • The transcontinental railway goes from New York in the east to San Francisco in the west .

    横穿 大陆的铁路从东部的纽约起到西部的旧金山上。

  • Old World woody vines . transcontinental geophysical survey

    旧大陆木质草本植物。 横贯 大陆地球物理调查

  • It is believed that Hung Wah may have been among the few workers who remained to the completion of the Transcontinental Railroad .

    据可靠推测,HW是少数坚持到 大陆铁路 最终完工的 华工之一。

  • Indeed there was great celebration on the day a Golden Spike was driven to complete the first transcontinental railroad in1869 .

    1869年,在“金色道钉”(GoldenSpike)被钉入枕木、从而宣告第一 横贯 美国 大陆的铁路完工的当天,人们举行了盛大庆典。

  • To offset its inland location Chongqing has been linked up to transcontinental freight services .

    为了抵消地处内陆的不利影响,重庆已加入 洲际货运服务网络。

  • America is the nation that built the transcontinental railroad brought electricity to rural communities and constructed the interstate highway system .

    美国是建造了 横贯 大陆铁路的国家,我们将电带入了农村,建造了跨州的公路系统。

  • Before the building of transcontinental railroads California too relied on such ships for much of its trade .

    在修建 贯穿 美洲 大陆的铁路之前,加州的大量贸易也依靠这种 帆船进行。

  • The Chinese first came to the United States in the mid 1800s to help finish the American Transcontinental Railroad .

    华人最早在19世纪中叶来到美国,帮助完成美国的 横贯 大陆铁路。

  • All climbed into beautiful clear skies all four planes on transcontinental flights plump with fuel ripe to explode .

    所有这4架飞机都爬高进入朗朗晴空全,全都上了 洲际航线,机上装满了燃料,一触即炸。

  • According to the Professional Writers Association of Canada Transcontinental began circulating the new contract called the Master Author Agreement this summer .

    据加拿大专业作者协会所说,今年夏天, 洲际 媒体开始流传这种“主人作家协会”的新合同。

  • That 's where the TRANSCONTINENTAL fiver went - 'The Ring of Bells'went into the poundman 's pocket .

    《跨越 大陆》的五块钱花掉了。《钟声激越》进了 畜栏看守的腰包。

  • The United States was less than one hundred years old when the civil war was won slavery abolished and the first transcontinental railroad built .

    南北战争胜利、废除奴隶制,再到第一 横贯 大陆铁路建成,美国还不到100岁。

  • The tale of the building of the transcontinental railroad the steel band that wed the metropolitan East to the frontier West is among the greatest in American history .

    美国东部都市与西部边境的 铁路的建设,是美国历史上最伟大的传奇之一。

  • The first transcontinental football game was between the English and the Eskimos in1587 .

    第一次 横跨 大洲的足球比赛是在英格兰和爱斯基摩人之间举行的,那是在1587年。