transfer rate

[trænsˈfɚ ret][trænsˈfə: reit]


  • From the perspective of improving tobacco 's drying properties it is suggested that the air flow and heat transfer rate should he increased in the constant rate period .

    因而在保证烟丝干燥质量的前提下,应该改善流动和 传热 条件,争取在恒速阶段就把烟丝干燥到工艺要求。

  • The simulated and experimental results were in good agreement . The heat transfer rate in the adsorber was proved to control the speed of the heat pump cycle .

    计算求解值与实验结果相一致,说明了吸附器中的 传热 速率控制了热泵循环速度。

  • Through a test research for heat pipe radiators of steel column type we get the relative formula of heat transfer rate calculating temperature difference and flow rate of the heat medium .

    通过对钢制柱型热管散热器的试验研究,得出了散热器 流量和计算温差、热媒流量的关系式,并提出了进行热工性能试验的方法及进一步研究的意见。

  • For this reason volume holographic storage with its high storage capacity and data transfer rate promises to become a next-generation storage technology .

    在这种需求下,体全息存储以其大容量和高数据 读取 速率的优点进入人们的视野,并被认为是最有希望成为下一代海量存储的技术。

  • In addition the heat transfer rate and the ability of dehumidification for slit-fin-type heat exchangers are superior to the plain-fin-type coils .

    此外,裂口鳍片型式的热 及除湿 均高于平板鳍片型式的热交换器。

  • The test proves that virtual cdrom library has higher data transfer rate .

    实验结果表明:虚拟光盘库具有较高的数据 传输 速率

  • Burst data transfer rate

    外部数据 传输 ,通称突发数据 传输

  • The results indicated that the nano-gold particles could efficiently accelerate the electron transfer of myoglobin and the electron transfer rate was calculated to be1 .

    结果表明:纳米金粒子能够有效地加速肌红蛋白的电子转移,其电子 转移 速率为1。

  • In laboratory tests so far the transfer rate is too slow .

    在至今为止的实验室试验中,这种 传递 都非常忙。

  • Theoretical Study of Electron Transfer Rate in Solution

    溶液中电子 转移 反应 速率的理论研究

  • And it offers high transfer rate ( high throughput ) to access the application data for those with very large data sets ( large data set ) applications .

    而且它提供高 传输 (highthroughput)来访问应用程序的数据,适合那些有着超大数据集(largedataset)的应用程序。

  • Full-motion digitized and uncompressed video requires a data transfer rate of roughly 270M bit / sec .

    全活动、数字化和未压缩的视频需要大约270兆位/秒的数据 传输

  • The device is using an unsupported data transfer rate .

    该设备正在使用不支持的数据 传输

  • AimImproving the photoelectric transfer rate of solar cell .

    目的提高太阳能电池的 转换 效率

  • If you are experiencing a slow transfer rate click here to find out why .

    如果您的 传输 速度较慢,请单击此处查找原因。

  • The effect of interfacial turbulence on the mass transfer rate in physical absorption processes was investigated quantitatively .

    传质过程中的界面湍动现象广泛存在,宏观上表现为传质 阻力 下降传质 速率增加。

  • The experiment of the system proved that it can realize stable wireless data transmission with low BER and high transfer rate .

    经过试验表明,该系统误码率低, 传输 速率 ,能实现可靠的无线数据传输。

  • In reality the nominal transfer rate of a network interface card ( NIC ) is not achievable at the application layer due to the overheads of the lower layers ( TCP / IP etc. ) .

    实际上,由于较低层级(TCP/IP等)的开销,无法在应用程序层实现网络接口卡(NIC)的名义 传输 速度

  • To achieve the optimum transfer rate however few checks are performed regarding data formatting .

    但是,若要获得最佳的 传输 速率,应执行几个有关数据格式的检查。

  • Theoxygen transfer rate increases with aeration rate and rotating speed with the former parameter being the most significantly .

    传递 速率,通气速率均与转速有关,其中通气速率的影响最为显著。

  • The results would regulate the statistical indicators of the scientific and technological achievements and their transfer rate in universities .

    为规范高校科技成果及其 转化 等指标的统计提供依据。

  • NOTE : Network sharing is not optimal for scenarios where there is a slow transfer rate .

    注意:网络共享并不是有较低 转换 的脚本的选项。

  • Using a two-state rate equation model the transfer rate coefficients from Cs ( 6PJ ) had b.

    利用速率方程分析,可以得到精细结构碰撞 转移 速率系数。

  • The program have a lot of merits with fast data transfer rate and high security and authenticity it has strong reliability and practicability in power plant automation .

    具有数据 传输 速率快,安全可靠性高的优点,在火电厂自动化中有很强的通用性和实用性。

  • The mass transfer rate at the forward stagnation point of the droplet is derived to show the effect of electrostatic forces on the collection of submicron particles .

    根据雾滴前向 驻点处有限直径粒子的沉积行为分析了雾滴与粒子间的静电作用对小粒子捕集效果的影响。

  • Typically the source device can 't maintain a high enough transfer rate to keep the CPU busy .

    典型情形是,源设备不能保持足够高的 传输 速率以使得CPU保持繁忙。

  • The resulting transfer rate is 110 baud .

    最终的 传输 速率是110波特。

  • Usually it also causes the wall heat transfer rate to decrease somewhat in the region downstream from the point of separation .

    通常,它也会使分离点下游区间内的壁热 交换 有所减少。