transfer key

[trænsˈfɚ ki][trænsˈfə: ki:]


  • Gene transfer is the key point in plant gene engineering research which covers choosing plant accepter and exploring gene transfer approach .

    植物基因工程研究的 关键问题是向植物中 转移外源基因,它主要涉及植物受体的选择和基因转移方法的探索。

  • Research progress in the kinetic mechanism of YADH and LADH was summarized with special focus on the progress in the proton transfer and hydride transfer two key steps involved in the dehydrogenase-catalyzed reaction .

    归纳了对肝醇脱氢酶和酵母醇脱氢酶作用机理的研究,重点评述了醇脱氢酶催化反应中的两个 关键步骤质子转移和氢化物 转移过程机理的研究进展。

  • Therefore in vitro fertilization and embryo transfer is the key .

    因此,胚胎 移植是试管婴儿的 关键

  • The progress of industrial restructuring and the transfer of the key industry is a natural course of economic development . Although the government can adopt industrial policies in strengthening ang lowering the development of a industry the best industrial restructuring must accord with the phase of economic development .

    产业结构的演进, 支柱产业的 转化是经济发展的自然过程,尽管政府可以通过产业政策加强或减缓某一产业的发展,但是只有与经济发展阶段相适应的产业结构才是最优的产业结构。

  • While the radiative transfer is a key factor affecting the temperature distribution .

    其中辐射 传输是影响温度分布的一个 关键因素。

  • Thermal mass transfer is the key to mass production .

    传质问题是批量制备复合粒子的 关键

  • Knowledge resources are the core elements for technology alliance success operation and incentive and promote technology alliance knowledge transfer is the key to increase alliance enterprise technology innovation ability and strengthen competitive advantage .

    知识资源是技术联盟成功运作的核心要素,激励和促进技术联盟成员企业的知识 转移是提高联盟成员企业技术创新能力、增强竞争优势的 关键

  • We show there are some redundancies and concurrent run-time errors in the protocol and indicate that to store and transfer the public key which is desired to be transferred in open channels by the trusted party secretly is a substantial error .

    然后讨论一个该协议并发运行的实例,从而指出该协议可能存在的并发运行错误,进一步说明使用可信第三方存储并加密 传输可以完全公开的 密钥协商因子是个实质性的错误。

  • Technology transfer is key way to accomplish leaping development of regional economy and society . It requires an amount of technology transfer as strong point for the West China to achieve leaping development .

    技术 转移是实现地区经济社会跨越式发展的 重要途径,西部地区经济社会跨越式发展需要大量的技术转移作为支撑。

  • Epigenetic modification in somatic cell nuclear transfer is the key factor affecting on the development of cloned embryos thus regulation of epigenetic modification in cloned embryos may improve the cloning efficiency .

    体细胞核 移植后细胞核表观遗传修饰重建是影响到克隆胚胎能否发育到期的 关键因素,因此通过调控克隆胚胎的表观遗传修饰可能会提高核移植效率。

  • Successfulknowledge transfer is the key factor that decides ERP project 's success .

    成功的知识 转移是决定ERP项目成败的 核心因素。

  • If you extract records from a database to create the XML documents you can transfer the database key directly to the key attribute of the address_rec element .

    如果您从一个数据库提取一些记录来创建XML文档,您可以 数据库 直接传输到addressrec元素的key属性。

  • And then point out that the transfer of national key zones for development to central region is a stratagem choice when all comes to all .

    论述了主体功能区划在国土空间布局上落实科学发展观的重大战略意义,认为国家 重点开发区域向中部地区 转移是一次全局性的战略抉择。

  • The reengineering movement has profound influence on the transfer of credit management parading which has been banded by traditional ideology . To realize this kind of transfer the key thing is to find out the organic combination of ideology and structure .

    这场再造运动给银行信贷管理范式的转换带来了深刻影响,受传统理论束缚的信贷管理理念必须要有所改变,而要实现理念的 转变关键是找到理念与结构之间的有机结合。

  • Radiative transfer plays a key role in forest ecosystems . Solar radiation provides energy for photosynthesis appropriate ambient temperature and development information for plants .

    辐射 传输 研究 贯穿森林生态系统的纽带,太阳辐射为植物的生长发育提供光合能量、适宜的环境温度以及发育信息。

  • Combined Use of Transfer of Control Key Points and Pull of Inhibitory Points to Treat Hemiplegia

    中控点 转移 抑压法联合应用治疗偏瘫

  • The continuous orderly and steady transfer is a key to the steady political situation .

    权力的连续、有序、稳定 传递是政局稳定的 关键

  • Passenger transfer is a key to optimize hub and will influence whole public transportation in a city .

    从城市内部的视角来看,火车站枢纽即站前综合枢纽,其客流 换乘衔接是优化枢纽的 关键并最终会影响到整个的城市交通。

  • In poetry translation image transfer is the key and difficult point of interpreting the original poems and reproducing the verve and charm of the original poems in the versions .

    在诗歌翻译过程中,意象 传递是解读诗歌并在译文中再现原诗神韵的 关键和难点。

  • To fulfill the transfer of the key work under the guide of concept transformation ;

    以观念转变为先导,实现工作 重点 转移

  • Developed countries must promote the transfer of key biofuel technologies to developing nations said the UK 's Royal Society last week ( 14 January ) .

    英国皇家学会1月14日发布的一份报告指出,发达国家必须推动 关键的生物燃料技术向发展中国家 转移

  • Conclusion keep the premature warm properly and continuous intensive care and timely transfer is the key of success .

    结论保暖适当,全程监护,尽早 转运 转运成功的 关键

  • In Object ARX development course the data transfer is the key problem of the entire system design . It contributes a lot to the efficiency and quality of executing .

    在ObjectARX开发中,数据的 传输是整个系统开发的 关键,是关系到执行效率和品质的重要环节。

  • Scale transfer is the key of soil erosion and sediment yield modeling in different scales .

    尺度 转换是进行不同尺度间侵蚀产沙模拟的 关键 所在

  • Aiming at the effective control of mold heat transfer as one key problem of development of fluoride-free mold powder a crystallization additive was discovered to replace cuspidine in fluoride-bearing fluxes .

    针对无氟保护渣开发的 关键问题&如何有效地控制结晶器 传热,发现了一种代替保护渣中枪晶石的析晶物。

  • This paper creatively proposes making use of the quantum protocol transfer the key of watermark algorithmic .

    本文创造性的提出了利用量子密码协议 传输数字水印算法中的 密钥

  • The optimizing factors of the cool-guide structure were analyzed based on the heat stability theory and it was found that heat transfer of its key part ( at the top of the magnet ) must be strengthened to reduce the axial temperature difference of the magnet .

    基于热稳定性分析了导冷结构的优化因素,指出直接冷却导冷结构应强化 关键部位(磁体上部)的 传热,以减小磁体轴向温差。

  • Research on Influence Factors of Knowledge Transfer from Key User to Implementation Consultant in ERP

    ERP 关键用户向实施顾问知识 转移影响因素研究

  • This article examines the basic theory of transfer of shares based on the combination of the existing Company Law on the limited liability company in the process of share transfer of several key controversial issues of research and analysis .

    本文在探讨股权转让基本理论的基础上,结合现行《公司法》,对有限责任公司股权 转让过程中的几个富有争议问题进行 重点研究分析。