word for word

[wɚd fɔr wɚd][wə:d fɔ: wə:d]

一字一字地, 逐字地一字不爽

  • Yang can repeat the tenets on his pre-job training brochure word for word : Careful patient considerate enthusiastic .

    杨永发能够 逐字背诵出岗前培训手册上的信条:细致,耐心,周到,热情。

  • I have two thoughts one is that in Hebrew the word yare both the word for fear and the word for awe .

    我想说两点,一点是希伯来语中 yare这个词,这个 既有恐惧的含义, 有敬畏的含义。

  • That 's word for word what the man said .

    这就是那人说的话, 一字

  • Translating word for word and being too vague are other common errors in the subtitle groups ` work Lin explained .

    此外,林教授还说, 逐字翻译和太过含糊也是字幕组存在的通病之一。

  • For example this integer could be100 for the first constituent word 101 for the second constituent word and so on .

    比如,为第一个组件 指定100, 第二个组件 指定101等等。

  • The newspaper printed his speech more or less word for word .

    报纸几乎 逐字 逐句地刊登了他的讲话。

  • It will allow users to create new word entries obtain the definition of a given word obtain synonyms of a given word query for a word 's part of speech and remove words .

    它让用户可以创建新的单词项、得到给定单词的定义、得到给定 单词的同义字、查询 单词的词性以及删除单词。

  • Do not read the report word for word now just skim it .

    现在,不要 逐字读告,大致地看一下就可以了。

  • Write your speech word for word .

    将你预计发表的演说 逐字 逐句的先写下来。

  • Otherwise it 's a pretty bad mistake but sometimes you do want an infinite loop Word for instance Microsoft Word if you use it or pages or the like on your Mac or PC.

    否则,它将会是一个错误,但有时你确实需要一个无穷循环, 例如 微软的,当你在Mac或者PC上使用它时。

  • The young child memorized the poem word for word .

    那个小孩 一字不差地背了那首诗。

  • Translating word for word may lead the readers in wrong directions towards the understanding of the original text .


  • A word for word translation is not natural to some degree .

    某种程度上 逐字 翻译 w_111不是很自然。

  • If you translate from a foreign1anguage into English word for word the resulting English version will probably be unidiomatic .

    假如你把一种外语逐 字译成英语,译文则很可能不是地道的英语。

  • Status Offline Q.In preparing should you write out the speech word for word ?

    在准备过程中,应该把演讲的每个 写下吗?

  • Should I write out my speech word for word or work from note cards ?

    我应该把演讲稿 逐字 逐句写下来吗?还是 简要写在便笺上?

  • Did you know that before the genocide in Rwanda the word for rape and the word for marriage was the same one ?

    大家知道吗,在卢旺达种族灭绝发生以前,他们的 语言 强奸和婚姻是同一个 单词

  • This is because we speak and write in very different ways and it is a mistake to try and train yourself to speak in the way you write . But you can learn a lot from recording what you say and then writing that down word for word .

    因为说话和写作是不一样的,用写作的方式来训练口语是行不通滴~但是你可以通过录下自己的答案,再 一字一句地听着写下来,这样会进步很多~

  • I am looking for a word . I am looking for a word that nobody knows .

    我在寻找一 ,我在 寻找没人知道的

  • By applying this mapping to a whole word a phonetic key for the word is produced .

    通过对整体 单词应用这种映射,就产生了 单词的语音“键”。

  • I don 't try to memorize speeches word for word .

    我不会试图 一字不落地记住讲话 的内容。

  • Nikolay was unaware that what he was saying of Natasha might be said word for word of himself in relation to his wife .

    他没想到他说娜塔莎的这番 ,可以原封不动地用到他对自己妻子的关系上。

  • A word for word translation combined with a wonderful literary translation helps you to do exactly what you need to do .

    逐字 翻译不一定最 接近 逐字翻译并配上完整的译文,可以帮助你做到你需要做的事。

  • You have no need to translate the article word for word and translate the meaning is enough .

    你不必 逐字 逐句地翻译全文, 只要将大概意思翻出来就可以了。

  • You don 't have to repeat what I say word for word .

    你没有必要 逐句地复述我说的

  • She learned the poem many years ago but she recited it word for word .

    她许多年前读过这首诗,现在仍能 一字不差地背出来。

  • Many of our best and most popular TED Talks have been memorized word for word .

    我们很多最受欢迎的TED演讲都是 逐字 逐句完全记下来的。

  • We have also used computers English only and a diversity of other teaching methods but this teaching system with word for word translation has proved to be the most effective method .

    我们也采用过 脑教法 「英文教法」及各种其他方法,但这种 附带 翻译 方法是最有效的。

  • What he said was a word for word translation from Chinese but even if he had phrased his idea more idiomatically you still would have misunderstood him .

    他是从中文逐 字译成英文的。不过即使他的英语表达得更地道,你还是会误解他的。

  • He explains this regulation to me word for word .

    逐字 逐句地替我解释这项条例。