toxic myocarditis

[ˈtɑksɪk ˌmaɪokɑrˈdaɪtɪs][ˈtɔksik ˌmaiəukɑ:ˈdaitis]


  • Moreover the authors also referred to the necessity of the differential diagnosis between viral and toxic myocarditis in childhood in pediatric practice seriously indicating the probability of the potential existence of viral myocarditis in such clinical situation .

    本文还着重于病毒性心肌炎和 中毒 心肌炎的鉴别诊断,并认为潜在性病毒性心肌炎是存在的。

  • Pneumonia and toxic myocarditis were common in infants and toddlers while toxic hepatitis was common in children over three years old . 5 .

    婴幼儿并发肺炎和 中毒 心肌炎较多见,而3岁以上儿童 并发中毒性肝炎较多见。

  • Protective Effect of Astragalus Injection on Adriamycin-induced Toxic Myocarditis in Mice

    黄芪注射液对小鼠 中毒 心肌炎的保护作用

  • They could be seen only in children over three years old . 3 . The incidence of complications is high in children with typhoid fever . Toxic hepatitis and toxic myocarditis happen in relatively high frequencies .

    儿童伤寒的并发症发生率高,较常见的是中毒性肝炎和 中毒 心肌炎

  • There were intestinal hemorrhage ( 12 % ) toxic hepatitis ( 5.9 % ) and toxic myocarditis ( 3.4 % ) as complications .

    并发症中的肠出血占12%,中毒性肝炎占5.9%, 中毒 心肌炎占3.4%。