transfer RNA


  • Each segment or amino acid corresponds to a trio of bases in the message that in turn complement trios encoded in transfer RNA .

    每一部分,或氨基酸,对应于信使中的三个碱基,反过来, 转运 RNA编码的三个互补碱基。

  • Studies on Nucleic Acid Chemistry ⅴⅱ . Synthesis of Four Oligoribonucleotides of Dihydroutidine ( D ) Loop of Yeast Alanine Transfer RNA

    核酸化学研究Ⅶ .t-RNAy~(Ala)的D环四个低聚 核糖核苷酸片段的合成

  • E. coli transfer RNA ( tRNA ~ ( Arg )) of rare codon are utilized to enhance α - acetolactate decarboxylase gene expression and increase the activity level ;

    利用大肠杆菌稀有密码子的 转移 RNA提高α-乙酰乳酸脱羧酶表达水平及表达活性的尝试;

  • Transfer RNA genes range in length from 63 to 76 nt their planar structure present characteristic clover leaf except for tRNA-Cys and tRNA-Ser ( AGY ) because of lacking the D arm .

    tRNA基因核苷酸长度为63~ 76nt,除了tRNACys和tRNASer(AGY)缺少D臂,其余的二级结构均呈典型的三叶草状。

  • Biologic Activity Estimation of Anti-hapatitis B Transfer Factor and RNA in Vitro ⅱ . Biological Activities Evaluation with Leucocyte Adherence Inhibition Test

    抗乙肝特异性 转移因子和 核糖 核酸体外生物活性的实验研究Ⅱ.用白细胞粘附抑制试验测活

  • METHODS The comparative studies on p53 mRNA transcriptional levels were conducted by analysis of Northern blot with vacuum transfer in situ hybridization ( ISH ) with biotin-probes .

    方法以 RNA真空 转移NorthernBlot分析,以 光敏 生物 标记 探针 细胞原位杂交,对此两种细胞中 p53mRNA转录水平分别进行比较研究。

  • Serial Transfer of Tumor - Specific LAI by Immune RNA

    免疫 核糖 核酸连续 传递肿瘤特异性LAI反应

  • Influence of free radical scavengers on specific transfer factor induced inhibition of RNA synthesis in S_ ( 180 ) tumour cells

    自由基清除剂对特异性 转移因子抑制小鼠S(180)细胞 RNA合成作用的影响

  • A method for the simultaneous extraction of transfer factor and immune RNA from human leukocytes & ⅰ . transfer factor

    人体白细胞 转移因子和免疫 核糖 核酸的联合抽提法&Ⅰ.转移因子

  • Antigen-specific Transfer Factor Antagonizes the Promotive Effect of Human α - Fetoprotein on RNA Synthesis in Mouse Hepatoma-22 Ascites Cell

    特异性 转移因子对人AFP促进小鼠H22腹水肝癌细胞 RNA合成的拮抗效应

  • The transfer of cellular immunity in vitro MEM test by immune RNA isolated from guinea-pigs immunized with basic protein of human glioma

    免疫 核糖 核酸 传递对人脑胶质瘤碱性蛋白抗原的细胞免疫反应研究

  • Structure of Transfer RNA ( tRNA ) and Disease

    转移 核糖 核酸(tRNA)结构与疾病

  • RNA mainly existed as the single-stranded molecule in organisms is the genetic information carrier and plays an important role in the transfer of genetic information . In addition RNA as a nucleic acid enzyme regulates the cellular metabolism .

    RNA分子主要以单链的形式存在于生物体内,既担负着贮存及 转移遗传信息的作用,又能作为核酶直接在细胞内发挥代谢功能。

  • Transfer of specific immunity against Japanese B encephalitis virus with immune RNA

    用免疫 核糖 核酸 转移抗流行性乙型脑炎病毒的免疫

  • Observe the effect of transfer exogenous PARP-1 gene on epithelial ovarian carcinoma drug-resistance cell . 4 .

    检测 转染外源性 PARP-1 干扰 RNA 对上皮性卵巢癌耐药细胞的影响。

  • This is a study aimed at the molecular mechanisms of β defensins gene expression and it 's gene transfer experiments for preventing mucosal infection . A rat rBD 1 cDNA was cloned . The total RNA was isolated from rat kidney .

    为开展β-防御素基因表达调控分子机制及其转基因防治粘膜感染的研究,作者克隆了大鼠β 防御素 rBD-1cDNA

  • The aim of the study is to transfer the Cucumis melo GT-1 with a Cucumis melo ACO1 antisense gene and obtain transgenic plants to improve its quality for store and transport .

    本研究拟通过 RNA技术获得 ACC氧化酶基因甜瓜植株,以期获得耐贮藏的甜瓜新种质。

  • It is postulated that this charge transfer complexing between the two electrophilic groups in sesquiterpenoids and the bases in double helix of DNA or / and RNA may contribute to the antitumor mechanism of this class of compounds .

    作者据此提出了倍半萜类抗癌剂的两个亲电活性基团分别与 RNA或DNA的双股核苷酸链上的碱基发生电荷 转移络合的抗癌机理。

  • In all discovered ribozymes the hammerhead ribozyme is the best representative because it has many excellences including simple structure small molecule being apt to design synthesize and transfer further more it doesn ` t like hairpin ribozyme that has specifical to its substrate .

    在已发现的核酶中,锤头状核酶最据代表性,因为它结构简单、分子小、易于设计、合成及 转移,并且对底物 RNA 序列的要求不像发卡型 核酶那样严格。

  • Transfer of tumor specific Lai reaction in mice with xenogenetic immune RNA

    异种Ⅰ &RNA在小鼠体内 转移肿瘤特异性白细胞粘附抑制反应