transfer pricing


  • However transfer pricing can be legally exploited to pay effective taxes far below statutory rates .

    然而, 跨国 企业能够合法地利用 转移 定价,从而使自己的实际税率远低于法定税率。

  • Research on the Transfer Pricing of Firm in Existing Quantity Competition under asymmetric competition

    存在产量竞争的不对称竞争条件下集团 转移 定价研究

  • A particular focus is on transfer pricing regimes which allow companies to shift profits from one jurisdiction to another .

    转移 定价将是调查的一个焦点。跨国企业可以利用这种机制,将利润从一个司法管辖区转移到另一个。

  • On Application of the Arm 's Length Principle in the Transfer Pricing Taxation System

    论正常交易原则在 转让 定价税制中的运用

  • Analysis and Political Suggestions on Transfer Pricing in China

    我国 跨国 公司 转让 定价 税制的分析及政策建议

  • Study on Advance Pricing Agreement in Transfer Pricing

    我国预约定价制度在 转让 定价中的应用研究

  • Costs are shared or charged and profits are allocated between taxpayers in different taxing jurisdictions or more generally transfer pricing issues are involved ;

    在处于不同的税收管辖地,纳税人之间分摊、收取费用,进行利润分配,或者涉及一般性 转让 定价问题;

  • One of the main vehicles of corporate tax avoidance is a practice known as transfer pricing .

    企业避税一个最常用的手法叫做 转移 定价

  • Research on Tax Avoidance of Transfer Pricing in China in the Globalization of Economy

    经济全球化背景下我国 转让 定价避税问题研究

  • In this section we consider transfer pricing in those situations where intermediate markets are strong and well defined .

    在这里,我们讨论存在明确且竞争激烈的中间市场时, 内部 转移 计价的问题。

  • Uncertainties relating to the application of transfer pricing and similar tax regulations ;

    价格 转换和相似和税收管制的不确定性;

  • Transfer pricing of transitional corporation aims to optimize capital allocation to avoid tax and regulation from the host country and international financial risks and to seize and control market .

    跨国公司 转移 定价是为了优化资金配置、规避税负、规避东道国的各种管制、规避国际金融风险以及争夺、控制市场。

  • Advance Pricing Arrangements ( APA ) helps resolve the problems of transfer pricing abuse and double taxation or double non-taxation thus the tax department can improve their working efficiency .

    实行预约定价制度可以较好地解决 转让 定价滥用和国际双重征税或不征税问题,提高税务部门工作效率。

  • Transfer Pricing Methods Adopted by Advance Pricing Agreements in the USA and Their Implications for China

    美国预约定价协议中采用的 转让 定价方法及借鉴

  • Transfer pricing in competitive intermediate market

    竞争性中间市场 转让 定价

  • Transfer Pricing Participation Fairness Perception and Transactional Satisfaction : Based on the Empirical Study of a Structural Equation Model

    转移 定价参与、公平性感知与交易满意度&基于一项结构方程模型的实证研究

  • Different countries take different approaches to transfer pricing and double taxation can arise .

    不同的国家采用不同的方法 转移 商品 价格,重重征税由此产生。

  • Does Transfer Pricing Cause International Joint Ventures Suffer Losses in China ? The Result From An Empirical Examination

    转移 定价导致了外资亏损吗?&一个实证检验的结果

  • The topic of the hearings was an old one : companies ' use of cross-border royalty payments transfer pricing and siting of regional headquarters to lower their corporation tax payments .

    听证会的主题依然老生常谈:企业利用跨境专利使用费、 转移 定价和区域总部的选址来降低企业纳税额。

  • ( ii ) by agreement between the parties ; Study on Advance Pricing Agreement in Transfer Pricing

    (二)按照当事人约定不得转让;我国预约定价制度在 转让 定价中的应用研究

  • Study of Internal Funds Transfer Pricing for Our Commercial Banks

    我国商业银行内部资金 转移 定价研究

  • Funds Transfer Pricing System of Commercial Bank : Transfer Technique Pricing Mode and Proposals

    商业银行资金 转移 定价系统:转移方法、定价模式与实施建议

  • Research on the Anti-Tax Avoidance by MNC 's Transfer Pricing

    跨国公司利用 转让 定价进行国际避税的对策研究

  • Our country scarcely takes this strategy mainly due to insufficient recognition on transfer pricing lack of efficient international management system rapid information system and efficient guide .

    我国之所以很少采取用此策略,其原因主要是存在对 转移 定价认识不充分,未 形成有效的国际经营管理体制,缺乏快捷信息系统及有效的指导。

  • This is called transfer pricing .

    这一招被称为 转移 定价

  • Research on Transfer Pricing for Chinese Multinational Companies under the New Law on Corporate Income Tax

    新税制下在华跨国公司 转让 定价的研究

  • Chapter four : perfection of transfer pricing tax law system of our country under the circumstance of e-commerce .

    第四部门&人邦电女商务环境上委婉让 订价税造的完好。

  • Further to VAT and customs transfer pricing policy should be considered in the overall tax planning .

    除了增值税及海关的影响外,税务筹划中还应考虑 转让 定价政策的影响。

  • Complications arise due to tax deferral using foreign subsidiaries and opportunities for tax avoidance via transfer pricing .

    税收的复杂性的产生源于采用外国的补助或避税的可能与 价格 转换

  • Transfer pricing strategies for firms with oligopoly intermediate products market

    寡头竞争中间产品市场的 转移 定价策略研究