transaction control

[trænˈsækʃən kənˈtrol][trænˈzækʃən kənˈtrəul]


  • Risk management transaction control and customer services of credit card are all challenging tasks and the initial investment costs are very large .

    银行卡业务对信用风险管理、 交易 控制和客户服务等方面都存在很高的要求,其初期投入成本非常巨大。

  • A Study of Insider and Related Transaction Control in Commercial Bank

    商业银行对内部人和股东关联 交易 风险 控制研究

  • Design and implementation of real time transaction concurrency control mechanism

    实时 事务并发 控制机制的设计及其实现

  • The research of Transaction Control in Powerbuilder Programming

    Powerbuilder9.0中数据库 事务 控制的研究

  • Design a king of home gateway based on IPv6.Then introduce the module design task assign and transaction control of the system . Finally pay great attention to the issues of application and make some study and efforts .

    设计了一种基于IPv6的家庭网关,并给出系统模块化设计、任务调度、 事务 控制的实现,对应用中的一些问题作了探讨和实践。

  • The Application of the ActiveX Data Objects Transaction Control in Visual Basic & DELPHI

    ActiveX数据对象之 事务 控制在VB和DELPHI中的应用

  • In this paper a description of boolean matrix for transaction control of distributed design is presented . Whether transaction is ready can be controlled by comparison between real matrix and running matrix .

    提出分布 事务 控制的一种布尔矩阵描述,通过比较真值矩阵和运行时矩阵来控制事务的可进行性。

  • Research and design of the transaction control platform based on CICS

    基于CICS的 交易 控制平台的研究与设计

  • Talking about the transaction Concurrency Control and Recovery Technology

    浅谈 事务 处理中的并发 控制和恢复技术

  • The goal of this article is to demonstrate transaction control and propagation when using IBM ® WebSphere ® Process Server as a Service-Oriented Architecture ( SOA ) - based enterprise integration platform .

    本文的目标是演示在将IBM®WebSphere®ProcessServer用作基于面向服务的体系结构(SOA)的企业集成平台时的 事务 控制和传播。

  • A general extension to global temporary tables which allows temporary tables that are not logged to be completely taken out of transaction control .

    对全局临时表的一个通用扩展,允许没有日志记录的临时表完全脱离 事务 控制

  • Part Two will present a candidate architecture for a Transaction Control Service .

    第二部分将介绍事务 控制服务( Transaction ControlService)的候选架构。

  • A brief talk on the transaction concurrency control of database management system

    浅论数据库系统中 事务的并发 控制

  • Integrate Agent System is composed of security control module data format conversion module transaction control module system management module and Integrate Business System interface module .

    中间业务平台由安全控制模块、报文格式处理模块、 交易 控制模块、系统管理模块和核心业务系统接口模块六部分构成。

  • So we focus on the functions about translation of XML connections between itself and server transaction control module .

    基于这样的功能,本文着重讨论了XML的格式转换、通讯连携、以及作为数据库中间件 事务保证的实现。

  • A Description of Boolean Matrix for Transaction Control of Distributed Design

    分布设计 事务 控制的一种布尔矩阵描述

  • Transaction control specific issues

    事务 控制相关的问题

  • Research into the Algorithms of Transaction Concurrency Control in Database Grid

    数据库网格的 事务并发 控制算法研究

  • These services which are used to support the deployment execution and management of the workflow include security migration communication transaction control execution of tasks cooperation tolerance exception handling monitor resource management and etc.

    这些服务为迁移工作流应用的部署、运行和管理控制提供支持,包括安全、迁移、通信、 事务 控制、任务执行、协作、容错、失效恢复、监控、资源管理等多种服务。

  • JTA methods for transaction control

    控制 事务的JTA方法

  • Part Two of this article will address these issues by presenting a candidate architecture for a Transaction Control Service .

    本文的第二部分将通过介绍一个 事务 控制服务的候选架构来解决这些问题。

  • Transaction Control Based on Timestamp in Lazy Replication DDBS

    懒散复制DDBS中基于时标的 事务 控制

  • Research on Listed Companies Related-Party Transaction Internal Control in China

    中国上市公司关联方 交易内部 控制研究

  • Interceptors are a special kind of invokers that provide additional function such as data transformation security and transaction control .

    拦截器是一种特殊的调用器,它提供其他的功能,比如数据转换、安全性和 事务 控制

  • These two traditional parallel transaction control methods can not meet the requirement of enterprise asynchronous transaction management .

    这两种传统 事务的并发 控制方法不适用于企业异步事务的管理。

  • Transaction Control ( TCL ) statements help in grouping statements into logical transactions so that they can be committed or rolled back .

    Transaction Control(TCL)语句帮助把语句组织为逻辑事务,以便能够提交或回滚它们。

  • The PKI application can satisfy the demand of network transaction safety control .

    PKI应用能满足人们对网络 交易安全 保障的需求。

  • As noted above transaction control may be serial parallel or a combination of both .

    如上面所提到的, 事务 控制可能是串行的、并行的,或两者的组合。

  • The database must support at least one clearly defined language that includes functionality for data definition data manipulation data integrity and database transaction control .

    数据库必须支持至少一个确切的定义语言包括数据定义,数据操纵,数据完整和数据库 事务 控制等功能。