transfer number

[trænsˈfɚ ˈnʌmbɚ][trænsˈfə: ˈnʌmbə]

[化] 迁移数[经] 过户,转让,转运编号

  • The entropy generation number N st of heat exchangers of several flowing pattern was compared with that of contraflow heat exchanger . The varying law of N st with the heat transfer unit number NTU inlet temperature ratio τ and heat capacity ratio C was obtained .

    将几种流动型式换热器相对于逆流式换热器进行了熵产生数相对值的比较,得到了熵产生数相对值随 传热单元 、入口温度之比和热容量之比的变化规律。

  • Likewise if the rural force transfer speed and number are increased also large is the degree of land concentration making scale operation of land possible .

    同样,如果农村劳动力 转移速度和 数量加快,土地集中度就提高,土地的规模经营就成为可能。

  • The Determination of Electron Transfer Number in Electrode Reaction

    电极反应中电子 转移 的测定

  • As the vector of international element not only can foreign direct investment transfer a great number of capital but also intangible capital as advanced technology experience in management and so on to the host country .

    理论上,作为国际间要素 转移的载体,FDI在 转移 大量资本的同时,也给东道国企业带来先进的技术、管理经验等无形资本。

  • Air source heat pump water heater ( ASHPWH ) is such a energy-saving equipment that it can transfer a large number of free air energy into heat energy to users only a small amount of power is consumed .

    空气源热泵热水器是一种消耗少量的电能,将空气中 大量免费的空气能 转变为高温热能提供给用户的节能装置。

  • In this paper the results of calculations of the coefficients of skin friction and heat transfer ( Stanton number ) on the surface of hypersonic flight vehicle are presented .

    本文给出了高超声速飞行器表面摩阻和 传热系数(斯坦顿 )的计算结果。

  • The ion transfer number is introduced in the formula describing the relationship between ionic limiting molar conductivity and ionic concentration based on mode coupling theory ( MCT ) .

    在模式耦合理论推导的低浓度时离子摩尔电导率与离子浓度的关系式中,引入离子 迁移 ,提出了求离子极限摩尔电导率的新方法。

  • This paper introduces the principle of parameters transfer between windows in PowerBuilder and gives different methods to achieve parameters transfer according to the direction of transfer and the number of parameters with samples .

    该文介绍了在PowerBuilder的窗口间传递参数的基本原理,根据 传递参数的方向及个 不同结合实例给出了不同的实现方法。

  • And transportation mode choice is set up by multinomial Logit model . Based on fine goodness of Model fit the influence of average length of trip-chain and transfer number on mode choice is remarkable .

    并通过多项Logit模型建立了交通方式选择模型,在模型拟合良好的前提下,验证了平均出行链长度和 换乘 次数对方式选择的影响是显著的。

  • In this paper applying A Star Algorithm considering the least transfer number as default optimal standard a path-planning algorithm based on public transportation network is put forward .

    本文结合A算法,将 换乘 次数最少作为一个默认的最优化标准,探索出了一种基于公共交通网络的路径分析算法。

  • Once you have made the payment and paid the Western Union Agent will issue a unique transaction identification number known as Money Transfer Control Number ( MTCN ) .

    在您付款后,西方联盟代理将提供给您专用的业务交易识别码,也就是货币 转帐与管制 (MTCN)。

  • Then it makes a research on the influence factors of RCHS operation organization and concretely analyzes the statistic of container utilizing forecast of container flow volume detention time of container transfer the number of container train marshalling and so on .

    对专办站集装箱的运输组织的影响因素进行了初步的探讨,对集装箱运用的统计、箱流量的预测、 中转停留时间、班列编组箱 等进行了具体分析。

  • The electrochemical kinetics which were studied by bulk electrolysis with coulometry chronocoulometry and chronoamperometry were used for the calculation of electron transfer number electron transfer coefficient diffusion coefficient and rate constant .

    运用控制电位电解库仑法、计时库仑法、计时电流法研究了它们的电化学动力学规律,由电化学动力学测定并计算出了它们的电子 转移 、电子转移系数、扩散系数、反应速率常数。

  • Transfer a number ( as in an addition ) .

    移动 数字例如在加法中。

  • Insurance & Banking : Learning vocabulary related to the world of insurance and banking ( coverage life insurance cash transfer account number ) .

    学习有关世界级的保险和银行(保险项目、人寿保险、现金 转账账号等)。

  • Calculation of heat transfer Biot number of oil shale particles during fluidized bed combustion

    颗粒油页岩在流化床燃烧过程中的 传热Biot

  • Furthermore adoptive transfer of large number of pre-activated T cells to bypass the priming process in vivo has limited impact in the regression of cancers .

    进一步的研究发现,即使过继 转入 大量预先活化的T细胞省略了体内活化的过程对于肿瘤的转归作用仍然非常有限。

  • Apply to transfer a large number of mud mixed with liquid .

    适用于 输送混入 大量泥浆的液体。

  • Application of Excel in the calculation of the transfer unit number of absorption packed tower

    用Excel求填料吸收塔 传质单元

  • Design and develop various types of material transfer document number rules greatly reducing error rates improve efficiency .

    设计各类 流转单据及制定物料 编号规则,大大降低错误率,有效提高效率。

  • License transfer Confirmation Number is not in the correct format . It must be in the specified format comprised of the correct characters .

    许可证 转让确认 的格式不正确。必须采用含有正确字符的指定格式。

  • So long as we transfer a large number of troops to Lhasa from outside the Hans will surely flee at the first blow .

    只要我们从外地 大批武装到拉萨,一打汉人准跑;

  • SiO2 @ Li + was then added into the polymer matrix PVDF-HFP to enhance the lithium ion transfer number of the batteries assembled with the as-prepared composite polymer electrolytes .

    本文通过水解缩合、自由基聚合和离子交换法合成了核壳结构的单离子导体SiO2@Li+,并将其加入到聚合物基体PVDF-HFP中以改善所制备复合聚合物电解质组装电池体系的锂离子 迁移

  • A boundary layer numerical solution was used for the computation of combustion in hybrid rocket motor according to the boundary burning theory . Various value of mass transfer number and the oxidizer mass flux were considered in the calculation .

    针对固液混合火箭发动机典型的边界层燃烧理论,用边界层的方法对 固液混合火箭发动机燃烧进行了计算,计算采用二维轴对称的 层流边界层方程,化学 模型采用有限速率模型。

  • One is in vitro fertilization whereby doctors combine eggs and sperm in a laboratory creating embryos and transfer a small number into the uterus .

    一种是体外受精,医生会将精子和卵子放在实验室里制造胚胎,然后 其中的一些 胚胎植入子宫;

  • I promise that I shall register to the competition based on all my true individual information and will not transfer my bib number to any others ;

    本人承诺以自己的名义报名并参赛,绝不将报名后获得的 号码布以任何方式 转让给他人;

  • Today national rural labor flow and transfer number has already more than 1.3 billions in which female exiting one-third .

    目前,中国农村劳动力的流动 转移 数量已超过1.3亿。其中,约三分之一为农村女性劳动力。

  • Transfer the sequence number of hard disk that the local application program reads user 's host computer as user 's uniqueness basis through JNI interface then use RSA encrypt algorithms to realize the user information and encryption which register information are protected and proved .

    通过JNI接口 调用本地应用程序读取用户主机的硬盘序列 作为用户唯一性依据,利用RSA加密算法实现用户信息和注册信息的加密保护和验证。

  • How do you transfer your number to another extension if you leave your office for a long period ?

    如果你要长时间离开办公室,如何 你的 号码转到另一分机上呢!