transfer impedance

[trænsˈfɚ ɪmˈpidns][trænsˈfə: imˈpi:dəns]


  • Measurement of Surface Transfer Impedance & Triaxial Method

    表面 转移 阻抗的测量&三同轴方法

  • Testing of Transfer Impedance of Shielded Symmetrical Data Cables

    屏蔽对称数字通信电缆 转移 阻抗的测试研究

  • With the increase of nanowire addition in TiO2 nanoparticle / nanowire composite photoanode of DSSC the transfer impedance of electrons in the photoanode and the interface between photoanode / dye / electrolyte decreased obviously .

    TiO2纳米颗粒/纳米线复合光阳极DSSC中随着纳米线添加量的增加,电子的 传输 阻抗以及TiO2/染料/电解液界面的电荷 转移 阻抗显著减少。

  • The testing method of multi-core cable transfer impedance and shielding effectiveness are also investigated in this paper .

    本文还对多芯电缆 转移 阻抗及屏蔽效能的测试方法进行了研究。

  • Surface Transfer Impedance Analysis by means of Transmission Line Theory

    屏蔽 电缆表面 转移 阻抗的传输线分析孤 传输 线的分析

  • Computation of Coaxial Cable Transfer Impedance

    同轴电缆 转移 阻抗的计算

  • The charge transfer impedance is a main factor to control discharge process .

    电荷 传递 阻抗是控制样品放电过程的主要因素。

  • Design of an Automatic Testing System of Transfer Impedance Test Device with PC as Design Core

    以PC机为核心的 转移 阻抗测试装置的自动测试系统研制

  • Because the transfer function ( equivalent impedance ) of complex noise coupling path is usually hard to be extracted directly this work presents the transfer impedance simulation method .

    针对结构复杂的干扰耦合通路难以直接提取其传递函数(等效阻抗)的问题,提出了 转移 阻抗的仿真分析方法。

  • The Measurements Method of Transfer Impedance for the Shielded Cables

    金属屏蔽电缆 转移 阻抗的测定

  • The Application of Conducting Liner Transfer Impedance in Screen Design

    导电衬垫 转移 阻抗 在屏蔽设计中的应用

  • Experimental Research of Transfer Impedance of Microwave Communication Cable and Interference Voltage When Tower is Struck by Lightning

    通信光缆的雷击形式与防雷方法微波通信站电缆 转移 阻抗引入的干扰电压

  • The reason on the improving of the cycle performance of LiNi_ ( 0.78 ) Co_ ( 0.2 ) Pr_ ( 0.02 ) O_2 was the increasing of the charge transfer impedance restrained by doping Pr.

    LiNi0.78Co0.2Pr0.02O2循环性能提高的原因是Pr的掺入抑制了循环过程中电荷 转移 阻抗的增加。

  • This paper presents a new method for measuring transfer impedance of arched surface current probe according as the theory of square coaxial transmission line with round center conductor .

    利用内圆外方同轴传输线理论,提出弧面电流探头 传输 阻抗的校准方法。

  • An automatic test system is constructed and test level of transfer impedance test device is improved .

    建立自动测试系统,提高 转移 阻抗测试装置自动测试水平。

  • From the Nyquist spectra of the Sn-Co electrode recorded in different cycles we observed that the charge transfer impedance is gradually increased with the increase of cycles .

    对不同循环次数后的锡钴合金电极在0.05V处的 阻抗谱分析表明,其电荷 传递 阻抗随着循环次数的增加不断增大,指示锂离子嵌入逐渐变得困难。

  • The results indicated that the whole inner impedance was mainly attributed to the transfer impedance of electrons in the photoanode and the interface between photoanode / dye / electrolyte .

    结果表明:电子在光阳极中 传输 阻抗以及光阳极/染料/电解液界面的电荷 转移 阻抗是影响DSSC内部总阻抗的主要因素。

  • Application of Transfer Impedance of Conducting Gasket in Case Shielding Effectiveness Calculation

    导电衬垫 转移 阻抗 在机箱屏效计算中的应用

  • The study found that the electrode reaction among products and the adsorption ability of electrode reaction charge transfer impedance values with the increase of the content of Al 、 Sn decreases .

    研究发现了电极反应的中间产物的吸附能力及其对电极反应电荷 转移 阻抗值随着Al、Sn含量的增加而减小。

  • Introducing how to use transfer impedance of conducting gasket to calculate shielding effectiveness of case and the influencing factor of shielding effectiveness is analyzed and ameliorating method is given .

    介绍了如何用导电衬垫 转移 阻抗法计算机箱的屏蔽效能,并分析了影响机箱屏蔽效能的因素及改进措施。

  • Measurement Method of Transfer Impedance for Isolator Based on Four-Eng Parameter Analysis

    基于四端参数分析的隔振器 传递 阻抗测量方法

  • In this paper coaxial cable transfer impedance Z_r is computed .

    计算同轴电缆的 转移 阻抗ZT。

  • Methods of measurement of screening efficiency for radio-frequency coaxial cables ( Test method for transfer impedance )

    GB/T9023-1988射频同轴电缆屏蔽效率测量方法( 转移 阻抗法)

  • A Study of Measuring The Transfer Impedance of Coaxial Cable

    同轴电缆 转移 阻抗测试方法的研究

  • Based on the studies of characteristics of orthogonal projection for test voltage vector in branch space which consists of branch transfer impedance the method of locating fault branch by only one test is advanced in this paper .

    在研究了测试点电压增量向量在由支路 转移 阻抗 矩阵组成的空间的正交投影的特性后,提出了仅一次测试的结果就可定位故障支路的方法。

  • Problem is also encountered in connections between underground lines and substations . Experimental Research of Transfer Impedance of Microwave Communication Cable and Interference Voltage When Tower is Struck by Lightning

    地下电缆线路与变电站联接时还会碰到问题。微波通信站电缆 转移 阻抗及引入的干扰电压

  • This paper introduces a test method based on the screening effectiveness of single - layer screening coaxial cables - line injection method by which a test equipment is designed and manufactured that is used to complete the measurement of surface transfer impedance .

    文章介绍了基于单层屏蔽同轴电缆屏蔽性能的测试方法&线注入法,据此方法设计制作了测试装置并进行了表面 转移 阻抗的测试。

  • In this paper the relation between the voltage increment of testing node and the space of fault subnetwork is discussed on the concept of subnetwork transfer impedance and subnetwork space and the method of locating fault subnetwork is presented .

    在子网络 转移 阻抗和子网络空间概念的基础上,分析了测试点电压增量与故障子网络空间的关系,提出了将测试点电压增量投影到子网络空间定位故障子网络的方法。

  • It can be proved that the voltage ratio transfer function is easily obtained from the reciprocal of numerator polynomials of the rational fraction of the input impedance while its denominator reciprocal forms transfer function of transfer impedance .

    输入阻抗函数之有理分式其分子多项式的倒数就是电压传递函数,其分母多项式的倒数就是 转移 阻抗函数。由连分弍到有理分式的变换过程称之为反演,反之称为展开。

  • This paper presents the measurement results of the transfer impedance of a composite shielded cables .

    给出一种复合屏蔽电缆 转移 阻抗的测试方法和结果,从测试结果可看出,在低频下, 转移 阻抗为电缆屏蔽的直流 电阻