


  • The transmittal shall have a distinctive chronological number .

    传递 信件应具有不同的的编年号。

  • Exploit and Application of Signal Wireless Transmittal Device

    现场信号无线 传送设备的开发与应用

  • The middle layer is the user mode device driver to establish data transmittal path .

    中间层是建立数据 传输路径的用户模式驱动程序;

  • Controlled documents are issued in a formal manner under cover of a document transmittal proforma .

    分发受控文件时,必须遵循文件 传送预编表中规定的正规方式。

  • Uncontrolled documents and the accompanying document transmittal will identify that documents are not subject to revision control .


  • Acheson begins his Letter of Transmittal to Truman with the story of how he compiled the White Paper .


  • The white paper on United States relations with China released by the Department of state in1949 and Secretary of State Dean acheson 's letter of transmittal to President Harry S.Truman had to admit this .

    美国国务院一九四九年发表的《美国与中国的关系》白皮书和 艾奇逊国务卿给杜鲁门总统的信,都不得不承认这一点。

  • This paper gives a development survey of ground-downhole communication system makes a summary of transmittal mode and transmission principle of signals and appraises their advantages and weaknesses respectively in the light of reliability transmission depth transmission rate and development cost .

    本文介绍了地面与井下通信系统的发展概况,总结了信号的 传输方式及传输原理,并综合可靠性、传输深度、传输速率、经济性等方面,评价了它们的优缺点。

  • In case there is an error in the transmittal the contact person shall return the transmittal along with the documents to the opposite contact person and state the reason why the transmittal is returned .

    万一 传递 信件有误,联系人应返还传递信件及其附带文件给对方联系人并说明信件返还原因。

  • Copies of the completed document transmittal will be retained by the originator .

    填写完毕的文件 传输 的副本,由原件编辑人员保留。

  • The Committee states that it will forward a copy of Enclosure A to the State Department upon notification of such transmittal .

    该委员会称在公告该 讯息 传达时,将递送一份附件A之副本予国务院。

  • The internal bus using Profibus-DP protocol to communicate with the upper computer this system has improved the data transmittal rate and the data updating rate .

    内部总线采用Profibus-DP协议与上位机通信,提高了 通信速率以及上位机数据的更新速率。

  • System of Multi-Life-Sign Acquisition and Wireless Transmittal

    多生命指征的采集与无线 传输系统

  • Originate digital transmittal signals for anti-theft touch farther messaging distance and stronger air-penetration .

    首创防盗触动采用数码讯号 传讯,传讯距离更远,穿透力更强。

  • Can you find a trace of humanity justice or virtue in the White Paper or in Acheson 's Letter of Transmittal ?

    你们能在白皮书和艾奇逊信件里找到一丝一毫的 仁义道德吗?

  • Environment Parameters ' Measure and Information Transmittal Based on Java

    基于Java语言的环境参数监测与信息 上传

  • The electronic version of the transmittal shall be attached to the e-mail .

    传递 信件的电子版应附于邮件。

  • With so many possibilities synchronization and transmittal of vital information is difficult and error-prone .

    由于有如此多的可能性,同步与关键信息的 传送就变得相当困难而且容易出错。

  • Document transmittal will identify that documents have been subject to revision and the action required for the control of the superseded documents .

    文件 传送 中应说明该文件已经过修订,并且应说明被替代文件的控制方法。

  • The storage transmittal interchange and share of the natural environmental data are the important foundations of achieving the high reuse interoperability and fidelity in modeling and simulation .

    自然环境数据的存储、 传输、交换和共享是在建模与仿真中获得高可重用性、高互操作性和高逼真度的重要前提。

  • Encryption technology allows secure transmittal of information along the Internet by encoding the transmitted data using a mathematical formula that scrambles the data .

    加密技术通过数学公式对传输的数据进行编码加密,从而使信息能够安全地在网上 传输

  • Application of I / A Series in Strap Transmittal System

    I/A Series在皮带 系统中的应用

  • The documents and drawings by Contractor shall be forwarded along with a transmittal letter .

    承包商编制的文件与图纸应与 传送 一起发送。

  • The heat transmittal mode inside the solution is defined during the process of FVE .

    确定了真空蒸发冻结过程中,溶液内部的热 传递方式。

  • Scientific life can produce a large scare of this kind of data . It brings us lots of pressure on store and transmittal while offer plentiful information .

    科技生产生活中会产生的大规模的此类数据,它们在提供给我们丰富的信息的同时,也给实际应用中的储存 空间 传输 带宽提出了更高的要求。

  • The cut-off ratio may be defined in general as the percentage of established facsimile calls that are terminated prior to the transmittal of all the pages in the facsimile transaction .

    切断比一般定义为:在传真的事务处理中,已建立的传真呼叫在全部 页数 之前被终止的百分率。

  • This paper uses GPRS communication network as wireless communication mode and we transmit data by XML way and this way can enhance stability and universality of data transmittal .

    本文应用GPRS通信网络为无线通信平台,以XML方式来传输数据,提高了数据 传输的广泛性和稳定性。

  • It is no accident that the U.S.State department 's white paper on china-u.s.relations and Secretary of state acheson 's letter of transmittal to President Truman have been released at this time .

    美国国务院关于中美关系的白皮书以及 艾奇逊国务卿给杜鲁门总统的信,在现在这个时候发表,不是偶然的。