transfer of knowledge

[trænsˈfɚ ʌv ˈnɑlɪdʒ][trænsˈfə: ɔv ˈnɔlidʒ]


  • The four steps of knowledge management of the Olympic Games are : knowledge digging knowledge integrating and storing knowledge sharing and the transfer of knowledge .

    从奥运会的特点来看,其知识管理是围绕着奥运会的承办目标而进行的知识挖掘、知识整合与存储、知识共享和 知识 转化 综合 过程

  • Libraries should also encourage the transfer of knowledge and experience from experienced staff to new staff members .

    图书馆还应该鼓励有经验的馆员把丰富的 知识和经验 传授给新馆员。

  • The globalization of the company is an evolutionary process and the costs of transfer of knowledge other than transaction costs can better interpret the mechanism of this process .

    跨国经营是一个 知识 创造 转移的渐进过程, 知识 转移成本而非交易成本,能够更好地解释这一过程的演进机制。

  • Transfer of Knowledge through Expatriate Nationals Scheme ( TOKTEN scheme )

    通过侨居国民 传授 知识计划(侨民传知计划)

  • The economic analysis for transfer of knowledge

    知识 转移的经济分析

  • This provides firms in developing countries a historic opportunity to use the advantage by accepting the transfer of knowledge from developed country firms to access knowledge and ability but this process was not sailing smoothly .

    这给发展中国家企业利用后发优势,通过接受发达国家企业的 知识 转移来获得知识能力提供了历史性的机遇,但这种 知识 转移过程并不一帆风顺。

  • This paper analyzes the process and types of knowledge transfer in libraries and probe into the model and impact factors of the transfer of explicit knowledge and implicit knowledge .

    从知识转移是图书馆基本职能的体现入手,分析图书馆知识转移的过程与类型,探讨图书馆显性 知识 转移和隐性知识 转移的模式、影响因素等。

  • International transfer of knowledge and technology is also hindered by these internal differences .

    这些内部差别也阻碍了 知识和科技的国际 转移

  • Conventional teaching and training are based mainly on the transfer of knowledge or skills a process that does not address individual growth and potential particularly well .

    传统的授课和训练往往以 知识及技术的 传授为主,并不著重个人成长及潜能发展。

  • Transfer of knowledge to the next generation .

    向下一代 传承 知识

  • However if these efforts only focus on the transfer of knowledge and increased learning it is not sufficient for knowledge is only a tool .

    然而,如果所有这些努力仅仅集中在 知识 传授和技能的提升上是不够的,知识只是一个工具。

  • The four strategic models of knowledge management a in library transfer of knowledge and information and optimum practice activity customer orientation staff orientation and knowledge creation are suggested in this paper .

    提出了图书馆知识管理的4种战略模型: 知识信息 转移和最优实践活动战略,以用户为重点战略,以员工为重点战略和知识创新战略。

  • In the modern development the rural school as the main place to transfer of knowledge is not more prosperous .

    在现代化的发展之中,作为乡村中 传递 知识的主要场所,李村学校并没有日益繁荣,反而日渐衰落。

  • Personnel as the primary resource it need a reasonable and adequate flow configuration the only way to improve efficiency in the allocation of talent promote technology diffusion and transfer of knowledge innovation and development .

    人才作为第一资源,就需要合理的配置和充分的流动,只有这样才能提高人才的配置效率,促进科技 知识 转移扩散和创新发展。

  • So the design and application of techniques play an important role in the comprehension use and transfer of knowledge .

    由此,技术的设计与应用 对于 知识的理解、应用和 迁移具有重要的作用,其探究有利于发挥技术的功能,促进 知识灵活应用,培养学生解决问题、适应环境的能力。

  • So it is an opportunity for universities to consider programs that will influence the transfer of knowledge to students and practitioners of management .

    所以,对大学来说,这也是一个机会来考虑设置一些将对学生和管理实践者进行 知识 传播产生影响的项目。

  • Promote transfer of knowledge by going into teaching at random .

    用随机进入教学促进 知识 迁移

  • On the transfer of knowledge in industrial cluster zones Knowledge Industry

    试论产业聚集区的 知识 转移

  • It combines elements from many theoretical approaches that deal with the description ordering and transfer of knowledge .

    它结合了很多理论方法,处理有关 知识描述、分类和 迁移的相关内容。

  • As an example a typical problem in the enterprise is the transfer of knowledge .

    举例来说,企业中一个典型的问题是 知识 迁移

  • In transnational operate process the replication and transfer of knowledge inside the business enterprise bring about spill-over effect and tacit effect . These effects affect the cost and efficiency of the business enterprise .

    企业在跨国经营过程中 知识的复制和 转移存在外溢效应和内敛效应,影响企业交易成本和运作效率。

  • According to the different stage of multinational operates the replication and transfer of knowledge inside the business enterprise and the organization of study management should have to lay emphasis differently .

    针对跨国经营不同阶段, 知识的复制和 转移及组织学习管理都应有不同侧重点。

  • There is currently inadequate transfer of knowledge and technology including risk management to promote industry best practices .

    当前, 知识和技术的 转让(包括风险管理)也不充分,没有促进行业操作的最佳化。

  • The use of modern information network technology progressively and normative makes knowledge transfer better and quicker . We need the establishment of library knowledge transfer model to guide the actual transfer of knowledge work better services for users .

    如何利用现代信息网络技术、如何逐步规范知识转移行为,使知识转移更好更快地进行,这就需要建立图书馆知识转移的一般模式来指导实际 知识 转移工作,更好地为用户服务。

  • The modern teaching system is directed at promoting the organic integration of teaching and learning and spurring the transfer of knowledge accumulation into communication ability .

    现代的教学体系旨在促进教学双方的有机结合,促进 知识积累向交际能力 转化

  • So for the promoting transfer of knowledge and ability among each unit becomes the key of to acquire sustainable advantage to the diversified enterprises .

    为了促进 知识与技能在总公司 各个业务单位以及各个业务单位之间的 转移成了多元化企业获得持续竞争优势的关键。

  • We will pay all the expenses involved in documentation and transfer of knowledge .

    我方将支付所有涉及到文献资料和 技术 转让的费用。

  • Effective transfer of knowledge not only to enhance project management relationship management and service delivery capabilities of the IT outsourcing service provider but also to obtain higher performance of IT outsourcing projects .

    有效的 知识 转移不仅对于提升IT外包服务提供商的项目管理能力、关系管理能力以及服务交付能力,也对获取更高的IT外包项目绩效有重要意义。