transportation cost

[ˌtrænspɚˈteʃən kɔst][ˌtrænspɔ:ˈteiʃən kɔst]


  • Research on Logistics Transportation Cost Based on Road Network Impact

    基于道路网络影响的物流 运输 成本研究

  • The strain of railway transportation can be eased and transportation cost can be reduced . Furthermore it has much higher transportation efficiency .

    既缓解了铁路运力紧张的问题,又降低了 运输 成本,且有极高的运输的效率。

  • The influence of transportation cost on industrial agglomeration : theoretical analysis and positive test

    运输 成本对产业集聚的影响:理论分析与实证检验

  • The tank body is designed by means of three-dimensional aid design method with the characteristics of reasonable structure large effective capacity and reduced transportation cost .

    罐体采用计算机三维辅助设计,结构合理,有效容积大,降低 运输 成本

  • Collection path optimization and transportation cost analysis of regional stalk resource

    区域秸秆资源最优化收集路径与 运输 成本分析

  • Simulation results show that by the appropriate control of the above factors logistics consolidation can lead to a significant reduction of transportation cost .

    模拟结果显示,适当的掌握相关因子,共同配送可有效降低 配送 成本

  • Exploration on Index Calculating Method of Railway Transportation Cost

    铁路 运输 成本 费用指数体系及计算方法

  • The influence of overload transportation on road freight transportation cost and price

    超载运输对道路 货运 成本及价格的影响

  • The paper finally concludes that the hub-and-spoke airline network can decrease billions of yuan for China in the transportation cost .

    由此得出中枢航线网络每年可为国内航空客运节约至少几十亿元 运营 费用的结论。

  • The utility model has the advantages that the metal material consumption the manufacture cost and the transportation cost of the gun type basketball stand are lowered .

    优点是大大降低了炮式篮球架的金属材料消耗、制造成本和 运输 成本

  • Market Potential is an indicator of market accessibility of manufacturing in a region in which transportation cost and market scale play an important role .

    但是 运输 成本 下降的空间十分有限,难以通过 运输 成本 降低根本的改善西部的市场通达性。

  • The management of high-rate fitting exchange is something very important to the well-being of railway transportation equipment transportation cost control and transportation safety .

    搞好高价互换配件管理工作,对于维护铁路运输设备的完好状态、合理控制 运输 成本、保证铁路运输安全具有重要意义。

  • Studies reveal that manufacturing cost transportation cost accumulative effect and heterogeneous product are determining factors for automobile industrial cluster .

    并通过分析发现生产成本、 运输 成本、集聚效应以及异质产品之间的替代系数是汽车产业集群形成的决定因素。

  • To reduce the transportation cost by new technology can effectively restrain the market power .

    电力市场中电网 运输 成本是发电商实施垄断市场力的重要因素。

  • The Computing Model and Its Application for Transportation Cost under the Fund Opportunity Cost

    单块集成运算放大器资金机会成本下 运输 成本计算模型及其应用

  • Results For different distance can adopt different refrigeration equipment to the lowest transportation cost achieve sales profit maximization .

    结果对不同的距离,可以采用不同的冷藏设备,以最低的 运输 成本,达到销售利润最大化。

  • Spatial Pattern of Regional Comprehensive Transportation Cost & The Case of Jiangsu Province

    区域综合 运输 成本的空间格局研究&以江苏省为例

  • The small refrigerator can save a lot of transportation cost compared with the existing mode of transport .

    和现有运输方式相比,可节省大量 运输 费用

  • The total cost model of the system is given by considering transportation cost holding costs and ordering cost .

    在综合考虑门店和配送中心的 运输 成本、门店和配送中心各自的库存持有成本以及订货成本的基础上,建立系统年总成本模型。

  • Given the great distance between the two countries bilateral trade may be affected by high transportation cost . China has adopted effective tariff measures to facilitate trade with Trinidad and Tobago and other Caribbean countries .

    特多和中国地理相距较远,双边贸易一定程度上可能受高 运输 成本的影响,但中国采取了有力的关税政策,鼓励同包括特多在内的加勒比国家发展经贸往来。

  • Mathematic model of analyse of transportation cost forecast of trucks and profit loss

    汽车 运输 成本预测与盈亏分析数学模型

  • Every day there are more than thousand of large vans waiting for cargo distribution with low transportation cost .

    区内有武汉公路枢纽中心,有200余家 运输信息企业,每天有上千辆大型货车等待配货,且 货运 成本低。

  • The connecting components the supporting stands the blades and the like of the utility model are detachably installed and transported and the production and transportation cost is low .

    本实用新型的连接件、支架、叶片等均可以拆卸安装和运输,生产和 运输 成本低廉。

  • Originally the product manufacturer provides straightly the freight buyer bears concrete transportation cost consults the post office freight standard ! Need the customs clearing charges outlet !

    本产品厂家直供,运费买家承担,具体 运输 费用参照邮局运费标准!出口需报关费!

  • You shall bear all the transportation cost of the goods .

    货物的一切 运输 费用应该由你方负担。

  • Guangzhou Customs will to the extent permitted by relevant law and regulation assist Maersk with reducing the transportation cost for the carriage of cargo .

    广州海关在法律和政策允许范围内协助马士基广州分公司规范其经营管理、守法自律,降低 物流 成本,顺利开展国际远洋运输业务。

  • The Seller shall bear all the transportation cost of the goods shall not he ?

    货物的全部 运费由卖方负责,是不是?

  • JIT Purchasing Option Considering Transportation Cost and Information Cost

    考虑 运输 成本和信息成本的JIT采购模式选择

  • This company all offers product for not including tax and transportation cost of the unit price specific settlement and expenses can consultation .

    本公司所有报价产品为不含税及 运输 费用之单价,具体结算及费用可以协商。