transverse velocity

[trænsˈvə:s vəˈlɑsɪti][trænsˈvɜ:s viˈlɔsiti]


  • Based on the equation of stress wave important characteristic parameters ( longitudinal wave velocity transverse wave velocity kink wave velocity and kink wave angle ) of stress wave is studied .

    在应力波方程的基础上,研究了阻拦索应力波的重要特征参数(纵波波速、 横波 波速、弯折波波速和弯折角)。

  • In general it requires that the operator in addition to providing high computational efficiency shall be adaptable for steep dip reflective imaging and much rough alternation of transverse velocity .

    一般的,要求算子能适应陡倾角反射的成像及较为剧烈的 横向 速度变化,同时要具有较高的计算效率。

  • A system for measuring the transverse wave velocity and attenuation coefficients of underwater acoustic materials in parametric source method

    水声材料 横波 声速和衰减系数参量源法测量系统

  • This method is characterized by the fact that the space charge effect wil not interfere with the experimental results so the beam transverse velocity spread in a gyrotron under actual operating condition can be determined .

    该方法与目前国内外所用的拒斥场法、针孔收集极法相比,最大优点是测量结果不受空间电荷效应的影响,并能测出 回旋管实际工作状态下电子注的 速度零散。

  • With increasing of the tertiary air rate the transverse velocity components washing toward the wall becomes decrease .

    随着三次风率的增加,前、后墙侧 下行 气流冲刷前、后墙的现象得到明显的改善。

  • A measurement system was provided for measuring an average transverse wave velocity and attenuation coefficients of underwater acoustic materials in the frequency range 10-100 kHz with the characteristics of small size and narrow wave beam in the low frequency range .

    提出了测量10-100kHz频段水声材料平均 横波 声速和衰减系数的测量系统,系统具有低频、小尺寸、窄波束的特点。

  • The transverse velocity distribution accords with the exponential function distribution . the relation between the relative velocity v / vm and the relative position 2Z / B and the change range of coefficients m and n are determined .

    横向 流速分布符合指数函数分布,得到了相对流速v/vm与相对位置2Z/B之间的相关关系和系数m、n的变化范围。

  • The relationships between density of the rock uniaxial compressive strength tensile strength and the longitudinal or transverse wave velocity are also the positive correlativity which are best fitted by quadratic function exponential function and linear function respectively .

    煤系岩石密度、单轴抗压和抗拉强度与其纵波或 横波 速度之间也呈正相关关系,它们分别服从二次函数、指数函数和线性函数分布。

  • Laser cooling can make the transverse velocity of the atomic beam reduce several orders and increase the uniformity of the atomic beam also .

    激光冷却可使原子炉出射原子的 横向 速度降低几个数量级,使原子束经传输后的 横向 分布均匀度大大提高。

  • The axial velocity fluctuation velocity the turbulence intensity and transverse velocity of the fine particle were studied .

    研究了管道中近壁区颗粒的轴向速度、湍流强度和 径向 速度

  • While the geologic structure complexity rupture growth and transverse velocity variety underground are not too exquisite 3-D prestack time migration is an effective method to improve migration imaging precision .

    当地下地质构造复杂、断裂发育, 横向 速度变化不是太剧烈的情况下,提高偏移成像精度,三维叠前时间偏移是一种行之有效的方法。

  • The transverse velocity probability distribution is most concentrated wherever the measure position is .

    无论测点位置如何, 横向 流速概率分布最为集中。

  • It is difficult to credibly prove the structure by the general processing seismic data due to the complex geologic condition and the large difference of transverse stratum velocity in the piedmont .

    由于山前带地质条件复杂,地层 速度 横向变化大,常规处理地震资料难以可靠落实该构造。

  • The influences of optical feedback and external cavity length on the laser output are studied and the relation between fluctuations of speckle signal and the transverse velocity of rough surface is discussed .

    分析了随机变化的反馈强度与外腔长度对激光光谱特性的影响。模拟了散斑干涉信号的波动与粗糙表面 横向 移动 速度的关系。

  • Transverse velocity of the electrons from the gyrotron satisfies the Gaussian distribution distribution model of the velocity spread in the gyroklystron amplifier beam-wave interaction is established .

    从回旋管电子注 横向 速度满足高斯分布出发,建立了速度零散的分布模型。

  • Research of the Relativity of Rayleigh Wave Velocity and Transverse Wave Velocity in Exploration of Quaternary Period Acoustic impedance section is a basic section used for reservior construction description and lateral prediction .

    瑞雷波速度与 横波 速度在第四系勘察中的相关性探讨波阻抗剖面是用来描述油气储集层结构,并进行储层横向预测的基础剖面。

  • The measurement in situ shows that the transverse wind velocity sensing is feasible by using the correlation slope method .

    现场测量证明,利用相关斜率法遥感 横向 风速是可行的。

  • A damage variable is defined based on the transverse ultrasonic velocity and used to describe the growth law of fatigue damage . The general method to evaluate the fatigue damage of the concrete and residual life of structure is presented .

    基于 超声波 定义了损伤变量,建立了混凝土疲劳累积损伤的演化方程,最后提出了在实际工程中运用无损的超声检测法评定混凝土疲劳损伤与结构耐久性的一般方法。

  • The scaling of the longitudinal and transverse velocity structure functions is studied experimentally for turbulent jet and cylindrical wake flow .

    实验测量了射流与圆柱尾流纵、 横向的湍流 速度脉动,计算了这两种 方向的湍流 速度结构函数的标度规律。

  • This gives rise to the results of a higher critical velocity for the electrons with larger transverse velocity .

    纵向速度较高时,逃逸电子的 横向速度分量对临界速度的影响较明显, 横向 速度越大,临界 速度也越大。

  • The ratio of longitudinal to transverse conduction velocity was ( 3.20 ± 0.28 ) in controls and the ratio significantly decreased to ( 2.48 ± 0.25 ) in aortic constriction group ( P < 0.01 ) .

    对照组左室心肌纵向传导 速度 横向传导 速度比为(3.20±0.28),主动脉缩窄组的比为(2.48±0.25),两组之间存在显著性差异(P<0.01)。

  • The piston top eccentricity and transverse velocity peak value are enlarged by 23 % and 22 % in the improved design respectively which increase the possibility of scraping cylinder .

    结果表明:进行上述改进设计后,活塞顶部 横向偏移的幅值增加了23%,活塞 横向 运动 速度的峰值增加了22%,增大了擦缸的可能性;

  • The coupling between the transverse velocity and electromagnetic perturbation is considered .

    考虑了 横向扰动 速度与电磁场扰动的耦合。

  • Ultrasonic characterization and evaluation for surface coating ( SC ) properties such as thickness density longitudinal velocity transverse velocity and elastic modulus has become the hot issue of coating testing .

    表面涂层特性(如厚度、密度、纵波声速、 横波 声速、弹性模量等)的超声无损表征与评价是表面涂层质量检测与评价的研究热点和难点之一。

  • The research results show that there is a good positive correlativity between dynamic modulus of elasticity and the longitudinal or transverse wave velocity but there is no such positive correlativity between dynamic Poisson 's ratio of the rocks and its longitudinal or transverse wave velocity .

    研究结果表明,煤系岩石的动弹性模量与岩石的纵波或 横波 速度具有很好的正相关关系,而与泊松比不具有这种正相关关系。

  • The near-surface transverse velocity varies dramatically in the complex region affecting the quality of static correction and migration imaging seriously .

    在地表条件复杂的地区近地表 速度 横向变化十分剧烈,对静校正及偏移成像的结果影响很大。

  • The transverse wave velocity and attenuation coefficients were important parameters for assessing sound properties of underwater materials especially at an angle of oblique incidence .

    横波 声速和衰减系数是评定水声材料声学性能的重要参数,尤其在声波斜入射情况下;

  • The greater the amplitude change of head wave of transverse velocity is the severer the damage is the later the arriving time of the first wave hollow and the longer the damaged element will be .

    当脉冲作用点在受损单元的起始位置时,脉冲作用点 横向 速度波首波波幅变化越大,损伤越大,脉冲作用点 横向 速度波的第一个波谷到达时间越晚,损伤单元越长。

  • The results showed that the turbulence intensity and turbulent energy of the two-phase flow increased while the transverse velocity decreased in the presence of the temperature difference .

    分析已有实验数据表明:在温度场存在的气粒两相流中,两相流场的湍流强度和湍动能将会增加而 横向 速度将会减小。