


  • Is there a written contract with the transporter that moves containers from the factory to the port ?

    与将集装箱从工厂 至港口的 运输 之间是否签订了书面合同?

  • Can you see the word @ transporter @ in the word @ transportation @ ?

    在“输送”这个单词中你能看到“ 输送机”这个单词吗?

  • The connector loads the data into an empty table named Orders using the Teradata parallel transporter load driver .

    连接器使用Teradata并行 传输加载驱动程序将数据加载到一个空的Orders表中。

  • Mine has to be the transporter from Star Trek .

    以我看一定还是《星际迷航》的 传送器系统最好。

  • The Linkage Disequilibrium Study of the Serotonin Transporter Gene and Attempted Suicide

    自杀未遂与5-羟色胺 转运体基因的连锁不平衡研究

  • Study on the Strategy of Managing Exceeding Limit and Overload Transportation Based on Transporter s Risk Preference ;

    基于 运输 风险偏好的治理超载超限策略研究用 客车 运输或者搬运。

  • This paper expounds the performance structure and operation of the hydraulic rail short haul hoisting transporter and introduces its development process .

    阐述了液压轨道短途吊装 运输机的性能、结构和操作,并介绍了其研制过程。

  • Well I think a transporter would make you into energy .

    那么,我想 运输 会把你变成能量。

  • He worked as a transporter for a few years .


  • Serial dopamine transporter imaging of nigrostriatal function in patients with idiopathic rapid-eye-movement sleep behaviour disorder : a prospective study .

    连续多巴胺 转运 蛋白显像与特发性快动眼睡眠行为障碍患者的黑质纹状体功能:一项前瞻性研究。

  • I am a humble transporter .

    我是个谦虚 运输

  • The study examined transporter proteins which are known to move compounds around the cell .

    研究针对细胞中运送复合物的 转运蛋白。

  • The first is the length of the serotonin transporter gene which influences emotion .

    其一是 血清素 传输基因的长度,它可以决定人的情绪性格。

  • Research on Hydraulic System and Engine Power Matching for Heavy Transporter

    重型 平板 液压系统与发动机功率匹配研究

  • This is the first time that an LHT-type amino acid transporter gene has been cloned from higher plants other than Arabidopsis .

    这是除了在拟南芥外首次在高等植物中克隆到了LHT型氨基酸 转运 蛋白基因。

  • The current situation and existing problems of hunan 's farm transporter is raised and analysed .

    摘要对湖南省农用 运输 发展现状和存在的问题进行了思考与分析。

  • Advances in studies on effects of interactions between flavonoids with efflux transporter and metabolic enzymes on intestinal absorption of flavonoids

    外排 转运体和代谢酶与黄酮的相互作用及其对黄酮肠吸收影响的研究进展

  • Membrane Transporter Genes Apoptosis Regulating Genes and their Protein and Pancreatic Cancer Multidrugs Resistance


  • Various agents of5-HT receptor and serotonin transporter have been found efficacious in the treatment of IBS .

    近年研究发现5-HT受体及 转运体的相关制剂在IBS治疗中显示了良好的应用前景。

  • Are these things even close to a transporter ?

    这些东西是不是类似一个 传送器

  • We 're not far from a transporter .

    我们离 传送 也不是很远。

  • Expression and Activity of Protein Kinase B and Glucose Transporter 4 in Skeletal Muscles of the Intrauterine Growth Restriction Rats

    宫内生长受限大鼠骨骼肌蛋白激酶B和葡萄糖 转运 蛋白4的表达和活性变化

  • They report finding no link between the serotonin transporter gene and the risk of depression .

    他们的报告发现 复合胺 运载 基因和抑郁的风险之间没有联系。

  • Cloning and Expression Analysis on Sucrose Transporter Genes from Hevea Brasiliensis

    巴西橡胶树蔗糖 转运 蛋白基因的克隆和表达分析

  • Exercise also decreased striatal DA transporter and tyrosine hydroxylase immunoreactivity in MPTP-lesioned mice .

    运动也可以减少纹状体多巴胺 转运体,还能抑制酪氨酸羟化酶的免疫反应性。

  • The gene is a transporter of serotonin a brain chemical involved with mood and desire for food .

    这个特定的基因是 血清素 运输 ,是大脑中的一种与情绪和食物产生欲望的化学物质。

  • The research progress of ATP-binding cassette transporter A1

    ATP结合盒 转运 蛋白A1研究进展

  • Association study of sleep apnea syndrome and polymorphisms in the serotonin transporter gene

    睡眠呼吸暂停综合征与5-羟色胺 转运体基因多态性的关联分析