transfer commission

[trænsˈfɚ kəˈmɪʃən][trænsˈfə: kəˈmiʃən]


  • In this paper we look back the transfer and shift of our society generalize the rule - the change of the librarian ′ s role illustrate how to relocate the role of librarian in the new century and demonstrate the important commission of librarian .

    本文回顾了社会 变迁的历程,概括了图书馆员角色变换的规律,阐明了新世纪馆员角色的重新定位,指明了当代馆员的 使命

  • Contact factory on payment transfer for customer training contact factory on commission payment transfer ;

    负责通知公司支付用户工厂培训费用,负责通知公司支付合同 佣金

  • On the international background of lifelong learning the credit transfer system has attracted more attention around the world . European credit system for vocational education and training ( ECVET ) has been developed by European Commission as a tool for promoting students lifelong learning and mobility .

    在终身化学习的国际化背景下,学分 转换系统日益受到世界各国的重视,其中欧洲 委员会开发出了欧洲职业教育与培训学分转换系统作为推动学生终身化学习和流动的工具。

  • Nowadays services offered by Call Center are account transfer inquiring trade of foreign exchange deal of shares and bond and paying the expense of telephone water electricity and gas on the commission basis .

    目前,银行客户服务中心业务可提供银行 转帐、查询、外汇买卖、股票债券买卖、代缴话费、水电费、煤气 等代缴费业务。

  • On transfer of technology it shared the views of the United Kingdom Commission on IP rights in its report entitled integrating intellectual property rights and development .

    关于技术 转让,它同意联合王国ip权利 委员会“合并知识产权与发展”报告中的意见。

  • It is proposed that calculation must be done based on system condition to avoid the transfer over-voltage during commission and operation .

    无论是新建线路启动 投运还是正常运行中改变系统方式都需要定量计算,以避免 传递过电压的发生。

  • Currently the bank 's main agency services for stock trading include banking-securities transfer service and stock trading settlement service on commission .

    目前银行代理股票交易业务主要有:提供银证 转账服务和代理股票交易 委托服务。

  • Draft rules published yesterday transfer regulatory control over corporate bonds issued by publicly-listed companies from the NDRC to the more liberal securities regulator the China Securities Regulatory Commission .

    昨日公布的法规草案将上市企业公司债的监管权从发改委 转移到了更开明的证券监管机构中国证券监督管理委员会(chinasecuritiesregulatory commission)手中。