
[trænˈsækt, -ˈzækt][trænˈzækt]



  • Can skilled transact electronic remittance business .

    能熟练的 办理电子汇兑业务。

  • Hereby the owner and contractor could transact the formal transfer and settlement procedures of the works .

    据此由业主与承包商 办理工程正式移交和结算手续。

  • For example JP Morgan announced that it would transact without restructuring for loan book hedges .

    例如,摩根大通宣布,将在没有对贷款预定对冲的情况下 办理贷款。

  • He transact business with store all over the country .

    他和全国各商店 交易

  • And language is not a problem since most havens transact business in english .

    既然大部分 交易 使用 华语及英语,中文不是问题。

  • To timely transact and fulfil customer orders work with sales / logistic / warehouse to solve disputes .


  • We use e-commerce to market or transact our products or services .

    我们利用电子商贸来为公司的产品及服务进行推广及 交易

  • I will transact my business by letter .

    我会写信去 洽谈业务。

  • We accepted the deal but the details of how to transact it still need to be ironed out .

    我们接受这项生意,但是 交易的细节仍有待解决。

  • How could domestic and foreign employees in foreign investment enterprise transact residence certificate or temporary residence certificate ?

    外商投资企业内外籍员工如何 办理居留证或暂住证?

  • It is very important to investigate transact mechanism of sudden and group incidents of College Students .

    研究高校学生群体性突发事件 处理机制具有重要意义。

  • You confuse me and how can I transact business if I am confused ?

    你把我的 弄乱了。 弄乱了怎么能搞业务呢?

  • Now square is adding to the Dorsey matrix by tracking how users transact .

    现在,通过跟踪用户 交易 方式,square扩大了多尔西的创业矩阵。

  • Mr. Harrison reckons half of his business could be transacted by computer .

    哈里森先生估计他有一半生意可以用计算机 处理

  • Excuse me can I transact Bank-Insurance Link business in your bank ?

    请问我在贵行可以 办理“银保通”业务吗?

  • An intermediary is an economic agent that purchases from Suppliers for resale to buyers or that helps buyers and sellers meet and transact .

    中介是采购从供应商为转售对采购员或帮助采购员和卖主见面和 处理的经济座席。

  • Transact bank affairs settlement and manage all bank account .

    银行 结算业务,所有银行帐户的 日常管理。

  • Leverage internet technologies to transact and interact with customers suppliers partners and employees to achieve and sustain a competitive advantage .

    充分利用互联网技术进行与客户,供应商,合作伙伴以及员工们之间的 交易和互动,实现和保持竞争优势。

  • Its basic implication is that the enterprises which own key resources in value chain or industry chain transact with other firms in the form of exerting the right of control and command .

    其基本含义是,在价值链或产业链中拥有关键性资源的企业以行使控制权和指挥权的 方式与其他企业的 交易

  • You can transact export factoring in the communicate Bank of china .

    你可以在中国交通银行 办理出口保理业务。

  • This would free them to transact business across state lines

    这将使他们能够跨越 州界 进行 交易

  • Everything we do is a two way street since Amazon provides a service and we transact with it it seems that they should have a right to the data as well .

    我们所做的一切是一个双向街,自亚马逊提供了一个服务和我们 进行 交易的话,他们似乎应该有一个正确的,以数据,以及。

  • Ultimately companies need to see social commerce as integral to the way in which they communicate and transact with consumers .

    最后,公司应该把社交商务看成他们与顾客交流和 交易方式中不可分割的一部分。

  • This needs to be a kind of efficiently the transact of stability automation !

    这就需要一种高效,稳定的 办公自动化系统!

  • Buyer issue bank instrument and ready to transact .

    买方发出银行指令,准备 交易

  • He told them not to transact any business without him .

    他嘱咐他们,别在没有他参与的情况下 处理任何事务。

  • Someone authorized to transact every kind of business for the principal .

    被授权为 负责办理商务上各种事的人。

  • All the traders must transact in the legal extent .

    所有的 商人必须在合法的范围内 经营