


  • The reaction coordinates for the opening and closing of the transannular bond in the 6 / 6 - closed and 5 / 6 - open isomers have been calculated . There is a shallow minimum corresponding to a 6 / 6 - open structure .

    计算了两种异构体开 与闭环过程的反应坐标, 发现 6/6异构体是 势能 上的一 局部最小点,而5/6闭环异构体不存在。

  • Reduction of 13-carbonyl group was studied . Finally reduction of 13-carbonyl group to 13 α - OH via 5-OH transannular delivery was achieved by NaBH_4 / MeOH / THF at 0 ℃ .

    研究了多种还原13位羰基的方法,最终借助5位羟基的 传递效应以NaBH4/ MeOH/THF将13位羰基还原为13α羟基。

  • According to animal experiments and clinical study of 41 patients we established the effective criteria as follows : ( 1 ) The width of the transannular patch must be less than 1 / 3 of the circumference of the pulmonary annulus .

    本文在动物实验的基础上,通过41例 根治 临床观察及 监测得出如下用之有效的 手术标准:(1) 片的宽度应不超过标准主肺动脉周长的1/3。

  • Using the incision of right antrum and ventricular outflow tract all patients got right ventricular outflow tract reconstruction and interventricular septum patch repair including transannular patch repair in 22 cases and treatment of complicated dysplastic type .

    全组患者均采用右房+右心室流出道切口, 疏通右室流出道,补片 闭合室间隔缺损, 加宽22例,合并 畸型同期手术。

  • A transannular product may be formed .

    可能形成 产物。

  • In this paper the cationic transannular oligomerization of 1 5 9-cyclododecatriene initiated by AlCl_3 and BF_3 · OEt_3 has been studied . The influence of the reaction conditions on the transannular oligomerization has been investigated .

    本文研究 1 十二碳三烯在阳离子型引发剂AlCl3和BF3·OEt2催化下进行的 聚合反应,考察各种反应条件对跨环聚合反应的影响。

  • Seventy consecutive cases of tetralogy of Fallot in children had been treated surgically with no operative death from July 1990 to May 1991 . Infants and neonates accounted for 60 % and 47 % of transannular patch in this series .

    本院从1990年7月至1991年5月连续70例儿童法乐氏四联症根治术无住院死亡。本组中婴幼儿占60%, 占47%。

  • Span-ring transmission of interconnected resilient rings Cationic Transannular Oligomerization of 1

    1环辛二烯阳离子型 齐聚合反应

  • Conclusion The surgical technique of the RVOT reconstruction with simultaneous enlargement of the pulmonary annulus and the pulmonary cusp using a transannular patch of autologous pericardium provides excellent early results for the prevention of pulmonary insufficiency .

    结论采用自体心包同时扩大肺动脉瓣环与瓣膜的 片技术重建 RVOT,可 取得 满意的防止肺动脉瓣 的早期手术疗效。

  • Group two 7 cases with the Z value was from - 1.5 to - 4.8 underwent one and a half ventricle repair . The surgical approach was right ventricular transannular patching with bi-directional Glenn shunt between superior vena cava and right pulmonary artery ( BDG ) .

    第2组7例,Z值-15~-48,行1心室修补,即右心室 流出 肺动脉的补 扩大 +上腔静脉与右肺动脉的腔肺血管吻合(BDG);

  • Transannular RVOT pericardium patch enlargement gives more satisfactory results than pulmonary valvotomy in patient with RVOT obstruction .

    有右室 流出道梗阻 采用右室流出道 心包补片扩大术较肺动脉瓣交界切开术更具优越性;

  • Simultaneous enlargement of the pulmonary annulus and the pulmonary cusp with a transannular patch of autologous pericardium in right ventricular outflow tract reconstruction

    自体心包 补片在右心室流出道重建中的应用