

[医] 经髁的

  • In 13 patients with VA-PICA aneurysms 10 underwent surgery via a lateral suboccipital approach 2 via far lateral approach and 1 via far lateral transcondylar approach .

    动脉瘤位于椎动脉-小脑后下动脉(VA-PICA)13例,其中行枕下外侧入路10例,远外侧入 2例,远外侧 1例;

  • Microsurgical anatomy of extreme lateral transcondylar approach and its clinical application

    远外侧 的显微解剖及其临床应用

  • The data of this series suggests that this injury is more common in children of older age and should be differentiated from slipped epiphysis of humeral trochlea transcondylar fracture and elbow dislocation .

    本组资料提示,该病多发于年龄较大的儿童,应与肱骨滑车骨骺滑脱、 骨折或肘关节脱位鉴别。

  • However among the latter 5 cases 4 cases including 2 of dumbbell type 1 of intracranial type and 1 of intracanal type were operated via the modified far-lateral approach of which 1 was via transcondylar approach and 3 were via trans-supracondylar approach ;

    近期5例,其中4例(2例哑铃型,1例颅内型和1例管内型)经改良远外侧入路切除肿瘤:经 髁入 1例, 上入 3例;

  • Anatomic study on the design of far-lateral transcondylar transtubercular keyhole approach assisted by neuro-navigation

    神经导航辅助下远外侧 颈静脉结节锁孔 的解剖学研究

  • An applied research on anatomical landmarks in suboccipital transcondylar approach Microsurgical anatomy on the design of the far-lateral supracondylar keyhole approach

    远外侧经 入路解剖标志的应用研究远外侧枕骨髁上锁孔入 的显微解剖

  • Objective To provide the anatomic parameters for drilling the hypoglossal cannal by the extreme lateral transcondylar approach .

    目的为经远外侧 枕骨 安全磨开舌下神经管提供解剖学参数。

  • Microsurgical anatomy and clinical study of the far-lateral transcondylar approach to remove tumors situated at lower clivus and ventral to foramen magnum

    远外侧 切除下斜坡和枕骨大孔腹侧肿瘤的解剖与临床研究

  • Conclusions To totally resect type ⅰ foramen magnum tumors extreme lateral transcondylar approach is an optimal choice .

    结论Ⅰ型枕骨大孔区肿瘤,手术全切除肿瘤 困难,远外侧 路是切除Ⅰ型枕骨大孔区肿瘤最 有效的方法;

  • Conclusion : The far-lateral transcondylar approach can be breakdown into 3 variations : retrocondylar partial transcondylar and complete transcondylar .

    结论:远外侧 包括3种情况:经髁后入路,部分经髁入路和完全经髁入路。

  • Surgical approaches to tumors in this series included suboccipital posterior approach ( 18 patients ) extreme lateral or transcondylar approach ( 10 ) and suboccipital retrosigmoid approach ( 3 ) .

    采用3种手术入路切除肿瘤:枕颈后正中或 侧方18例,远外侧或 10例,枕下乙状窦后入路3例。

  • Objective To describe microsurgical anatomy of the extreme lateral transcondylar approach .

    目的探讨 外侧枕骨 的显微外科解剖。

  • Study of microsurgical anatomy and clinical application of the far-lateral transcondylar approach

    枕下远 外侧 解剖研究与临床应用

  • Objective To study the microsurgical anatomy and clinical application of the far-lateral transcondylar approach and to protect the vital structure around foramen magnum .

    目的探讨枕下远 外侧 相关解剖研究和临床应用效果。

  • For those with middle and big condylar partial resection of condylar will offer a wider exposing angle thus the far lateral transcondylar approach seems necessary .

    对于中、大型 髁病人, 枕髁后可提供更大的观察视角,因此宜采用远外侧