


  • The method takes GOP as the basic processing unit and builds a distributed platform then transcode the divided videos in the platform synchronously .

    该算法以GOP作为并行处理的基本单元,通过构建一个分布式的平台,将 分割 的视频 在平台 上来 完成并行的视频 转码

  • You can use it to play video transcode video and serve streaming video .

    您可以使用它来播放视频、 转换视频 代码和播放流 格式视频。

  • It provide OSD and transcode function to value-added service .

    还提供OSD、 转码 功能,实现增值服务。

  • They are to transcode between standards with the same and the different fixed codebook structure respectively .

    它们分别针对具有相同和不同固定码本结构的 语音 编码标准进行 转码

  • The Application of POCSAG Transcode in Wireless Paging Observation System

    POCSAG规约的 译码在无线寻呼监测系统中的应用

  • Design and Implementation of Video Transcode Based on VLC in SNMP

    基于SNMP的VLC视频 转码设计和实现

  • The paper introduces the architecture of the transcode system and gives the hardware design at first then introduces how to write the transcode board driver based on PCI under Linux Operating system and finally gives the user interface and experimental result .

    介绍了该 转码方案的总体架构和硬件设计,介绍了基于PCI接口的转码板在Linux下驱动程序的实现,给出了用户控制界面和试验结果。

  • For supporting the communication between different sets with different code standard it is necessary for transforming the coded bit-stream into another style . This process is called video transcode .

    为了支持不同编码标准之间的设备能够相互通信,需要对已经编码的码流数据进行相互的转换,这一转换过程就叫做视频 转码

  • The other type is heterogeneous transcoding that is to transcode the compressed video stream from one compression standard to another .

    另一类是 压缩数据流从某一种标准 转换成另一种标准,称为 不同 种类视频 转码

  • You also don 't have to free up the memory returned by the transcode function since it 's now the responsibility of the caller .

    您也不必释放由 transcode函数返回的内存,因为此时这是调用者的责任。