


  • What about young Mozart 's famous ability to transcribe entire scores on a single hearing ?

    为什么年轻的莫扎特有听一次演奏会 就会 写出整个 乐章的特殊才能呢?

  • At the National Archives and Records Administration we have no shortage of paper records to digitize or transcribe .

    在美国国家档案馆和记录管理局,我们不缺少将要数字化和 翻译的纸质记录。

  • Genes discrete segments of long DNA molecules transcribe their sequences onto single-strand messenger RNA molecules which then serve as templates for proteins .

    对遗传信息进行编码。基因长长的脱氧核糖核酸分子中的不连续的片段 它们的序列 转录 单线信使核糖核酸分子,核糖核酸又成为蛋白质的模板。

  • He gave up trying to write for the guitar and decided to transcribe the work for piano .

    他放弃了为吉他谱曲,决定 作品改编 钢琴曲。

  • Hellip ; so I can transcribe it for the online thingy .

    这样我可以在线 录制节目了。

  • If other signs were chosen to transcribe them no one would understand them-and then the populace would not be able to follow them !

    由于要是是其他星座的来 他们的话,实在没没关系 理会,那么大众就很难能够遵循这则。

  • Transcribe the oral history of this tribe .


  • Q : do you have tips on how to effectively transcribe .

    问:在如何有效地 转录方面,你有什么小技巧吗?

  • Now I do want you to transcribe this conversation immediately and then we will talk again .

    好了,我希望你立刻 这段对话 誊写 下来,我们下次再

  • Let me transcribe it for you something to remember you by .

    我来替你 下来,留作纪念。

  • In the first part of the epic poem mahabharata it is written that the sage vyasa asked Ganesha to transcribe the poem as he dictated it to him .

    在史诗《摩诃婆罗多》的第一部分,据说圣人毗耶娑要求甘尼萨 转录他口述的诗。

  • Comparatively RF transcribe ammeter system is more effective in the system RF data transportation module plays an important role .

    相比较而言, 新型的射频 抄表系统 极大地提高了 抄表的效率,在这个系统中射频数传模块起着关键的作用。

  • Secretaries don 't have to take dictation directly . They 're simply given a tape to transcribe when it 's convenient .

    秘书不必即时 听写,他们拿到磁带后方便时可以 磁带上的 内容 下来

  • The present technical development might let us transcribe and the duplication sound as necessary .

    现在的科技发展可以让我们 随时 录制和复制声音了。

  • I am able to take dictation in English and transcribe them rapidly into Chinese .

    本人会英文记录,并能立即将其 改写为中文。

  • Piano music which they transcribe for orchestra .

    他们为管弦乐队演奏而 改编的钢琴乐曲。

  • Brief the exploitation and principle of the high tension transcribe cost counting system of Shangcheng County .

    简单介绍了商城县高压电 抄表计费系统的开发过程及原理。

  • He wanted to transcribe completely the conversation of the lowlifes .

    他想要 那些下层社会份子的对话完全抄录下来。

  • Copying manuscripts all the time is dreary work . We transcribe here a note made by his own hand : --

    老是抄写手稿是件枯燥乏味的差事。我们 他亲手 的一张 单子 在下面。

  • Have ability to transcribe dictation .

    具备 口述的能力。

  • Every telephone conversation will be recorded and transcribed .

    所有电话交谈都将被录音并 全文 转写

  • We transcribe here a note made by his own hand : & .

    我们 他亲手 的一张 单子 在下面。

  • Transcribe a book into Braille

    翻译成盲人 点字

  • I find an internet cafe where I can hook up my laptop and transcribe some of the notes I have from that day .

    我找到一家 网吧,连上我的笔记本电脑, 整理出今天获得的要点。

  • The EAs write my notes and transcribe for me if I 'm doing tests or quizzes .

    助教帮我记笔记,并在考试或测验的时候帮我 抄写

  • Earlier in a post about active listening I mentioned how it can help to transcribe and summarize parts of a listening assignment .

    在早先的一篇关于积极聆听的博文中,我曾提到对听力 材料中的各部分进行 抄录和归纳有怎样的益处。

  • The pesky American students who are ready to challenge every assertion the instructor makes contrast with students from other cultures who believe their aim is to transcribe every authoritative statement that is delivered .

    烦人的美国学生随时准备挑战教师的每一个论断,而源自其它文化的学生则相信,他们的目标是 转述已经发布的每一个权威声明&两者形成了鲜明对比。

  • She is transcribing from his dictation the diaries of Simon Forman

    她正 根据他的口述记录西蒙·福曼的日记。

  • Sitting in a different room he would transcribe those airs and arrange them .

    祖父坐在另外一间屋子里, 这些曲调 记录 下来,加以整理。

  • Using either the dimension print or by measuring the distance between the center lines of the holes on one leg transcribe these dimensions onto floor / Base plate .

    利用每个尺寸图或测量每个支柱上中心线之间的距离, 抄写在地面/底板上。