transaction tests

[经] 交易抽查,会计帐项抽查

  • With the speedy internationalization of commercial transaction the system of the liability for warranty against defects which differs greatly in various countries is facing new severe tests .

    随着商事 贸易的日益国际化,各国颇具差异的瑕疵担保责任制度正面临着新的严峻 考验

  • And then basing on the three-tier structure a supermarket management application system is investigated and designed by use of transaction middleware technology and the auto management is realized . Finally a mass of tests by man and tools prove that this system is up to satisfaction .

    最后在三层C/S结构基础上,利用 交易中间件技术研究和设计开发了超市管理系统,实现了商业的自动化管理,并且对系统分别利用手工和工具进行了 测试,基本达到要求。

  • The transaction times for these operations made up the bulk of total transaction time during all our tests .

    在所有 测试中,这些操作占用的事务时间占据了总 事务时间的大部分。

  • The layer 2 tests is to generate a lots of random transaction sequence tests .

    第二层测试是对随机产生的大量的 交易序列的 测试

  • This experiment whose subjects are selected through the transaction process training postgraduates in the non-electric power divides into two different tests . The subjects are 5 people a total three of them represent different electricity suppliers and the other two on behalf of dealers .

    该实验分2个不同的 实验局,均选择经过 交易程序训练的非电力专业的研究生,被试者总共有5人,其中3人分别代表不同的发电厂商,2人代表交易商。