transmitting antenna


  • The computer simulation is carried out to analyze the influence of various test parameters ( such as arrival wave direction height of receiving and transmitting antenna and test distance ) on direction-finding error .

    通过仿真计算,分析了来波方向、 收发 天线高度和试验距离等试验参数对测向误差的影响。

  • A kind of phase-biased telescope used as the laser transmitting antenna for a synthetic-aperture laser imaging radar is reported .

    报道一种可以进行空间相位偏置的光学望远镜,用作合成孔径激光成像雷达中的光学 发射 天线

  • This provides theoretical basis for reasonably selecting aperture of optical transmitting antenna .

    这为合理选择光学 发射 天线的孔径提供了理论依据。

  • In the long-distance communications and digital co-channel repeater because the transmitting antenna and receiving antenna the physical location relationship between the refraction and reflection with the ground the receiver will receive a strong multi-path echoes seriously affect the signal quality of communication .

    在长途通信及数字同频直放站中,由于 发射 天线和接收天线之间的物理位置关系加上地面折射和反射,接收端会接收到很强的多径回波,严重影响信号通信质量。

  • Because the many antennas can transmit simultaneously so the transmitting antenna array is formed just like MIMO in uplink .

    由于组内的用户同时通过各自的 天线 发送数据也就在上行方向上构成了类似于传统MIMO技术中的多天线发射阵列。

  • We design a negative impedance converter through its function of impedance transformation the input impedance characteristics of the transmitting antenna is improved so the bandwith of active transmitting antenna will be widen greatly .

    文中设计了一种新的负阻抗变换器,通过其阻抗变换作用来改善 发射 天线的输入阻抗特性,从而大大地拓宽了有源发射天线的带宽。

  • Broadband Transmitting Antenna Under the Well

    井下宽频带 发射 天线

  • To the algorithm of the effectively transmitting antenna height we do a brief study .

    对于有效 发射 天线高度的选择算法进行相对简要的研究。

  • It is given to show the efficiency of the method that the analysis results of the horizontal radiation pattern of the TV - Transmitting antenna on the Tokyo tower .

    文中通过对东京电视塔的 相应 天线水平场型的分析计算,证明了方法的有效性。

  • By changing the number and modulation methods about the transmitting antenna and receiving antenna it receives different antennas and different modulation schemes under the BER curves .

    通过改变 发射 天线和接收天线的数目和调制方式,得到不同收发天线和不同调制方式下的误码率曲线。

  • The bit error rate of an atmospheric laser communication system is affected by not only vibration amplitude but also the aperture of optical transmitting antenna .

    大气激光通信系统的误码率不仅受到振动时振幅大小的影响,而且受到光学 发射 天线孔径的影响。

  • The selection of the insulator applied for a large power very low frequency transmitting antenna were studied .

    本文对大功率甚低频 发射 天线用绝缘子的选型进行了研究。

  • In this part parameters mainly include the gain of transmitting antenna the power of the transmitter the gain of the receiving antenna and the sensitivity of the receiver .

    这部分参数主要包括 发射 天线的增益、发射机功率、接收天线增益和接收机灵敏度。

  • It finishes the design of transmitting antenna and receiving antenna . The antenna has been machined finally .

    本文还对 天线 馈电 方式进行了分析设计,并最终完成了对 收发天线的设计,并进行了实物的加工。

  • Something further must be done to the amplified signals before they can be sent to the transmitting antenna .

    对于放大了的信号,必须作进一步的处理后,才能把它们馈送到 发射 天线上去。

  • The Theory of geometrical diffraction is used to analyze the effect of municipal high building structure on the radiation pattern of the 8th channel transmitting antenna of the Shanghai TV Station .

    本文用几何绕射理论分析了高层建筑对上海电视台八频道 发射 天线辐射场型的影响;

  • For MIMO-OFDM system received signal can be gotten by adding several transmitting antenna signals from different channels so relative to the SISO-MIMO communication system channel estimation is also becoming more complex .

    对于MIMO-OFDM系统来说,经过不同信道之后的多个 发射 天线信号叠加得到了接收信号,因此相对于SISO-MIMO通信系统来说,信道估计也变得愈加的复杂。

  • The Research of the Electric Performances of the Earthed Steel Tower Built near to a Medium Wave Transmitting Antenna

    在中波 广播 发射 天线近旁建接地铁塔对其电性能影响的研究

  • The tissue absorbs energy but it also appears to compensate for this loss by reradiation of energy and effective increase in the size of the transmitting antenna .

    组织吸收能量,但它也显示出对这个损失的补偿,通过再放射能量并有效增加了 传输 信号 天线的尺寸。

  • For a radar system with only one receiving antenna and the transmitting antenna arrays in order to improve the target angular resolution the MUSIC algorithm is applied to process the super-resolution of targets within the transmitting beam .

    针对 发射 采用阵列天线,接收只能采用单根 天线的雷达,为了提高目标的角分辨能力,应用MUSIC算法对综合发射波束进行超分辨处理。

  • Influence of Transmitting Antenna 's Aberration on Laser Propagation for Space Optical Communication

    空间光通信中 发射 天线像差对激光传输的影响

  • The Electromagnetic Pollution From TV FM Transmitting Antenna

    电视调频 发射 天线的电磁污染问题

  • The result indicated : Under the weak fluctuation condition the system error rate reduces quickly while increasing the number of transmitting antenna or decreasing the correlation coefficient ;

    结果表明:在弱起伏条件下,随着 发射 天线数目的增多或相关系数的减小,系统误码率减少很快;

  • The large-diameter transmitting antenna measurement system of laser atmospheric experiments is designed . The expander and drift experiments in the atmospheric turbulence are carried out at different laser focal lengths .

    在理论分析的基础上对扩展和漂移的测量方法进行了论证并改进激光大气实验测量系统,设计大口径 发射 天线以便开展不同聚焦半径下的湍流扩展和漂移实验。

  • A Wideband Circular Polarization Omnidirectional Transmitting Antenna Using for Microwave Television

    宽带圆极化微波电视全向 发射 天线

  • This paper describes the operating principles and the basic properties of single active transmitting antenna single active receiving antenna active transmitting array and active receiving array .

    本文叙述了单个有源 发射 天线、单个有源接收天线、有源发射天线阵及有源接收天线阵的工作原理和基本特性。

  • The radio and television signal emission facilities including antenna feeder links tower masts ( poles ) ground network satellite transmitting antenna as well as the auxiliary equipments thereof ;

    广播电视信号发射设施,包括天线、馈线、塔桅(杆)、地网、卫星 发射 天线及其附属设备等;

  • Ground penetrating radar launches electromagnetic wave by transmitting antenna in form of high frequency electromagnetic pulse and then receives the backward electromagnetic wave by the receiving antenna .

    探地雷达利用高频电磁脉冲的形式,通过高频 发射 天线向介质中发射电磁波,然后通过接收天线接收返回的电磁波。

  • A Technology of Mounting Airborne Telemetry Transmitting Antenna

    机载遥测 发射 天线的安装技术

  • According to space time block coding based transmitting antenna diversity ( STTD ) in the WCDMA system this paper presents a reception scheme based on maximal ratio combining ( MRC ) .

    针对WCDMA下行链路空时编码 发送分集( STTD)确定了基于最大比合并(MRC)的分集接收方案,并对其进行了性能分析。