towel gourd

[ˈtaʊəl ɡɔrd][ˈtauəl gɔ:d]


  • Controlling Cucumber Blight and Towel Gourd Downy Mildew with Antibiotic P 78

    拮抗细菌P78对黄瓜疫病及 丝瓜霜霉病的防治作用

  • They were covered with the vines of towel gourd . The ship was a large tanker which was full of oil .

    丝瓜绿油 的蔓 攀满了 瓜架。这船是一条大油船,里面装满了石油。

  • Preparation of towel gourd juice beverage


  • Chemical Regulation of Sex Differentiation of Towel Gourd

    普通 丝瓜性别分化的化学调控

  • Studies on the Effect of Bleeding Sap of Towel Gourd ( Luffa Cylindrica Roem ) on Rice Anther Culture

    应用 丝瓜(LuffaCylindricaRoem)伤流液提高水稻花药培养效果

  • The recombinant plasmid containing towel gourd ACC synthase cDNA was successfully transformed into Escherichia coli BL21 ( DE3 ) and the ACC synthase expression was significantly induced by IPTG .

    将构建成功的 丝瓜ACC合成酶cDNA的重组质粒,转化为大肠杆菌BL21(DE3),经异丙基硫代半乳糖苷(IPTG)诱导后得到特异性高效表达,表达蛋白以包涵体形式存在。

  • Like adults most larvae also aggregated on cucumber ( 23.33 % ) pumpkin ( 31.44 % ) and towel gourd ( 21.67 % ) but only a few individuals aggregated on orange ( 2.22 % ) .

    幼虫在黄瓜、南瓜和 丝瓜上取食的数量亦较高,分别占幼虫总量的23.33%,31.44%和21.67%;而在柑橘上仅占幼虫总量的2.22%。

  • Carrot eggplant rutabaga towel gourd tomato and hot pepper belonged to light degree of accumulation class ;

    结果表明,胡萝卜、茄子、芥菜、 丝瓜、番茄、辣椒属低度累积型;

  • The result showed that B. tau mainly infected cucumber pumpkin towel gourd white gourd balsam pear and other fruits and vegetables in Chongqing district .

    在重庆地区,南亚果实蝇幼虫主要危害黄瓜、南瓜、 丝瓜、冬瓜和苦瓜等多种果蔬作物,导致果实腐烂,提前脱落,在受害区域常造成 严重的经济 损失

  • Nectar concentration of towel gourd was correlated to the temperature but the difference was not significant .


  • Prokaryotic expression purification and activity measurement of towel gourd ACC synthase


  • The scions grafted on the towel gourd ( Luffa cylindrical ) and the seed seedlings of watermelon displayed the lowest similarity in the bands of leaf POD and SOD isoenzymes suggesting the poorest graft compatibility .


  • Two-way ANOVA showed that protein contents and these detoxification enzyme activities varied significantly when the fruit fly were reared on different diets cucumber pumpkin towel gourd white gourd and balsam pear .

    双因子方差分析表明,南亚果实蝇取食黄瓜、南瓜、 丝瓜、冬瓜和苦瓜后,解毒酶活性存在显著差异。

  • Consequently in the range of concertrations ( 10 & 20 % ) the bleeding sap of towel gourd can promote plant cell division and growth .

    在10&20%浓度(V/V)的 丝瓜伤流液范围内,对植物细胞的分裂和生长 促进作用。