trading unit


  • Futures trading shall be carried out in integral multiple of the trading unit .

    期货交易须以 交易 单位的整数倍进行。

  • The Euro area is about as large as the USA as an economic and trading unit and the Euro has the potential of becoming an international currency .

    欧元区的经济规模与美国大致相当, 欧元有成为国际货币的潜力。

  • By confirming capacity contract in advance and conducting efficiency replacement in the trading center the unit of low efficiency is granted to recover cost and the unit of high efficiency can obtain more profits .

    通过事先签订容量合同以及在 交易中心开展容量合同交易来给予低效率 机组回收成本,使高效率机组获得更大利润。

  • There were some infamous cases of deliberate cover-up on trading losses that eventually blew up and brought down the entire business unit or the entire firm .

    有几桩著名的故意隐瞒 交易损失的事例,它们的最终爆发,导致了整个商业 机构或整个公司业绩下滑。

  • Mr Gorman who took over as chief executive from John Mack in January told the Financial Times that Morgan Stanley 's sales and trading unit had failed to reach many of the investors and companies who wanted to do business with the bank .

    戈尔曼于1月从麦晋桁(JohnMack)手中接过首席执行官一职。他告诉英国《金融时报》,摩根士丹利的销售和 交易 部门错失了许多希望与该行开展业务的投资者与公司。

  • The Hong Kong trading group tracks the average unit price of the goods it handles the vast majority of which are sourced in Asia and sold in either the US or Europe .

    这家香港 贸易集团对其经手商品的 单位均价进行跟踪,这些商品中绝大多数都是从亚洲采购的,然后销往美国或欧洲。

  • The European Union ( EU ) is the world 's largest trading unit known as a customs union .

    欧洲同盟(盟)是关税同盟,是世界上最大的 贸易 单位

  • Europe now China 's largest trading partner and increasingly anxious about the size of the bilateral deficit has seen the euro appreciate by more than 3 per cent this year against the Chinese unit .

    作为中国目前最大的 贸易伙伴,欧洲对于双边贸易逆差的规模越来越担忧。今年迄今为止,欧元兑人民币 汇率已升值逾3%。

  • The company moved its headquarters last year in part to make room for the expanded trading business which will be housed in its BlackRock Solutions unit .

    该公司去年搬迁了总部,部分目的就在于为扩大后的 交易业务腾出空间。交易业务将由BlackRockSolutions 部门负责。

  • State trading organizations of developing countries unit ;

    发展中国家国家 贸易组织

  • The system will execute each trade one trading unit at a time .

    本系统每次成交以一 交易 单位逐一进行 成交

  • Remember to accumulate a surplus and dont be tempted to increase your trading unit too quickly .

    积累你的盈利,并且不要过于快速地增加 买卖 仓位

  • While the bank managed to enter the top five ranking in advisory and capital markets it was still weak in fixed income trading and in 2005 it created an in-house hedge fund unit focused on credit markets .

    虽然瑞银努力进入了咨询和资本市场前5名之列,但其固定收益产品 交易依然是软肋。2005年,瑞银创建了内部对冲基金 部门,专攻信贷市场。