traffic police

[ˈtræfɪk pəˈlis][ˈtræfik pəˈli:s]


  • The car with a flat tire is being handled by traffic police .


  • Without traffic police and modern traffic grid people can 't travel and go to work .

    没有 交通 警察、没有现代化高效的交通网,我们简直就出不了门,也上不了班。

  • Traffic police are always very busy especially at busy streets .

    交通 警察总是十分忙碌,特别是在繁忙的街道。

  • I can never understand why the traffic police only know to enforce the helmet rule .

    我可从来没有明白为什么 交警只知道执行头盔规则。

  • Traffic police and highway patrolmen patrol all roads to see if the traffic is in order .


  • The traffic police were efficient the roads were good and we felt safe .

    交通 警察是有效率的,道路是好的,我们感到安全。

  • The Present Situation Analysis and Countermeasures Research on of Civil Service Performance Assessment the City of H Traffic Police Detachment

    H市 交警支队公务员绩效考核现状分析和对策研究

  • The male-dominated traffic police routinely forgive traffic violations in exchange for bribes .

    目前,俄罗斯绝大多数 交通 警察都为男性,他们往往在收受了贿赂后对违规者网开一面。

  • Has not been fined fortunately by the traffic police .

    未由 交通 幸运地罚款。

  • Care from municipal leaders has greatly stimulated traffic police and traffic wardens'working morale .

    市领导的关爱,极大地鼓舞了基层执勤 交警和交通协管员的工作热情。

  • A squad of traffic police from Dongcheng District said they stopped Li at the Chaoyangmen Overpass at midnight .

    东城区一小队的 交通 警察说他们半夜在朝阳门天桥截住李。

  • Traffic police have seen what is not seen the Wolf open red light green taxis .

    交通 警察什么都见过,就是没见过一只狼开着绿色出租车闯红灯。

  • Passengers and vehicles passed it under traffic police 's command .

    大量行人及车辆在 交警的指挥下陆续通过 道口

  • The traffic police asked the eyewitness to describe how the accident happened .


  • Traffic police department said all traffic police have been deployed to every road and junction .

    交警部门表示,目前已经采取全局警力参与交通管理,确保拥堵路段、路口全部有 疏导。

  • In addition there is a notable shortage of traffic police in mainland China .

    此外,还有一个显着短缺, 交通 在大陆。

  • Influence of traffic police policing mode on traffic safety and related suggestions


  • Discussion on Working Pressure of Shanghai Traffic Police and Tentative Plan of Relief

    上海 交警 群体的工作压力和缓解设想

  • Traffic police ticked off a pensioner for jumping a red light .

    一个退休老人闯了红灯,被 交警训了一顿。

  • Traffic police have opened nine designated bus lanes on some of the city 's most notoriously congested roads .

    交管 部门已在北京市交通堵塞最严重的路段新开设了九条指定的公交专用车道。

  • A man traveling at130 miles per hour on the road was stopped by traffic police .

    有一个人以每小时130英里的速度在路上行驶被 交警拦了下来。

  • Traffic police is a section of the police concerned with problems on the roads .

    交通 警察是处理道路交通问题的那部分警察。

  • On the Analysis of Security Education and Training for Traffic Police on Duty

    浅析 交通 民警执勤安全防护教育和训练

  • The traffic police prohibit cyclists from riding on the sidewalk .


  • The traffic police stopped the traffic for the passing of the chairman 's car and the top officials .

    交通 警察 指挥着交通车辆停下来让主席及其他官员的车辆通过。

  • Initial investigation showed that the poor visibility should be blamed said the county traffic police .

    这个县的 交通 警察表示,最初的调查显示,应该归咎于能见度太差。

  • In order to relieve the working pressure of traffic police we should carry on the division and subtraction of depressurization through adjusting the group and individual sentiments .

    缓解 交警的压力,要通过调节群体和个体情绪,做好降压的除法、减法和加法。

  • On his way he was stopped by the traffic police for some real or invented infraction .

    在路上他被 交警拦住了,可能是因为他真的违章了,或者是交警故意刁难他。

  • Those eligible for this scheme will be notified by the Traffic Police .

    那些符合这个方案将获专函通知 交警

  • Congestion was reported on roads in Datong Shuozhou Yangquan Jinzhong and Changzhi traffic police said .

    交通 部门说,据报道,大同,朔州,阳泉,晋中和长治的道路拥挤。