


  • The rate of transplacental transmission of HCMV was 30.8 % .

    13 HCMV-DNA 阳性孕妇中,其 配对 脐血 阳性 4 ,HCMV 宫内传播率为 30.8%。

  • The Effect of Transplacental Urethan on Enzyme of the Embryonic and Infant Liver in Swiss Mice

    乌拉坦对小白鼠胚胎及仔鼠肝脏酶影响的 观察

  • The route of transplacental transmission ;

    HBV 胎盘 感染 胎儿的途径;

  • Conclusion Our research suggested that primary maternal HCMV infection during pregnancy could induce congenital infection in fetus by transplacental transmis - sion and induce fetal liver damage .

    结论HCMV可以通过 胎盘造成胎鼠的先天性感染,并导致肝脏损伤;胎鼠先天性HCMV感染与母体感染的病毒量有关。

  • McAbs Inoculated into Pregnant Mice Passively Protected Filial Sucking Mice from HFRS Virus by Transplacental Passage

    McAbs接种孕鼠体内对HFRS病毒 感染 生子代乳鼠的被动保护作用

  • Animal Model of Transplacental Ethylnitrosourea-induced Brain Tumor and the Effect of bFGF on its Incidence and Growth


  • Objective To study the immune reaction of host with transplacental transmission of schistosomiasis .

    目的研究日本血吸虫病 胎盘传播宿主的血清免疫反应。

  • AIM : To study the possibility and conditions of transplacental infection of coxsackievirus B3 ( CVB 3 ) from pregnant mice to their fetuses and newborns .

    目的:探讨柯萨奇B3病毒( CVB3m)在 母婴 胎盘 垂直 传播的可能性和条件,并建立小鼠动物模型。

  • Objective To study the effect of mothers ′ long term lead exposure on tissues lead burden of fetus and to probe into the lead transplacental transfer in rats .

    目的研究孕鼠长期铅暴露时对胎鼠组织铅负荷的影响,探索铅 胎盘转运的情况。方法用大鼠 动物模型, 观察 不同 染毒 剂量鼠铅暴露对胎鼠铅负荷的 影响

  • Conclusions The low level of measles antibody titer in pregnant women can reduce the detectable transplacental antibodies in newborn babies leaving them more susceptible to epidemic wild-measles virus especially in infants of younger than 8 months .

    结论孕妇人群中麻疹低 滴度抗体会影响 传抗体的维持时间,这很可能和近年来麻疹爆发表现为成人和低月龄儿病例,尤其是未满8月龄婴幼儿病例增多有极大的关系。

  • Finally transplacental transmission of the disease to an unborn child may occur when the mother acquires a primary infection while pregnant .

    最后, 就是 已经感染的母亲 经过 胎盘将疾病传染给孩子。

  • There is one reported case of transplacental ( mother-to-child ) WNV transmission .

    曾有一例西尼罗河病毒 胎盘(从母亲到婴儿)传播的报告。

  • Conclusions : ① Ferritin may be the important carrier of transplacental iron transport and its receptor plays a crucial role in the course .

    结论:铁蛋白可作为 胎盘铁转运的重要载体,通过铁蛋白受体的介导,完成由 母体 胎盘胎儿的铁转运过程,而 IDA时 胎盘的铁转运可能减少。

  • Conclusion ( 1 ) The main route of HBV transmission from mother to fetus is transplacental the transplacental transmission of HBV may be a cellular transfer Placental barrier can offer conservancy effect on fetus to some extent .

    结论 新生儿宫内感染与孕妇乙肝 感染 状态 有关,HBV 宫内 感染以经 胎盘感染为主,感染胎儿的途径可能是通过细胞转移方式实现的,胎盘屏障对胎儿有一定的保护作用。

  • Conclusion The fetal echocardiography was an essential and cost-effective method for diagnosis of fetal cardiac abnormalities . The transplacental digoxin intervention was the first choice in the treatment of the fetal tachyarrhythmia .

    结论胎儿超声心动图是产前诊断胎儿心脏异常的重要手段,地高辛是 胎盘治疗胎儿快速心律失常的首选药物。

  • Results 60 % ( 12 / 20 ) kittens were infected schistosoma through transplacental transmission . 5 kittens were double sex infection and found hepatic egg granuloma .

    结果60%(12/20)仔兔 胎盘感染日本血吸虫,其中双性感染5只,肝脏均见虫卵结节;

  • Study on experimental model of transplacental infection of coxsackievirus B_3 from the mother to the fetus in late gestation mice

    柯萨奇B3病毒经晚期孕鼠 胎盘 母婴感染的小鼠动物模型研究

  • Transplacental passage of a nonionic contrast agent

    一种非离子型造影剂的 胎盘 排出 途径

  • Studies on HBV transplacental transmission of anti-HBc positive mothers by polymerase chain reaction

    聚合酶链反应对抗-HBc阳性母亲 宫内传播乙肝病毒的研究

  • Effect of Using Moderate Dose of Hepatitis B Immunoglobulin with HBsAg Vaccine on Blocking Transplacental Infection

    中效价乙型肝炎免疫球蛋白与乙型肝炎疫苗 合用阻断 母婴 传播的效果

  • To assess the potential risk of mixed rare earths Changle for human embryo transplacental micronucleus test and single cell gel electrophoresis ( SCGE ) technique to detect DNA damage of embryo we used .

    为评估农用稀土常乐对人体胚胎的 影响,采用微核试验和单细胞凝胶电泳技术检测混合稀土常乐 能否 通过 胎盘 屏障造成胎儿细胞DNA损伤。

  • Transplacental neurotoxic effects of monosodium glutamate on structures and functions of specific brain areas of filial mice

    谷氨酸单钠 透过 胎盘 屏障对仔鼠特定脑区的结构和功能的影响