trading assets

[经] 营业资产

  • Trading of assets has to be resumed . Transmission mechanisms have to be restored he added speaking in his capacity as chairman of the International Capital Markets Association rather than Barclays Capital chairman .

    资产 交易必须要继续,传导机制也必须得恢复。他是以国际资本市场协会(InternationalCapitalMarketsAssociation)主席的身份发表上述言论的,而不是巴克莱资本的董事长。

  • Because financial leasing is based on the trading and using of real assets financial leasing can take the function of finance and sales in any economic cycle .

    由于该融资方式是基于真实 资产 买卖和使用发生的投融资服务,因此金融租赁业在经济发展的各个时期均可以发挥融资、促销等功能。

  • A securities company may not incorporate any trading settlement funds or securities of its clients into its own assets .

    证券公司不得将客户的 交易结算资金和证券归入其自有 财产

  • Chapter 4 : Point out the key obstacles in the process of Non-performing assets Securitization i.e. the design of trading structure of Non-performing assets Securitization ( including establishment of SPV and design of Asset Pool Credit increase ) .

    第四章指出不良 资产证券化中的 交易结构设计(包括对SPV的设立、资产池和信用提高的设计),是中国不良资产证券化过程中的关键技术难点。

  • Analysis on Optimizing Trading Structure of China 's Non-Performing Assets Securitization

    我国不良 资产证券化 交易结构优化探析

  • During trading in financial assets some traders trade with advantages they grasp in value of asset information ( especially private information ) which is called insider trading .

    在金融 资产 交易 活动中,某些交易者利用在资产价值(特别是私人信息)信息上具有的优势,进行资产交易行为的问题称为内部交易问题。

  • Morgan Stanley is seeking to sell its oil trading assets .

    摩根士丹利(MorganStanley)正在寻求出售其石油 交易 资产

  • Global credit markets yesterday suffered one of their worst trading days this decade amid concerns that some investors are being forced to sell assets to cover losses related to the subprime debacle .

    昨天的全球信贷市场,是10年来最糟糕的 交易日之一,原因是人们担心一些投资者将被迫出售 资产,以弥补次级抵押贷款市场崩盘的相关损失。

  • Then the chapter analyzes access channels of fair value including two cases : First there is a real trading assets or liabilities of the initial measurement and second there is follow-up measurement without real transaction .

    其次,分析了存在真实 交易 资产或负债的初始计量和不存在真实交易的后续计量两种情况下公允价值的获取途径。

  • Nomura is not buying any trading assets or liabilities from Lehman .

    野村证券不会买下雷曼的 交易 资产和债务。

  • Creo has been trading at a wide discount to the value of its assets since the real estate crash in 2008 .

    自2008年房地产市场暴跌以来,creo的 股价一直较其 资产净值有大幅折价。

  • The consultation also calls for clear dividing lines between trading and banking books to prevent banks from shifting assets back and forth .

    这份征求意见稿还呼吁在 交易 账户和银行账户之间划出清晰的分界线,以防止银行在两者之间不断转移 资产

  • Chapter 3 : Comparison and summary of the experiences of the trading structure of non-performing assets in Korea and USA to find out the suitable methods under Chinese environment ;

    第三章采用比较和归纳的分析方法对美国和韩国不良 资产证券化中 交易结构设计的经验进行了分析和总结,揭示其对中国进行不良资产证券化的借鉴意义。

  • High-frequency trading is a form of rapid-fire trading that seeks to eke out profits from the tiniest pricing differences between assets traded on exchanges and other platforms .

    高频交易是一种连续快速 交易的形式,旨在从同种 资产在交易所与其它交易平台之间的细微价差中获利。

  • The global trading and financial systems require lubrication by an adequate supply of homogeneous assets that can be bought and sold at low cost and are expected to hold their value .

    若要维持全球 贸易和金融体系正常运转,就必须提供足量的同质 资产,而这种 资产不但要能以低成本买卖,而且其价值要得到支撑。

  • Investors trading CBBCs with underlying assets not denominated in Hong Kong dollars are also exposed to exchange rate risk .

    若投资者所 买卖牛熊证的相关 资产并非以港币为单位,其尚要面对外汇风险。

  • Under the principle of fair value the paper finds that trading of financial assets and for the sale of financial assets are influenced in the most direct and explicit way .

    在公允价值计量下,其影响最直接最明显的会计科目是 交易性金融 资产和可供出售金融资产。

  • If there is a major restriction to the investments realization of trading financial assets relative reasons shall be given .

    应说明 交易性金融 资产投资变现是否存在重大限制,以及相应原因。

  • Get the capital allocated for trading assets right .

    应恰当地配置用于 交易 资产的资本。

  • Both the trading activity of limited memory and overconfidence may cause the overreaction phenomenon of the assets short-term price .

    无论是有限记忆 交易行为,还是过度自信交易行为,均可能引起 资产短期价格行为的过度反应现象。

  • Property derivatives are attractive to many property investors because they enable people to obtain instant exposure to the sector without the costs and delays of trading physical assets .

    房地产衍生品对许多房地产投资者都具有吸引力,因为它们能让投资者立即接触到房地产领域,而不会受到实物 资产 交易中成本和滞后的影响。

  • As a result hedge funds account for a far higher proportion of trading volumes than they do of assets managed .

    因此,对冲基金所占 交易量的比例远高于其所占管理 资产的比例。

  • The company has to deal with both the positive and negative influence that trading financial assets generate .

    公司 投资 交易性金融 资产将不得不面对其可能产生的有利影响和不利影响。

  • In a series of postings on its official Weibo account Zenith accused Founder Group executives of financial crimes including insider trading market manipulation and illegally selling state assets .

    政泉控股在其官方微博(Weibo)账号上发表一系列帖子,指控方正集团高管们的行为构成金融犯罪,包括内幕 交易、操纵市场和非法倒卖国有 资产

  • The author elected 37 stocks which raise more than 50 percent in the 15 trading days before January 8 2008 earnings per share net assets yield etc. 8 stocks ' indicators are attributes establishment of a model application .

    作者选出了在2008年1月8日前15个 交易日内,涨幅在50%以上的37只股票为研究对象,以收益、 资产收益率等8个指标为属性,建立了一个应用模型。

  • Last September when it began trading onshore hedge fund strategies it was one of the first to raise assets domestically from wealthy individuals using separate managed accounts .

    去年9月在岸对冲基金策略的启动,使该 公司成为首批利用分开管理的账户向国内富人募集 资产的公司之一。