trading house


  • The trading house employs about 300 people in the UK but about 80 will move to Geneva .


  • The possible collapse of a plan to combine trading house glencorewith miner xstratawould lift the value of failed mergers in the natural resources industry to almost $ 1tn in the past decade .

    交易所 嘉能可glencore)与矿商斯特拉塔(xstrata)一项合并计划可能破裂,这将把过去10年间自然资源行业失败的并购价值推高到近1万亿美元。

  • Mr Niwa is a former president and chairman of trading house Itochu and helped spearhead its Chinese expansion throughout the 1990s and early years of this century .

    丹羽曾任伊藤忠商事株式会社( itochu)总裁兼董事长,在上世纪90年代及本世纪初帮助率领该公司向中国扩张。

  • Diversification also enables you to clear a partially full trading house and thus trade once again with your more valuable good .

    多样化也能使你清楚部分装满的 交易所,这样下次可以交易你的更高价值商品。

  • But the critical difference is that gambling is a zero-sum proposition – players trading stakes less the house cut .

    但其中关键的区别是,赌博是一种零和命题&扣除 庄家抽佣之后玩家 交换赌注。

  • Ricardo Leiman chief executive of noble the trading house that is one of the top oilseed processors in China cited enormous demand there because of stronger economy stronger habits very strong feed milling margins and very strong prices domestically .

    该集团首席执行官 里卡多雷曼(ricardoleiman)称中国存在“巨大的需求”,因为“中国的经济更为强劲,饮食习惯更侧重主食,饲料加工利润很高,国内粮价非常坚挺”。

  • Marubeni the Japanese trading house has bet more than $ 5bn that China will become a net importer of corn for years to come in the process reshaping the global market for agricultural commodities markets .

    日本 商社丸红( Marubeni)以逾50亿美元,押注于未来几年中国将成为玉米净进口国,且这一过程将改变全球农产品市场格局。

  • In one case says an executive at a Japanese trading house tuna that arrived in America was set aside by customs rotting before it was inspected .

    日本 商行的一个经理主管说:在一个案例中,一批到达美国的金枪鱼被海关放置一边,在检测放射性之前就已经腐烂了。

  • Bunge the soyabean processor and agricultural trading house has said stronger currencies and low freight rates had blunted the impact of higher commodities prices for many Asian consumers .

    大豆加工和农业 贸易 商邦吉(bunge)表示,本国货币汇率提高加上运费较低,削弱了农产品涨价给很多亚洲消费者带来的影响。

  • News of the talks surfaced as the Louis-Dreyfus family comes under increasing pressure from the management of the trading house to find a way to raise fresh capital to fund its ambitions to expand the company .

    上述谈判消息浮出水面之际, 路易达孚家族正面临公司管理层越来越大的压力要求该家族设法筹措新资本,为公司的扩张提供资金支持。

  • The trading house invested heavily in corn-based bio - fuels a sector which was affected last year by weak demand for gasoline and low oil prices making the alternative fuel less attractive .


  • Growth rate of housing trading volume Granger cause house returns .

    住房 交易量增长率是 住房收益率的格兰杰先导。

  • While the Portuguese were banished out of Japan in1639 the Dutch Trading House was moved from Hirado to Dejima and the Dutch monopolized the Japan-Europe trading market instead .

    1639年葡萄牙人被驱逐出日本,荷兰商 由日本的平户搬迁到出岛,取代葡萄牙人占据了日欧贸易的市场。

  • Mr Allen was fired from Glencore after the trading house lost more than $ 330m last year trading the fibre .


  • Corn futures have risen 13 per cent in the past week as rumours circulated that a trading house had sold millions of tonnes of US corn to China .

    过去一周里,玉米期货价格累计上涨了13%,原因是有传言称,一家 贸易 公司向中国出售了数百万吨美国玉米。

  • Mitsui the second-largest Japanese trading house is investing in overseas farmland including the purchase two years ago of 100 hectares in Brazil to secure its own source of agricultural commodities .

    日本第二大 贸易 商社三井物产正投资海外农田,包括两年前在巴西购买了10万公顷农田,以保障自己的农产品来源。

  • We pride ourselves as a first class multi-national intelligence and professional gathering and development trading house .

    我们为是一 有着一流多国籍专业精英团队的 公司而感到自豪。

  • For the 194-year-old British trading house this is a good time to reassert control .

    对于太古这 有着194年历史的英国 贸易 公司而言,这是恢复控制权的良机。

  • We have some clients in China asking us this week to defer volumes said a senior executive with a global commodities trading house who warned that consumers were cautious .

    这周有一些中国客户要求我们推迟部分货物的发货。一家全球大宗商品 贸易 的高管表示,中国方面现在资金很紧。这名高管警告称,大宗商品客户开始变得谨慎。

  • The export ban trapped Russian wheat the trading house had bought in advance to supply a middle eastern country .

    出口禁令导致 嘉能可无法向某个中东国家出口之前购买的俄罗斯小麦。

  • However a flotation is unlikely in the short term as the trading house could wait for a bigger rise in commodities prices to achieve an even higher valuation according to people familiar with the trader .

    但据熟悉 嘉能可的人士介绍,上市可能不会在近期进行,因为该 交易商可能会等待大宗商品价格更大幅度的上涨,从而实现更高的估值。

  • Hiroyuki Takai head of research at Sumitomo the Tokyo-based trading house said the Japanese push would trigger some competition between Chinese and Japanese companies .

    住友是总部位于东京的 商社。其研究部门主管 HiroyukiTakai认为,日本挺进非洲将引发一些中国和日本企业之间的竞争。

  • The lack of enthusiasm for Mr Niwa 's diplomatic debut reflects in part his image among trading house counterparts as something of a lone wolf .

    外界对丹羽在外交界首次亮相缺乏热情,在一定程度上反映了他给 贸易 公司对手留下的孤僻形象。

  • The banker declined to comment on what valuation the trading house has suggested to the cornerstone and anchor investors .

    前述银行家拒绝透露 嘉能可向基石投资者和锚定投资者提出的估值参考是多少。

  • The key principle at stake is that China must play by the rules of the global trading system a White House official said .

    这件事涉及的关键原则是,中国必须按照全球 贸易体系的规则行事,一名 白宫官员表示。

  • An executive at a large Chinese trading house said : There is no doubt some traders have been buying copper w_1469 recently .

    中国某大型 贸易 公司的一位高管表示:毫无疑问,一些交易员近期一直在买进(铜)。

  • I 've been in the business more than 30 years and this is by far and away the most serious weather issue and supply and demand problem that I have seen by a mile said a senior executive at a trading house .

    某家 贸易 公司的一名高管表示:我从业已经有30多年,这显然是我见过的最恶劣的天气,也是我遇到的最糟糕的供给问题。

  • David Ader head of government bond strategy at CRT said his research and trading house was leaning towards a bearish view of the Treasuries market with a test of the 4 per cent yield level for the 10-year note .

    CRT国债策略主管大卫阿德(DavidAder)说,他所在的研究和 交易 公司倾向于看空美国国债市场,认为10年期国债收益率将试探4%水平。

  • Glencore the publicity-averse trading house renowned for its far-reaching influence on global commodity markets is exploring a stock market flotation .

    不喜张扬的交易商嘉能可( glencore)以对全球大宗商品市场的深远影响而著称,目前该公司正在研究上市计划。