trade liberalization


  • In2001 China joined in WTO signaling that the world trade liberalization made a new historical step .

    2001年中国加入了WTO,标志着世界 自由 贸易 体制迈出了新的历史的一步。

  • Regional economic integration meets the interests of all Asian countries . We need to work in unison to promote trade liberalization and investment facilitation and upgrade regional and sub-regional cooperation .

    区域经济一体化是地区各国的共同利益所在,我们应齐心协力促进 贸易 自由 和投资便利化,提升区域和次区域合作水平。

  • We acknowledge that bilateral regional and plurilateral trade agreements can play an important role in complementing global trade liberalization initiatives .

    我们认识到双边、区域和诸边贸易协定能够对全球 贸易 自由 发挥重要补充作用。

  • Trade liberalization and economic growth is a permanent goal for all of us as WTO Members .

    自由 贸易和经济发展,是我们作为世贸成员的恒常目标。

  • This paper examines the long-run equilibrium and short-run dynamic relationships between regional inequality and trade liberalization based on the co-integrated VAR model .

    文章基于协整的VAR模型从实证的角度研究了我国地区收入不平等与 贸易 自由 之间的长期均衡和短期动态关系。

  • Because economic adjustment cost of Intra-Industry Trade ( IIT ) is relatively small during the course of trade liberalization .

    贸易 自由 的进程中,产业内贸易发展的经济调整成本相对较小。

  • In view of this the wto APEC and the governments of various countries should give full regard to the interests of vulnerable countries and peoples while pushing forward economic globalization and trade liberalization .

    因此,世界贸易组织,亚太经合组织以及各国政府在推动经济全球化和 贸易 自由 的过程中,应充分考虑经济发展处于“弱者”地位的国家和人民的利益。

  • This expansion coupled with continuing globalization and trade liberalization is expected to significantly accelerate the demand for the transportation of both people and goods .

    这个增长,以及持续的全球化和 贸易 开放,预计将显著增加对人员和货物运输的需求。

  • The theory of trade liberalization and globalization maintains that there is little to worry about .

    贸易 自由 和全球化的理论坚持认为,这是不足为虑的。

  • Horizontal and vertical intra-industry trade in Australian manufacturing : does trade liberalization have any impact ?

    贸易 自由 对澳大利亚制造业中的横向、纵向行业内交易的影响?

  • Research on the Economic Effects of Regional Trade Liberalization between China and SACU

    中国与SACU区域 贸易 自由 经济效应的研究

  • Trade liberalization was is and will continue to be the only way to global economic prosperity .

    无论过去、现在还是将来, 贸易 自由 始终是全球经济繁荣的唯一途径。

  • The preference schemes appear also to erode the interest of their benificiaries in promoting general trade liberalization .

    在推动普及的 贸易 自由 过程中,这些优惠方案似乎也减少了其受益者的利益。

  • Study of the Impact of Service Trade Liberalization on China 's Dualistic Trade

    服务 贸易 自由 对中国二元贸易的影响研究

  • The Analysis of Agricultural Trade Liberalization 's Impact on Agricultural Environment

    农业 贸易 自由 对农业环境的影响分析

  • To put economic globalization and trade liberalization in their right perspective is of overarching importance to a healthy development of the global economy .

    正确认识和把握经济全球化和 贸易 自由 问题,对促进全球经济健康发展具有十分重要的意义。

  • The report says trade liberalization in Africa has led to a slight increase in exports .

    这份报告说,非洲的 贸易 自由 使出口略微上升。

  • Under the trade liberalization constraint direct export subsidy in strategic trade policy is prohibited by the rules of WTO .

    贸易 自由 的约束下,战略性贸易政策中的直接出口补贴将受到世界贸易组织规则的限制。

  • Economic globalization and trade liberalization call for an elimination of tariff wall .

    经济全球化、 贸易 自由 的发展要求关税壁垒不断被拆除。

  • Then it gives a detailed analysis on the motivity and resistance to the trade liberalization in agriculture products .

    然后又详细分析了农产品 贸易 自由 的动力和阻力。

  • Whether the trade liberalization is reduce or increase poverty ?

    贸易 自由 是减轻还是增加了贫困?

  • We must make mutually beneficial cooperation a part and parcel of economic globalization and trade liberalization so as to ensure their sound development .

    我们必须赋予经济全球化和 贸易 自由 以互利合作的内涵,促进其健康发展。

  • In this connection ministers note the role of the world bank and the IMF in supporting adjustment to trade liberalization including support to net food-importing developing countries facing short-term costs arising from agricultural trade reforms .

    在这方面,部长们注意到世界银行和国际货币基金组织在支持 贸易 自由 调整过程中的作用,包括对面临农产品贸易改革所产生的短期成本的粮食净进口发展中国家的支持。

  • Assessing development impacts must be the condition for further trade liberalization argues IMF general secretary .

    IMF的秘书长说,评估发展和雇用影响必须成为 贸易 自由 的条款。

  • We will continue to promote trade liberalization and investment facilitation and support the role of APEC as a platform for economic cooperation .

    中国将继续推动亚太地区 贸易和投资 自由 便利化,支持将APEC打造成地区重要的经贸合作平台。

  • Trade Liberalization and Facilitation

    贸易 自由 和便利化

  • China 's entering the process of gobal financial services trade liberalization has accelerated its domestic financial liberalization .

    内容提要中国参与的金融服务 贸易 自由 为国内金融自由化的提速提供了显著的驱动力。

  • The Doha Round negotiations are crucial to global trade liberalization .

    多哈回合谈判事关全球 贸易 自由 进程