transmit flow control

[trænsˈmɪt flo kənˈtrol][trænzˈmit fləu kənˈtrəul]


  • This paper is about how to transmit the data to the destination without repetition which is based on socket technology by using flow socket and TCP transmission control .

    基于Socket技术,采用 式套接字及TCP传输 控制,将数据按顺序无重复 发送到目的地。

  • The soft-bus can transmit the mixed structure of information flow and control flow in the architecture divide the collaboration policy from the function services and predigest the control operation for domain architecture .

    软总线支持构架内信息 控制流的混合结构 传输,支持把协作策略从功能服务中分类出来,简化领域构架的控制操作行为。

  • RTP / RTCP agreement with JMF technology can real-time transmit multimedia data flow and real-time adapt network bandwidth for effective control of multimedia streams .

    用JMF技术和RTP/RTCP协议相结合可以实时 传播多媒体数据 和自适应网络带宽,进行有效地 控制多媒体流。