transmit data set

[trænsˈmɪt ˈdetə sɛt][trænzˈmit ˈdeitə set]


  • Results of experiment account that the device can either perform transparent data transmit or ( untransparent ) data transmit the transport parameters can be set up by hardware or software . And the device can be used in middle and lower rate longer distance data communication .

    装配数据。结果表明,该装置可完成透明或非透明 数据 传输,传输参数可通过软件或硬件进行 设置,能完成中、低速率的远距离数据通信。

  • With many transmit protocols and interfaces the panel is convenient to form many configurations for software . Through the keyboard in the panel the data can be set and renovated ;

    该面板具有多种 通讯接口和通讯协议,可方便灵活地进行面板组态,在面板键盘上可进行 数据 设定、修改等操作,并有掉电保护及汉字显示功能,可选择多种电源电压。