traffic sign

[ˈtræfɪk saɪn][ˈtræfik sain]


  • Traffic Sign Detection Method with Multi-channel Integration

    一种多通道融合的 交通 标志检测方法

  • The car had apparently hit a traffic sign before skidding out of control

    汽车显然是撞上了一个 交通 标志 后打滑失控的。

  • The Traffic Sign Detection Based on Color Information and SVM Network

    基于颜色信息与SVM网络的 交通 标志检测

  • Line detection in traffic sign image based on improved Hough transform

    用改进的Hough变换检测 交通 标志图像的直线特征

  • It 'll be better that way . you 'll find a one-way traffic sign . that 's where you have to turn to the left .

    那样比较好,你会发现一个单行道 交通 标志,那是你应该向左转的地方。

  • The color segmentation method based on RGB space is used in traffic sign images by means of the features of color .

    通过利用 交通 标志的颜色特征,采用基于RGB空间的彩色分割方法进行图像分割。

  • Application of Man-machine System Theory in Validity Analysis of Traffic Sign

    人机系统理论在 交通 标志有效性分析中的应用

  • In order to cope with the degradation combined blur-affine invariants ( CBAIs ) were adopted to recognize the traffic sign symbols without any restorations based on many computations .

    该算法在处理图像退化问题时,采用模糊- 仿射联合不变矩直接提取图像的特征,从而避免了需要较大计算 的图像复原处理过程。

  • The application and study of Auto CAD in traffic sign automatic spraying system

    AUTOCAD在 交通 标志自动喷涂系统中的应用与研究

  • Yellow acrylic transparent traffic sign paint

    透明黄丙烯酸 路标

  • Identification of degraded traffic sign symbols using radial basis probabilistic neural networks ;

    对金属材料在 交通 标志中的应用情况进行探讨和综述。

  • Aiming at the disadvantages of detecting traffic sign with RGB or HIS color space values respectively a novel traffic sign detection method with multi-channel integration is proposed .

    针对单纯利用RGB或HIS空间不能很好地检测出 交通 标志这一问题,提出一种多通道融合的交通标志检测方法。

  • New products launch ! FormoLight provide products not only Full-Color Display Traffic Sign but Street Light Wash Wall Decorative Lighting etc.

    新产品问世! 新谱光从全彩、 交通看板涉足到照明产品,从路灯、洗墙灯、情境灯等照明产品一应俱全。

  • Modes of Information Expression of Traffic Sign Based on Information Volume

    基于信息量的 交通 标志信息表达方式比较研究

  • You will find a one-way traffic sign .

    你能看到一个 单行路 标志

  • Automatic Traffic Sign Detection Based on a Vehicle-Borne Mobile Mapping System

    针对车载移动测量系统的 交通 标志自动检测

  • Traffic Sign Detection Based on Color and Morphology

    基于颜色和形态学的 交通 标志检测技术的研究

  • Therefore this method can be used effectively in lineal control traffic sign control and improve control efficiency of crossroad .

    因此,该方法可以有效地应用在城市 交通 线形控制中,提高线路的通行能力。

  • Traffic sign 's depression angle setting above road has not been regulated in detail by GB5768-1999 and there is no pertinent applied example .

    现行国标GB5768-1999中对路上 交通 标志设置俯角没有详细规定,也缺少相关应用范例。

  • The first thing that struck me was the logo a traffic sign with the picture of a woman in a skirt with the message underneath : women at work .

    首先引起我注意的是专栏的标识这是一张 交通 标志,画中是一名穿着裙子的女性,下面印有一行字:“职场女性”。

  • Countermeasures of Traffic Sign Setting in City-village Combination Section

    城乡结合部的 交通 标志设置对策研究

  • To improving color segmentation effect of traffic sign under the RGB model a method for image segmentation based on chromatic aberration was presented .

    为了改善 交通 标志在RGB模型下的颜色分割效果,提出了一种基于三分量色差法的动态阈值分割改进方法。

  • The red light of the traffic sign means stop .

    交通 的红灯代表「停」的意思。

  • It shall be unlawful for any person to deface injure knock down or remove any official traffic sign placed or erected as provided in this chapter .

    任何损坏外观,破坏,打倒或删除按照本章要求放置的任何官方的 交通 信号都属于非法行为。

  • Based on color segment and shape analysis a method of road traffic sign detection is proposed .

    提出了一种基于颜色分割和形状分析的 交通 标志检测方法。

  • Influence Factors of Traffic Sign Comprehension Effectiveness in Cognitive Process

    认知过程中 交通 标志 认有效性影响因素分析

  • To reveal the pattern the amount of drivers'memory of traffic sign information changes over time could shed bright light on the design and installation of ur-ban road traffic signs .

    研究驾驶人 交通 标志信息记忆量随时间的变化规律,能够为城市道路交通标志设计及实施应用提供有力支撑。

  • You 'll see a traffic sign . That 's where you should make a left turn .

    你会看到一个 交通 标志。在那儿你应该左转。

  • You must not walk past a traffic sign banning pedestrians or walk in the road to which the ban applies .

    行人不得越过禁止行人进入的 交通 标志,或在此禁令管制的道路上步行。

  • Please identify the traffic sign in the picture and explain its function .

    请说出此 交通 标识的名称及其作用?