


  • To study the antagonistic effect of selenium and vitamin E on acrylamide toxicity in V79 cells .

    目的研究不同浓度的维生素E和硒对丙烯酰胺 染毒V79细胞的拮抗作用。

  • Objective To study the antiemetic effect and toxicity of granisetron .

    目的观察盐酸格拉司琼止吐效果和 毒性

  • Niphensamide has been synthesized and tested for spermicidal activity toxicity and poison mechanism .

    研究了硝苯柳胺的合成,杀精子活性及其 毒性和毒理性能。

  • Discuss the toxicity of heptafluoropropane and test method based on animals about toxicity of heptafluoropropane and perfluoroisobutylene .

    讨论了七氟丙烷灭火剂的 毒性,对七氟丙烷灭火剂和全氟异丁烯的毒性以动物试验方法进行了研究。

  • Thus the selected formulation for folic acid and mAb225 is most likely to avoid off-target cell toxicity .

    因此,选择叶酸和mAb225的配比很可能避免对非靶向细胞的 毒性

  • Objective To investigate the inhibitory effects of Taurine on the cellular toxicity induced by glycolaldehyde .

    目的:研究牛磺酸对乙醇醛所致细胞 毒性的抑制作用。

  • More and more drugs with toxicity will be found due to the relativity of drug toxicity .

    药毒的相对性决定了将有更多的中药 毒性被发现。

  • Objective : To investigate toxicity of ethanol extracts from hippocampus .

    目的研究海马乙醇提取物的 毒性 作用

  • Objective To analyze the outcomes of subacute N-Hexane toxicity .

    目的研究亚急性正己烷 中毒所致周围神经病的转归。

  • The toxicity of abamectin on different developmental stages of Trichogramma evanescens and effects on its population dynamics were studied .

    研究了阿维菌素对广赤眼蜂不同发育阶段的 毒性和实验种群动态的影响。

  • Experimental study on acute toxicity and mutagenicity of salicylic acid disinfectant

    水杨酸消毒粉急性 毒性和致突变的实验研究

  • Objective To study the long-term toxicity of Paidu Qingzhi capsule in rats .

    目的研究排毒清脂胶囊对大鼠的长期 毒性

  • Objective To know the bacteriostatic efficacy and toxicity of aloe extract .

    目的了解芦荟提取液抑菌效果和 毒性

  • Objective : With selenomethionine as reference we investigated the bioavailability and toxicity of methylselenocysteine .

    目的:以硒蛋氨酸为参照,研究甲基硒半胱氨酸的生物利用率和 毒性

  • Toxicity of Gallic Acid and Pyrogallic Acid to Anaerobic Microbe

    没食子酸和焦性没食子酸对厌氧微生物的 毒性研究

  • Further research into gentamicin and chloramphenicol toxicity and into the pharmacokinetics of ceftriaxone and ciprofloxacin is also required .

    还需要对庆大霉素和氯霉素的 毒性以及头孢曲松和环丙沙星的药物动力学做进一步的研究。

  • The silica nanoparticles do not have toxicity and can be used in vivo .

    硅纳米颗粒没有 毒性并能在体内使用。

  • Acute and subacute toxicity experiments of the new preparations of hypericin were p.

    本文对金丝桃素新制剂进行了急性和亚急性 毒性实验。

  • The Effect of glyphosate on the acute toxicity and genotoxicity of Mice

    41%草甘膦对小鼠的急性 毒性和遗传毒性的实验研究

  • Studying acute toxicity and maximum tolerable dose of Astragalus composition F3 new preparation .

    研究黄芪成分F3新制剂的急性 毒性和最大耐受量。

  • Objective To investigate toxicity and teratogenic effect of Microula seed oil on embryo of rat .

    目的探讨微孔草子油对大鼠胚胎 毒性和致畸作用。

  • Times no drugs on reproductive toxicity but also born mice did not appear abnormal .

    倍,没有发生药物对生殖的 毒性 反应,而且生下来的小鼠并没有出现畸形。

  • Objective : To evaluate the efficacy and toxicity of Gemcitabine for malignancy in the elderly .

    目的:评价吉西他滨治疗老年人恶性肿瘤的疗效和 作用

  • It can be concluded that formaldehyde has cytotoxicity and inherent toxicity to the cells of onion root tip .

    结论为甲醛对洋葱根尖细胞有明显的细胞毒性和遗传 毒性

  • In addition the landfill leachate-induced toxicity to seed germination and plant growth was studied using plant-test system .

    在此基础上,利用植物检测系统考察了渗滤液对种子萌发和幼苗生长的 毒性 效应

  • Study on toxicity and environmental safety of glyphosate to aquatic organisms .

    草甘膦对水生生物的 毒性 效应及环境安全性研究。

  • Initially these would be aimed at measuring the human and environmental exposure to nanomaterials and their toxicity .

    最初,这些可瞄准测量人和环境暴露于纳米材料和它们的 毒性

  • Toxicity tests have demonstrated a very low toxicity .


  • This indicates the toxicity and potential carcinogenicity of domestic detergents on fish .

    研究结果表明了家用洗涤剂对鱼的 毒性和潜在致癌性。

  • Methods A pair of acetochlor acute and chronic toxicity tests for loach were carried out .

    方法对泥鳅进行了乙草胺急、慢性 毒性试验。