toxicity determination

[tɑkˈsɪsɪti dɪˌtɚməˈneʃən][tɔkˈsɪsɪti: diˌtə:miˈneiʃən]

[法] 毒性测定

  • Toxicity Determination of the crude ethanol extract from Tripterygium wilfordii on Euproctis bipunctapex Larva

    几种高效杀虫杀螨剂的室内 毒力 测定雷公藤乙醇提取物对乌桕毒蛾幼虫的毒力 测定

  • Study on the Biological Characteristics and Toxicity Determination of the Pathogen of Gardenia jasminoides Bud Blight

    红栀子芽枯病病原菌生物学特性及 毒力 测定

  • This paper chiefly introduces the extraction isolation chemical component pharmacological action toxicity processing and determination methods of the aconitum .

    从乌头类中药的提取分离、化学成分、 毒性及炮制、药理作用、临床应用和 含量 测定方法等方面进行介绍。

  • Synthesis of Low Toxicity Urea-formaldehyde Resin Adhesive and Determination of Free Formaldehyde in Adhesive

    低毒脲醛树脂胶的合成及胶液中游离甲醛的 测定

  • A Study of Escherichia Coli O157 : H7 Strains Isolated from Animal Reservoirs in Henan : Detection of Toxicity and Determination of Clonal Relationship

    河南 睢县动物大肠杆菌O157:H7菌株的 毒性检测与遗传关系分析

  • The article briefly introduced pollution condition to food toxicity and determination method of fumonisin .

    该文介绍伏马菌素对食品污染状况、伏马菌素 毒性及伏马菌素 测定方法。

  • Observe Single Leaf Asarum himalaicum 's Acute Toxicity and Determination of its Median Lethal Dose

    单叶细辛的急性 毒性观察及半数致死量的 测定

  • The toxicity determination of the fungicide showed Dithane M-45 Junhejing Thiophanate-methyl had better controlling effects to A.tenuis Nees .

    室内药剂 毒力 测定表明:大生M&45、菌核净、甲基托布津对细链格孢菌孢子萌发、菌丝生长有很强的抑制作用。

  • In this paper OA-producing fungi the pollution of it to the agricultural commodities its toxicity and determination methods are reviewed .

    该文介绍赭曲霉素常见产生菌及其 食品污染, 毒理学特性及 检测方法。

  • Due to its superior pharmacological activities fewer side effects and lower toxicity a lot of research work about the extraction content determination and pharmacological activity of oleanolic acid has been done at home and abroad in recent years .

    由于其药理活性较多,副作用和 细胞 毒性相对较低,近年来国内外对齐墩果酸的提取、含量 测定和药理活性等方面做了大量的研究工作。

  • Comparative Study of Acute Toxicity of Pre and Post-Emulsified Lipiodol Ricin OBJECTIVE : To establish a derivative HPLC method for quantitative determination of cisplatin in emulsion .

    蓖麻蛋白碘化油乳化前后急性 毒性的对比研究研究建立经萃取后衍生化高效液相色谱法,用于 测定碘化油顺铂乳剂中顺铂含量。

  • Mice toxicity determination indicates that the lethal dose of intact ricin was 0.2 μ g.

    毒性 试验表明:毒素致死量为0.2μg。

  • The toxicity of mercurous preparation for external use was observed by determination of mercury content in urine from 15 patients .

    汞制剂能否引起汞吸收及汞 中毒?通过对15例外用含汞制剂(复方丹药)患者的尿汞含量 测定观察.说明外用汞制剂尿汞排出量随用药时间增加而增加;

  • The acute toxicity effect of Rana guentheri tadpole and the influence of testicular growth by dichlorvos and butachlor were studied adopting standard determination technique of aquatic biological toxicity .

    采用标准水生生物毒性的 测定方法研究敌敌畏和丁草胺对沼蛙蝌蚪的急性 毒性效应以及对精巢发育的影响。

  • Nevertheless due to obvious toxicity considerations mercury-free analytical systems for lead determination are currently sought .

    然而,考虑到这些电极都具有明显 毒性的,所以目前正在努力寻求用于铅 检测的无汞分析仪。

  • Toxicity Determination of the Extractions from 8 species Plants to Forest Pests

    8种天然植物粗提物对林木害虫的 毒力 测定

  • Toxicity determination meets national standards and adhesion is up to 5 B grade .

    毒性 检测符合国家标准;附着力达到5B等级。

  • The chemical structure physical and chemical characteristics relation of structure and effect toxicity metabolic residues in animal body determination of residues of phenobarbital ( PB ) were reviewed .

    本文就苯巴比妥(PB)的化学结构、理化特性、构效关系、 作用、在动物体内的代谢残留以及 检测 方法等进行详尽阐述。

  • Amanita verna : cultivation and Toxicity Variation determination experimental study for acute and accumulative toxicities of hydroquinone

    氢醌急性 毒性和蓄积毒性的实验研究

  • The dipping test in the work media toxicity determination and test of adhesion to stainless steel vessel painted with the coating were carried out .

    对涂饰该涂料的不锈钢器皿作了工作介质浸泡试验、 毒性 检测和附着力检测实验。

  • Not only the accuracy is ensured but also the toxicity in determination of Palladium content is reduced because of adding toxic substance of spectrophotometry method .

    该法在保证测量精度的同时,减少了用分光光度法 测定钯含量时因添加有毒试剂所带来的 毒性

  • Study on the Bacterial Luminescent Biosensor for Toxicity Determination of Pollutants

    用于污染物 毒性 检测的细菌发光传感器的研制

  • Toxicity and determination of rotenone : research progress

    鱼藤酮 毒性含量 测定 方法研究进展

  • Toxicity assessment and the determination of bacteria population .

    残留 有毒 有害 持久有机 污染物 检测污染物 毒性评价,细菌总数的 测定等方面。

  • Population dynamics 、 sex ratio 、 developmental duration 、 developmental zero 、 effective accumulative temperature and toxicity determination of Prodenia litura were studied in this paper .

    本文对斜纹夜蛾的种群消长、性比、发育历期、发育起点温度与有效积温以及 毒力 测定进行了研究。

  • It is very important to carry out resistance monitoring toxicity determination of insecticides to the resistant population biochemical mechanism research of resistance and analysis of genetic diversity for resistance and comprehensive management . 1 .

    开展褐飞虱抗药性监测、杀虫剂对褐飞虱抗性种群的 毒力 测定、抗性生化机理的研究以及褐飞虱不同地理种群遗传多样性分析,对褐飞虱的抗性治理及综合治理具有重要意义。

  • Isolation of venom of Naja naja atra AXD its toxicity determination of in different fractions

    眼镜蛇蛇毒的分离及各组分 毒性 测定

  • Toxicity determination of G P compound bioinsecticide to the aphid and its natural enemies in soybean field

    G-P复合生物杀虫剂对豆田蚜虫及其天敌的 测定