

abbr.toxic 有毒的toxicity 毒性toxin 毒素toxicant 有毒物

  • We 've done over ten different heavy metal tox screens .

    我们已经 排除了10种 重金属了。

  • What about drugs ? Tox was negative .

    会不会服用了药物? 毒性 测验是阴性的。

  • Miss Tox heaved a deep sigh .


  • I 'm just waiting for tox to tell me more .

    就等着 验尸 报告告诉我更多信息。

  • Miss Tox elevated her eyebrows and was again full of commiseration .


  • I sent blood to tox .

    我将 他的血液送去 药检

  • ' She is a curious child 'said Miss Tox .

    “她是个奇怪的孩子,” 托克斯小姐说道。

  • I sent samples to tox .

    我已经送去 毒理 检验了。

  • I took it upon myself to get you the tox report .

    我自己来做好给你 分析报告。

  • Miss Tox inclined her head ; but very coldly indeed .

    托克斯小姐 歪斜着头,但确实很冷淡。

  • I sent samples to tox of course .

    已经送了样本去 毒物科。

  • I 'm ordering a tox screen .

    我预约一个 毒理 检验

  • And a tox screen and analysis of any particulates in the wounds .

    还有 毒物 测试和创处微粒分析。

  • Miss Tox and myself are always present . We make a point of it .


  • So I scraped a sample ran it through tox .

    所以我取了样, 毒理 检验

  • Miss Tox had ceased to mind what he did .


  • Miss Tox regulated her feelings by the models before her .

    托克斯小姐 按照她面前的 个典范调节了一下自己的感情。

  • ' Yes he did ' returned his sister . ' Miss Tox and myself were present .

    是的,他 来看过了,他的妹妹回答 托克斯小姐与我本人都在场。

  • I sent blood and hair samples to tox .

    我把血液和毛发样本送去 中毒 化验 了。

  • And yet Miss Tox as it appeared forgot him - gradually forgot him .

    然而, 托克斯小姐看来已把他忘记了逐渐地把他忘记了。

  • Like the dear good Tox you are !

    一向是这样 热心、善良,我亲爱的 托克斯

  • Tox screen says you 're cool too .

    而且 氧化 测试显示你也很酷。

  • Uh I sent hair and blood samples to tox .

    恩,我把头发和血液样本 检验了。

  • That 's why you got a tox screen too .

    所以你还做了 毒理 检验

  • Great we 'll just wait for a tox screen .

    好的,我们正在等待一个 毒物 报告

  • Tox flagged risperidone and lithium in our vic .

    死者体内利培酮和锂的 毒素

  • In the evening Mrs Chick and Miss Tox take to needlework again .

    晚上,奇克夫人和 托克斯小姐又做起针线活来。