training center

[ˈtrenɪŋ ˈsɛntɚ][ˈtreiniŋ ˈsentə]


  • But I was arranged to tutor the key students in a training center outside our school tomorrow .

    但是,明天我被安排到校外一家 培训 机构去给优生们辅导生物。

  • I 'm Christina teaching IELTS Reading and Writing at Chongqing Longre Training Center .

    我是克里斯蒂娜,在重庆 朗阁 培训学校教雅思,主讲阅读和写作。

  • Manage special tools and equipments of training center .

    管理 培训 中心的专用工具及设备。

  • This paper advances the principle and scheme of constructing the network training center and designs the network experiences for meeting the needs of different levels .

    提出了网络 实训 中心的建设原则和方案,并设计了满足各个层次需求的网络实验。

  • This article mainly focuses on the design and function of television technology training center for trans-campus union college .

    文章对跨校区模式的联合学院电视台进行解析,从功能设计到技术支持提出了 独到 见解

  • He took the Kwun Tong Vocational Training Center photography course and graduated there .

    他参加了观塘职业 训练 的摄影课程,其后修毕了这课程。

  • And we have an education and training center .

    我们还有 培训 中心

  • It developed from a rehabilitation and training center into a preparatory school for blind children .

    先前只是一家康复 培训 中心,后来渐渐演变成了盲童的预科学校。

  • To mark the day Beijing established its first hearing dog training center .

    为了记录这一天,北京建立第一个助听犬 培训 中心

  • The International Edible Fungi Training Center of Alphy receives batches of trainees from home and abroad .

    安惠国际食用菌 培训 中心接待着一批批来自国内外的学员。

  • The training of qualified worker and technician of different specialties will is organize in the training center .

    培训 中心将按不同的专业组织熟练工人和技术人员的培训。

  • I am also a counselor of this training center .

    我也是这所 训练 中心的顾问。

  • Design and Implementation of Teaching Management System for Engineering Training Center Based on RFID

    基于RFID的工程 训练 中心教学管理系统设计与实现

  • Richard : First this training center is run by foreigners we have high standards of service and quality and we can customize the lessons according to customer needs .

    首先,我们是一家由外国人经营和管理的 机构,对服务和 教学质量有很高的要求,我们可以按照客户的具体需求有针对性地 授课

  • I came from the secret training center .

    我从秘密 训练 中心来。

  • When our coalition ousted the Taliban the Zarqaqi network helped establish another poison and explosive training center camp .

    在我们的联军将塔利班赶下台后,这个扎卡威网络帮助建立了另一个毒药和 爆炸品 训练营地。

  • Thank you . I learned it form cutture & arts training center .

    谢谢,我在文化艺术 培训 中心学的。

  • In2007 Department of Computer Science & Technology and Training Center in Dalian Neusoft Institute of Information worked together and built project training system for teaching .

    2007年,大连东软信息学院计算机系与 实训 中心合作,构建了可教学化的实训体系。

  • This training center boasts advanced modern facilities with powerful teacher group .

    培训 中心拥有良好的现代化设施,师资雄厚。

  • The athletes have been sent to a new training center .

    运动员们被送到新的新的 训练 中心

  • They can go back home and start a training center a school a kindergarten .

    他们可以回国,创办一个新的 培训 中心,一所学校,一家幼儿园。

  • One of my projects is a business English class in the training center .

    我目前仍在 培训公司从事商务英语的 培训项目。

  • 2 / 1994-12 / 1994 evening school of Hotel Management Training Center at Zhongsshan University .

    1994年2月至1994年12月,在中山大学酒店管理 培训 中心上夜校。

  • Pearl River Training Center is a non-governmental educational institution officially registered in Guangzhou .

    珠江文化教育 培训 中心为一家在广州注册的民营教育机构。

  • Will you assist us in setting up a training center in our city to train our personnel ?

    贵方愿意协助我方在本市建立一个 培训 中心来训练我方人员吗?

  • Second I suggest you to take an additional course in some training center .

    其次,我建议你去 培训 中心上额外的课程。

  • Ludao Training Center is professional in training modern individuals and organizations in development of newly learning and training methods .

    鹭岛拓展 训练致力于培养现代人和熔炼现代组织的全新学习方法和训练方式的开发。

  • Application of Centrex System in Communication in Training Center

    CENTREX系统在 培训 中心通信中的应用

  • The training center was being set up when I was there .

    当我在那里时, 培训 中心正在成立中。

  • A pharmaceutical salesman plugs into his car stereo the new cassette from the company sales training center .

    一个药品 推销员把从公司销售 中心的一个新的录音带插入他汽车里立体音响器中。