toxic gas

[ˈtɑksɪk ɡæs][ˈtɔksik ɡæs]


  • Structure Design of an Embedded Toxic Gas Detecting Instrumentation and Spectral Analysis Research

    一种嵌入式 毒气检测仪的结构设计与光谱分析研究

  • The paper discusses the required airflow of explosive for eliminating fumes from the aspect of generated quantum of toxic gas of coal mine permitted explosive .

    文从煤矿许用炸药 有毒 气体生成量角度研究掘进工作面排除炮烟所需通风量。

  • Since carbon monoxide is colorless and odorless one is unable to notice this toxic gas .

    由于一氧化碳无色无味,一般人很难察觉到这种 有毒 气体

  • Ln coming here you 've exposed yourself to toxic gas .

    到这里来的时候,你们都暴露在 毒气中。

  • Inflammble and toxic gas detector work properly .

    可燃气体及 有毒 气体检测仪器工作正常。

  • Reducing of oxygen concentration smoke that obscured vision and toxic gas inhalation are three major factors that cause people in fire unable to escape and result in the suffocation deaths .

    火场氧浓度降低、大量烟气遮档视线和吸入 毒性 气体是造成火灾中人员无法逃生而窒息死亡的三大主要因素。

  • His lungs are filled with toxic gas .

    他的肺部充满了 有毒 气体

  • If the total on the dice is7 or higher : There is no effect ! The character ignores the toxic gas and continues moving normally .

    如果在骰子的点数总和为7或更高:毒气没有效果!玩家角色忽略 有毒 气体影响,并继续正常移动。

  • We should restrict private cars as the toxic gas emitted by cars contains various known carcinogens .

    我们应该对私家车进行限制,因为汽车排放的 有毒 气体里含有很多已知的致癌物。

  • A serious toxic gas leakage happened in this chemical plant and Tim 's family suffered from the severe pollution because they were the most near .

    化工厂发生了严重的 毒气泄漏事故,距离化工厂最近的蒂姆家受到了严重的污染。

  • The blast sent a huge mushroom cloud of toxic gas into the air .

    爆炸冲击波使含有 有毒 气体的蘑菇云腾空而起。

  • In the chemical cleaning of oil gathering pipelines in the oil field the toxic gas is formed which is harmful to both human health and environment .

    在油田集输管线化学清洗中会产生 硫化氢 有毒 气体,对人体造成伤害,污染环境。

  • People in Nazi concentration camps were slaughtered using toxic gas .

    纳粹集中营里的人们惨遭 毒气杀害。

  • Code for the design of combustible gas and toxic gas detection and alarm for petrochemical industry

    石油化工可燃气体和 有毒 气体检测报警设计规范

  • Phosphine is a toxic gas which ignites spontaneously in air .

    自燃通风煤气燃烧器磷化氢是一种 有毒 气体,在空气中可以自燃。

  • ( military ) an explosive projectile filled with a toxic gas that is released when the bomb explodes .

    当炸弹爆炸时能够释放 毒气的爆炸射弹。

  • Give off highly toxic gas hydrogen cyanide upon contacting with cyanide .

    遇氰化物能 产生 剧毒的氰化氢 气体

  • Methods Based on the hemisphere diffusion mode the characteristics of toxic gas diffusion were studied .

    方法利用半球扩散理论模型,分析 毒气扩散规律。

  • Research on Accidental Consequence Analysis Model of Toxic Gas Leakage in Transportable Hazards

    流动危险源泄漏 毒气事故后果分析模型研究

  • Research on Environmental Monitoring System for Toxic Gas in Industrial Field

    工业现场 有毒 气氛环境监测系统的研究

  • Aimed at the problem of quickly detecting phosphorus-containing toxic gas we used home-made hybrid PdPc-PANI as the material for sensitive film and designed a binary channel SAW sensor .

    针对含磷 毒气快速检测问题,以自制的杂化酞菁钯-聚苯胺为敏感膜材料,设计了一种双信道声表面波(SAW)传感器。

  • The unit area provides alarm to detect concentration of toxic gas .

    装置区设置有 有毒 气体浓度检测报警器。

  • When the glue sprayer is operated the glue coating efficiency is high the coating effect is good and leakage of toxic gas in the glue can be effectively avoided .

    本实用新型工作时,胶粘剂的涂敷效率高,涂敷效果好,可有效避免胶粘剂中的 有毒 气体泄漏。

  • Local ventilation measures shall be taken at locations where toxic gas is generated locally to control their diffusion .

    在局部产生 有害 气体的场所,采取局部通风措施,控制其扩散。

  • Discussion on Toxic Gas Effect of Decoration Materials and Treatment Measures

    浅谈装修材料在 火灾 毒气效应与处理措施

  • Contact with acids liberates very toxic gas .

    R32与酸接触释放出极高 毒性 气体

  • A colorless toxic gas with a pungent almond odor ; has been used in chemical warfare .

    一种无色 有毒 气体,有刺激的杏仁味,已经被用于化学战中。

  • The utility model has the advantages that the heating power can be regulated without toxic gas being discharged .

    本实用新型的优点是:能调整加热功率且 无毒 气体排出。

  • A small amount of hydrogen chloride a toxic gas had been detected in the air in neighboring areas and the evacuated residents have yet to return home it said .

    毗邻区域空气中有检测到小部分 毒气氯化氢,撤离的居民们已返回家中。